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  1. Green Chile

    USA: Chasing Cinnamon Teal In Strange Places

    Wow that ruddy is amazing. Once in a lifetime chance on the US side. Speaking of salt lake marshes, I'm going post a hunt report on that location sometime.
  2. Green Chile

    USA: Chasing Cinnamon Teal In Strange Places

    Thanks Jay. I think they are one of the prettiest birds in the US. In flight, there is a rapid blur of cinnamon and blue that is unlike anything else I've seen.
  3. Green Chile

    USA: Chasing Cinnamon Teal In Strange Places

    My daughter is married into a Peruvian family. They tell me about this stuff back home. Sounds interesting and very different!
  4. Green Chile

    USA: Chasing Cinnamon Teal In Strange Places

    Sounds like an awesome trip. I haven’t been to Peru yet. Did you eat Guinea pig there? The fully plumed cinnamons sure are beautiful.
  5. Green Chile

    USA: Chasing Cinnamon Teal In Strange Places

    Are there still problems bringing them back in? This was the only place I know where I could reliably get fully plumed cinnamons and have them mounted. I would love to have a fully plumed ruddy duck but that will not happen in the US.
  6. Green Chile

    USA: Chasing Cinnamon Teal In Strange Places

    The recent post of all those beautiful waterfowl mounts prompted me to post one of my favorite waterfowl stories... You know how you sometimes look forward to something for years and then when you finally get to the experience, it’s worth it? This is one of those memories for me. I love all...
  7. Green Chile

    6.5mm bullet lot

    Ooof, I missed this one and I'm local too. I would have taken them all, especially the ELD-X. Glad they are selling for you.
  8. Green Chile

    I may have created a monster

    What a great "problem" to have. What are the odds of 2 lefties getting married? That's wild. I know one person can't bring 2 guns of the same caliber...but you might check with a permit expert if there might be issues for your situation if you bring the same caliber. I wouldn't put them in...
  9. Green Chile

    Giant Sable

    That's a good book if anyone is considering it.
  10. Green Chile

    Zim orders cull of 200 elephants

    Sport hunting isn't fast enough and they need the meat due to the severe drought conditions in Zim, Namibia, etc. It's a govt program to get meat distributed to villages whose crops have had 100% failure.
  11. Green Chile

    Video of giraffe harvested with 6mm

    I didn't finish the video and don't recommend watching it at all. It's click bait. If we quit talking about it, this goes away in a day or so. Let's move on to better topics. This is my last reply here.
  12. Green Chile

    Video of giraffe harvested with 6mm

    Against my better judgment, I watched the video. I regret watching it. That video will only hurt hunters and conservation efforts. It's a little sadistic.
  13. Green Chile

    Any personal experience with hunting big mule deer in Mexico or Canada?

    I look forward to your hunt report Manny. I'm surprised there was a rut opening left for Nov of this year.
  14. Green Chile

    Collecting all the North America waterfowl

    Tree ducks, mottled, greater scaup, harlequin and king eider. I lived in Alaska for years but never close to the kings.
  15. Green Chile

    Any personal experience with hunting big mule deer in Mexico or Canada?

    Scott you're supposed to have better news than that. I was sorry to hear your CO quality has dropped. You had a muley gold mine for years. I regret not booking with you back then!
  16. Green Chile

    Any personal experience with hunting big mule deer in Mexico or Canada?

    I’m in discussions with a well known Alberta outfitter. Apparently trophy quality has dropped a bit and 170 is the average in good areas…some 180-200 are seen every season but not as many as in years past. I hear big numbers out of Mexico but I wonder about the average size being taken there...
  17. Green Chile

    I may be done with africa, at least for a while

    I used Coppersmith and they found the ivory after it went missing 3 days when it hit the US port of entry. That was weird.
  18. Green Chile

    Is swift A-Frame going way of the dinosaur?

    True they are just sitting there quietly…like t-bills.
  19. Green Chile

    Collecting all the North America waterfowl

    Nice artistry. I have 35 of the 41. I haven’t chased any the last 2-3 years.
  20. Green Chile

    Is swift A-Frame going way of the dinosaur?

    A-frames make almost everyone's list for favorite hunting bullets and yet you can't find them to reload anywhere. They are like unicorns. I moved on long ago to have repeatable recipes that I can load, shoot and replace with the same thing. Honestly, I should sell my remaining A-frames and...
  21. Green Chile

    Sellier & Bellot TXRG 150 gr. 7x57 use?

    Another note on this load...out of 15 one shot kills on that hunt, no bullets were recovered. All exited with good expansion on game from impala to kudu in size.
  22. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    Those hills don't get a lot of snow. I bet those rocks were slick! Beautiful photos though. I bet those javelinas were looking for some heat!
  23. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    How was the wind on that winter hunt?
  24. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    Thanks Bruce. I had heard there were some aoudad options in RSA. Thanks for adding that.
  25. Green Chile

    Sellier & Bellot TXRG 150 gr. 7x57 use?

    Yes, the website will say that. Tell them you need it for an upcoming hunt and they can rush it through. They did for me. I don't think they keep a lot of backstock on hand.
  26. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    I would hunt them again sometime if you wanted to consider a 2x1.
  27. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    I will get his cell for you.
  28. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    Hunt was in late Sept 2021. I would say it was upper 90's during the hunt and pretty nice in the mornings. Could easily have gone over 100 that time of year.
  29. Green Chile

    Sellier & Bellot TXRG 150 gr. 7x57 use?

    This has done very well for me on PG up to kudu size...very accurate...headshots on impala, etc. Was also my load for leopard. I wouldn't change a thing about it.
  30. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    Reflections on the hunt: These kinds of hunts need to be defined clearly by the hunter and what kind of experience they are looking for. There are many different kinds of aoudad hunts. You can go to Morocco or Chad and hunt Barbary sheep in their original habitats…for $40k and I highly...
  31. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    Thanks. It was a good hunt and I recommend people consider it. They aren't getting cheaper!
  32. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    While we were glassing some rams across the canyon, someone said wow, look at that. We turned to our right and there was a single old ram walking towards us on our side! He kind of had his head down and seemed like he didn't have a care in the world...or maybe another ram had knocked him silly...
  33. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    The next day was our last day of the 3 day hunt. Now that we knew where the herds had moved to, we just went further the next day. We got on the edges of these mesas and glassed all over...looking down into the shadows and folds of terrain all over them. Where do you think we found them...on...
  34. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    By the way, if you are wondering what aoudad tastes like...I have no idea! Stephen said it tastes terrible...I asked the cook and he said, that stuff stinks to high heaven! we didn't try it. We went back to eating beef and good home made Mexican food.
  35. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    For those who care about numbers, I've never put a tape to this ram but Stephen did and said it was 34". I love the mass and the character/age of this ram. Next up is my friend's ram.
  36. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    Here's a couple of photos to show you how the terrain got vertical quickly. The ram fell off the cliff in the video above and landed down here.
  37. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    If you are able to hunt aoudad yourself, I highly recommend having it skinned for a half mount so you can show off the chaps. Here's Stephen taking care of business and a photo showing the result on the wall. Aoudad chaps are one of the coolest parts of the animal!
  38. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    I always find the feet of animals we hunt to be interesting. Aoudad hooves are used for climbing in the rocks of course, so here's what they look like.
  39. Green Chile

    375 H&H brass for sale

    I will take it.
  40. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    Thanks all. It's kind of nice to get to the win quickly on a hunt report sometimes, hah! However, don't change the channel yet. We've got another ram to chase and lessons learned as always.
  41. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    We took a quick range fix and it was just under 200 yards across the gap with a decent wind coming through the canyon. I got into the scope and got steady on the ram. Through the scope, I could see the wind blowing his chaps like wind flags. He was aware of us and had turned to face us head...
  42. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    We dropped our packs in the rocks and moved forward quickly and quietly. I loaded a round, engaged the safety and verified that my scope was on the lowest setting. We weren’t sure if the sheep had seen us but they seemed to be moving calmly forward…no running…no rush of movement. They were...
  43. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    We started the 2nd day of our 3 day hunt with a lot of optimism. Stephen said since we have eliminated one area of the ranch, I know where they are going to be…back in these canyons and mesas. He told us they tend to bunch up back in those areas as they feel safe in the rocks and can see a...
  44. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    Here they are walking under the trucks and just being curious...
  45. Green Chile

    USA: Aoudad Hunt On The Mexico Border

    One thing I love about the desert is that it looks empty...but it isn't! At this ranch there were a LOT of javelinas and some would stay close to the bunkhouses and come out to us when we were getting into the trucks. We would throw out our scraps for them and watch them fight over it...
  46. Mountain Lion Hunt Utah

    Mountain Lion Hunt Utah

  47. Green Chile

    300gr Ballistic silver tips in a 458win?

    The only data I could find in this bullet weight with H335 was for cast loads at 2000fps or slower. I didn't see anything for 300gr jacketed bullets and this powder.
  48. Green Chile

    Feb 2025 AH Group Hunt At The Rockin G Ranch

    Wish the timing was better for me. I would go just to harass @Mark Biggerstaff. I hope someone writes up a report on it for the rest of us.