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    Another New Member

    First African Safari Besids this site which is great you might want to try The Hunting Report Newsletter site, it requires a subscription but is well worth the price. Between it and this site you can learn all you need to. I used Cabelas for my first trip but have done my subsequent...
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    Safari Club International Convention 2010

    Sorry, I got the "pick of the litter".
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    Safari Club International Convention 2010

    You must join SCI and go, I was in my early 60's before I joined SCI and started going a few years later after my first Safari. Will be making my 4 Safari in 5 years, spending my kids/grandkids inheritence. You also meet the nicest people at the show, both members and vendors. My wife enjoys...
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    Safari Club International Convention 2010

    Easy, marry a wonerful wife! Encourages me to spend my lifes savings on myself doing what I love [besides being with her] hunting Africa.
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    Safari Club International Convention 2010

    SCI 2010 Jerome, I agree with you, also enjoyed show. A meeting at next years show would be great! Taxidermy work was outstanding, took many of the same shots you did to share with friends at home. Third year in a row at the show and not my last. Addiction took over and against my...
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    3 wishes

    Lord Derby Eland, Cape Buffalo and a huge Bull Elephant.
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    Booking hunt and doing your homework

    A friend just informed me of a hunt opportunity that sounded too good to be true in Zambia. Seven day Buff hunt for 7,000 including trophy fee. An individual with a named booking outfitter listed on this website had contacted him about an opportunity in Zim and then about the hunt in Zambia...
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    Long Gun advice...

    The Weatherby is a bear to shoot. Friend has a 340 Weatherby and a 416 Rigby, can only shoot the 340 a couple times versus the 416 all day.
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    Looking for Plains Game Hunt

    First trip I hunted with Ko-Ka Tsara Safaris in South Africa, had a great trip with many gold/silver/bronze scoring trophies. Ralph Koster was a great PH. Next trip was with Ralph again for 8 days hunting, 4 days sightseeing with wives and then I went to Zim for 10 days for Buff, another great...
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    Meet Up with Jerome at SCI

    SCI Look forward to saying hi in Reno. Cheers, Buck Curtin PS: Awesome website, on it evey day!
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    Looking to hunt non-expensive plains cape near Cape Town

    Google Hunting Cape Town and you will come up with a number of opportunities.
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    Looking to hunt non-expensive plains cape near Cape Town

    I have seen a company that advertizes hunting like you are looking for near Cape Town, can't remember where. Will try to find it for you. Good luck.
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    Do you have tips for not losing luggage?

    I was "held" up this year for the first time, checking rifle from Joberg to Blomfontein police held hands out and insinuated my rifle might not make plane on time. Really made me angry! Didn't have time to try to do something about it. Gave them 20 dollars and my gun made it, luggage didn't...
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    Differences in accomodation?

    Have hunted Swartkei property twice with my PH Ralph Koster [Ko-Ka Tsara Safaris] whose wife's brothers Charles And Philip Price own Swartkei Safaris. Wonderful properties, great game and accomodations. They are extremely hospitable and treated me as if I was hunting with them. Would give a...
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    Recoil: 404 Jeffery vs. 375 H&H and 416 Rigby

    I have a Winchester Safari Express with a scope in 375H&H, recoil is very manageable, enjoy shooting. Bought a Montana Rifle Company 404 Jeffries, haven't put a scope on it yet[was hoping to use open sights but old eyes cant see well enough] but recoil is significantly greater. Still breaking...
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    Is it too late to pre-apply for South Africa Firearms Permit???

    buckcurtin I think it is too late, however Air 2000, PHASA and Gracy Travel provide this service. Contact via internet and see if anyone can help. I have used Air 2000 and Gracy and found both companies to be very helpful. Good luck!
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    Asian Buffalo

    buckcurtin For that kind of money you could make a couple great trips to Africa and shoot many Buff.
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    1st timers animal choice!

    buckcurtin First trip was a Cabelas trip, 10 day 8 trophy trip, stayed 14 days shot 14 trophies. Second trip year later, 8 days South Africa, shot 5 trophies then went to Zim for 10 day hunt, got my Buff and passed up other trophies looking for a 55 plus Kudu. Friend on second trip planned on...
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    49 days and counting

    buckcurtin What are you transporting your ammo in? I leave 8/8 and start organizing this weekend. Good hunting!
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    What Areas Have You Hunted in Zimbabwe?

    Animals seen, not necessarily hunted, sorry my mistake for not being clearer.
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    Which .416 and why?

    buckcurtin Bought a Montana Rifle Company 404 Jeffries this year. Being left handed limited my selection. Pleased with my choice. Did notice bit more recoil than my 375H&H.
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    1st South Africa hunt

    buckcurtin First trip was in late May early June, second trip first week in August, this year second week in August. No problem with either dates. Does get cold in parts of South Africa, might effect your decision depending on where you are hunting. Have a great time!
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    Hi all

    buckcurtin Good luck Matt! You will love Africa. Graham Jones has a good reputation. Start saving for your next trip!
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    What Areas Have You Hunted in Zimbabwe?

    buckcurtin Hunted Matetsi during August 2007. Buffalo, Lion, Elephant, Hyena and loads of plainsgame. Herds of Sable, Kudu, Eland, Impala, Zebra. Outstanding area. Will return!