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  1. W

    Culling Pictures

    Although this thread was posted quite a few years ago, I still have people contacting me asking if it would be possible to experience a harvesting operation as a spectator. I'm starting to think I should explore the idea of taking a limmited number of clients on our harvesting operations. It...
  2. W

    Culling Pictures

    Culling in Africa:
  3. W

    Culling Pictures

    Springbuck culling Harvesting vehicle with culled animals (32) The Office Harvesting equipment for culling Springbuck on field abattoir Field equipment for culling 1800 Litre stainless steel watertank with hotwatergeyser, stainless steel basins, gasbottle and pressurepump. View...
  4. W

    Culling Pictures

    Loading Oryx (heifer)
  5. W

    Culling Pictures

    Culling Oryx.
  6. W

    Culling in Africa

    Saul Trophy hunting is a passion that drives individuals to spending great amounts of energy and money to get their desired quarry. Harvesting to me is a job that needs to be done as professionally as possible and collecting trophies has no place in it. Having said that, I have through my...
  7. W

    Culling in Africa

    Sir It`s a pity that your laws prohibit the commercial use of game, because that actually prohibits the numbers of game animals kept. If they had monetary value it would mean that there would be a lot more game on private land possibly even game farmers! Game meat is a wonderful natural source...
  8. W

    Culling in Africa

    It is a fairly tried and proven setup and results in using it has been very satisfying. Thanks for the interrest, I am busy culling at the moment and have`nt been on this site for some time. Will be busy for at least two more months. Regards Werdus
  9. W

    Culling in Africa

  10. W

    Culling in Africa

    Enysse Yes, culling could be quite taxing in many areas. Long hours and cold nights with some horrendeous terrain takes its toll on your body as well as your equipment. Its not that way all the time though, so mostly, if you are well equiped and know your stuff, then it wont be hell on wheels...
  11. W

    Culling in Africa

    Docman I am operating in the southern half of Namibia. I live here as well, on the edge of the red Kalahari, where we have the largest concentrations of springbuck as well.
  12. W

    Culling in Africa

    Jerome I`m from the south of Namibia.
  13. W

    Culling in Africa

    Jerome I apreciate the interrest. Because culling is such a frowned apon exercise, little is known about it I guess. We never do culling by day , because law stipulates that it has to be done at night in my country, Namibia. We do have a culling season here from April to August. Culling at...
  14. W

    Culling in Africa

    Taking headshots at animals always poses the risk of missing the brain and hitting the antelope in the jaw or base of the horn or throat. Different animals react differantly to being wounded in the jaw for instance. At night you will get enough chances to put a springbuck down thats been wounded...
  15. W

    Culling in Africa

    Daytime shots will be on average about a hundred metres longer than night time shooting. Wind is also a critical factor by day. Thats why culling in this country is required by law to be done at night. I dont like taking headshots at more than 250 metres. Chances for wounding the animal gets...
  16. W

    Culling in Africa

    Useless facts Some useless information about our operation: Our team came into existance 29 years ago. We`ve had members thats still with us from the beginning. I`m in the squad for the last 12 years and have a total of about 14000 springbuck. Member with the most amount is over 40000...
  17. Loading Oryx (heifer)

    Loading Oryx (heifer)

  18. Loading Oryx (heifer)

    Loading Oryx (heifer)

  19. Loading Oryx

    Loading Oryx

    The Oryx is eviscerated and closed up again with staples to minimise dust contamination.
  20. Loading Oryx (heifer)

    Loading Oryx (heifer)

  21. My son, Solomon and Me loading an Oryx taken for the house

    My son, Solomon and Me loading an Oryx taken for the house

  22. Harvesting vehicle with culled animals (32)

    Harvesting vehicle with culled animals (32)

  23. The Office

    The Office

  24. W

    Culling in Africa

    The reason we use .223 rifles are that they are cheaper to reload for, cases are plentyfull, they have marginal recoil and almost nill with a silencer. They are quite acurate with the right barrel and bullet combination too. Seeing as we only shoot at night, wind is rarely a problem. In day time...
  25. W

    Culling in Africa

    The vehicles I use is one born out of necessity. No modern vehicles seemed to be able to take the punch so to speak of driving in our terrain . So about 20 years ago my father started building his own version of a vehicle that he thought would be able to make the grade. The vehicle is called...
  26. W

    Culling in Africa

    I can only tell you what my experience is . To my reckoning about one third of animals culled will be mature males, one third will be mature females and one third will be juveniles above a certain cut-off weight of either sex. We have to shoot animals above a certain weight and this we judge by...
  27. W

    Culling in Africa

    We have Three vehicles with a shooter and two light operators each. We shoot from the front of the vehicles through a modified windscreen that folds flat, so the shooter drives the vehicle himself. At the field abattoir I have four people. The right equipment makes it so that the workload is...
  28. W

    Culling in Africa

    Thank you Jerome I will do my best to give interrested parties some insight into the culling business. Regards Werdus
  29. W

    Culling in Africa

    With the 6 mm BR I have stuck to the same bullet, powder and primer combination for the last 7 years. I have shot around 8000 animals with that rifle alone in that time, so, Yes, the combination works. Sierra Bullets has made quite a bundle out of me, I should have a share in the factory by now.
  30. W

    Culling in Africa

    I use a 6 mm BR, Remington 700 action, Macmillan thumbhole stock, Krieger 1in 12 twist heavy barrel, Leopold 8-25x50 mark 4 scope with 85 grain Sierra hpbt bullets. Second rifle is a stock Sako 75 Varminter in .223 with Leopold 6.5-20x50 LRT scope using 55 grain Sierra Blitzkings. For Oryx I use...
  31. W

    Culling in Africa

    Animals are evicerated on the vehicle, usually about 30 minutes after been shot in the brain and jugular severed. When the vehicle has about 30 animals on it, they are taken to a spot near the field abattoir where heads and feet are removed. These are taken away by the landowner usually. The...
  32. W

    Culling in Africa

    I would like to get in contact with an Australian game harvester for interest sake. Is there an overseeing organisation I could contact who can put me in touch with someone doing the harvesting?
  33. Springbuck on field abattoir

    Springbuck on field abattoir

  34. Field equipment for culling

    Field equipment for culling

    1800 Litre stainless steel watertank with hotwatergeyser, stainless steel basins, gasbottle and pressurepump.
  35. View from freezer truck to field abattoir for culling

    View from freezer truck to field abattoir for culling

  36. Harvesting equipment for culling

    Harvesting equipment for culling

  37. Springbuck culling

    Springbuck culling

    Springbuck on field abattoir
  38. W

    Culling in Africa

    Good day everyone I am a culling operator or game harvester or whatever you want to call a person taking large amounts of game animals for their carcasses instead of trophies. I am not a hunter. I am a harvester and have been for the last 12 years. I will be posting a few pictures of this...
  39. Culled Springbuck on field abbatoir

    Culled Springbuck on field abbatoir

  40. Oryx Culling

    Oryx Culling
