Search results

  1. Ardent

    What cartridge is most commonly used by PH's?

    Easy on the capital letters Jake, it's taken as yelling in forum etiquette and makes most people skip your post without reading it, myself included. My one dangerous game experience, my PH carried a .458 Lott, albeit loaded with .458 Win, a common combination as I understand it. He also stopped...
  2. Ardent

    What animal in Africa would you NOT hunt/shoot? Is there one....

    Rhino for me, Black Rhino to be particular. Got to see the Black Rhino orphaned calves in rearing, and how slow they breed and so forth, love the majestic guys and just happy to see them browsing. They have next to no natural predators at maturity (yes, lions could take one down potentially, but...
  3. Ardent

    Free Hunt from Spiral Horn Safaris for 2011

    Here's to hoping my wife gets to hunt Africa for the first time! Tyler you're a gentleman for giving early notice, fingers crossed.
  4. Ardent

    Rhino bullets 380 grains for 375 H&H Magnum

    My .375 has taken nine head of game over the last couple years since I bought it, ranging from Canadian Timber Wolf to Cape Buffalo. All but one animal, the Wolf, fell to TSXs (the wolf was a 300gr Hornady BTSP, just what I had loaded). It's become my default bullet, I've been so impressed with...
  5. Ardent

    Free Hunt for Two Hunters from Koedoeberg for 2011

    Kudu 57.25 Eland 35.25 Wildebeest 29.00 Warthog 13.25
  6. Ardent

    .404 Jeffery

    A good summary, clearly all avenues have merits, it's which one we each choose to take.
  7. Ardent

    Heym vs. Krieghoff

    This is a long term idea, very long term, as I still think I'd rather do more dangerous game hunting than buy nice rifles (though the doubles will woo me, one day). In the meantime, I read, and read, and read about them. In December I'll hopefully get to handle both side by side as well, the...
  8. Ardent

    Chapuis and Sabatti double rifles?

    Is his PH model back? Last I'd heard he'd cancelled it as he didn't want to compete with the production volume of Krieghoff, Chapuis et al.
  9. Ardent

    What cases can .375 Flanged be formed from?

    I'm not a fan of Bertram brass, Jamison is good and I'll use it as my primary hunting brass. However, no interest in burning Jamison brass just to punch paper, and the aforementioned RCBS case forming die shows there must be a readily available case from which they can be formed. That is what...
  10. Ardent

    ZIMBABWE: Back From Zimbabwe Buffalo Hunt with Touch Africa Safaris, Story & Pics

    Sorry Scotty, took me so long to get to you, and you'll be with Jon by now! As I'm sure you're seeing, lots and lots of buff, and all game, really. Sable will be tough, didn't see them, but did see a MASSIVE kudu, in Jon's words, "that's every hunter's dream right there..." Alas, wasn't in my...
  11. Ardent

    Hunt Zimbabwe with Touch Africa Safaris

    If anybody considering a hunt with Touch Africa Safaris would like a reference, feel free to contact me, Terry and Jon set me up with the best hunt I could imagine and a perfect introduction to African hunting. I've only hunted Africa once, but can say with conviction it's just not possible to...
  12. Ardent

    What cases can .375 Flanged be formed from?

    Looking to find out from what cases can one form .375 Flanged brass, I see RCBS makes a limited production case forming die, and I'd like to figure out how to form "practice brass". I don't own a gun in the cartridge yet, but I'm looking at either the .375 Flanged or the .450-400. Brass...
  13. Ardent

    reduced load data for .458 Lott and .375 H&H?

    I used these loads for some Impala for .375 this April during my Cape Buffalo hunt, but of course use caution and I cannot say these will be safe in your gun. In my gun, these are very low pressure, very uniform, and very accurate loads. 270gr Barnes TSX seated to the top band, over 40.0grs of...
  14. Ardent

    .404 Jeffery

    I'll always see push feeds as good hunting rifles, but not dangerous game rifles and I'm confidant this isn't misguided. The PH community clearly supports this position as well. R93's, etc are fantastic guns, but in the end, they're just bolt actions. There are better bolt actions, but I don't...
  15. Ardent

    .404 Jeffery

    Interesting points, but I must be of the crusty old school, as I wouldn't be caught dead driving the Toyota avalon. I find my PH and friend to be of the same, with a CRF M70, which he chose for reasons I'll never consider passe. I also have no need for MOA at 600 yards, and find there isn't an...
  16. Ardent

    .404 Jeffery

    I'm of a similar line of thinking as Von Gruff, I have a 1926 Mauser Oberndorf commercial sporter in 7x57 and can't imagine an advance in bolt actions past it. With regards to feeding and extraction, it's a more than century proven fact that a properly set up CRF action is the best there is...
  17. Ardent

    .404 Jeffery

    I hunted buffalo with Touch Africa Safaris this April, you will have an absolutely amazing time and I'm envious. As for the Mauser m03 posted above by another poster is that action controlled round feed? I'm confused why Mauser strayed from the best bolt action design ever, its model 98. I'm...
  18. Ardent

    Free Hunt from Spiral Horn Safaris for 2011

    Thank you very much, I would really appreciate the glasses as well! Too kind! Email coming.
  19. Ardent

    Free Hunt from Spiral Horn Safaris for 2011

    Congrats Tyler! Huge congrats to Tyler, well done, an beautiful photo too. My wife actually fingered that as a likely winner. There were a lot of beautiful wildlife shots, but I think for the hunting aspect there needed to be the hunter, the bow, the gun, or the dog so to speak in addition to...
  20. Ardent

    Free Hunt from Spiral Horn Safaris for 2011

    Even on its own, thanks for the thread. It brought out some of the best has to offer, and my wife and I have gone through the entire thread twice now. It's a better time than watching a movie... now I sit here and hope she gets to come as a winner! ;)
  21. Ardent

    The Largest Animal that Walked Ever Felled by a Gun

    Fantastic, one more reason to visit the Smithsonian, thank you for taking the time to share Jerome. Would like to see it in person, to get a sense of the scale.
  22. Ardent

    The Largest Animal that Walked Ever Felled by a Gun

    I'm sure a good few have read this already, but it's an interesting tale from 1956 from the largest confirmed land animal ever to be shot, a 24,000 lb bull elephant in Angola. Sounds a little bizarre in how many shots were fired, I imagine shot placement wasn't the best, but I believe the...
  23. Ardent

    How do you select an outfitter?

    I beg to differ, I went down a less travelled road for my Buffalo hunt, and had the trip of a lifetime. I selected my hunt by price, reputation, region, and references provided. Price was a major factor, the region also critical, and once I found those two together I went by reference and my...
  24. Ardent

    Barnes TSX's in the Krieghoff Classic Double

    Krieghoff got back to me, might be of interest to some so here it is. Looks good to me.
  25. Ardent

    The Largest Animal that Walked Ever Felled by a Gun

    I'm sure a good few have read this already, but it's an interesting tale from 1956 from the largest confirmed land animal ever to be shot, a 24,000 lb bull elephant in Angola. Sounds a little bizarre in how many shots were fired, I imagine shot placement wasn't the best, but I believe the...
  26. Best Nyati stare

    Best Nyati stare

    Best Nyati stare I could capture, on my last day as we passed a herd
  27. Zimbabwe


    On top of a Gomo in Zimbabwe spotting for Cape Buffalo, that's me with my .375 on top of the rock.
  28. Ardent

    Free Hunt from Spiral Horn Safaris for 2011

    These two added at the suggestion of my wife, one's an earlier pic from the same sequence of photographs as my first and only photo I've submitted to this wonderful thread. I was on top of a Gomo in Zimbabwe spotting for Cape Buffalo, that's me with my .375 on top of the rock. The second, is...
  29. Ardent

    Barnes TSX's in the Krieghoff Classic Double

    Good info, appreciate it, I think I'll take the question straight to Krieghoff and see what they say.
  30. Ardent

    Barnes TSX's in the Krieghoff Classic Double

    I've read cautionary tales about using anything other than conventional lead core bullets in doubles, I presume due to the stress a solid copper bullet, or even a Partition, can cause to the soldering. Is the Krieghoff Classic capable of safely and routinely shooting Barnes TSX's? I took my...
  31. Ardent


    Nothing to worry about, was a great country (was there hunting Cape Buffalo and other species this April), and felt more comfortable in Zim than RSA. I'm looking at taking my wife and youngster over next time.
  32. Ardent

    Free Hunt from Spiral Horn Safaris for 2011

    Thank you, yes it was a flash in time I'll never forget, and sums up the feelings of hunting Africa perfectly for me. Fortunately, we caught it on film too, hopefully the photo lets others share that feeling.
  33. Ardent

    Free Hunt from Spiral Horn Safaris for 2011

    I'm enjoying watching the competition almost as much as being a part of it. Still blown away Spiral Horn Safaris is offering this.
  34. Ardent

    Free Hunt from Spiral Horn Safaris for 2011

    Appreciate the compliment! Would be a heck of an introduction to hunting for my wife... :eek:
  35. Zimbabwe


    This is from this April, on my Zimbabwe Cape Buffalo hunt. This is me soaking up the view from the top of a Gomo, or granite bluff, where we climbed to spot game. The light was trickling down in vanes from the clouds that day, it was literally other-worldly. Will never forget it, just so glad it...
  36. Ardent

    Free Hunt from Spiral Horn Safaris for 2011

    Zimbabwe this April This is from this April, on my Zimbabwe Cape Buffalo hunt. This is me soaking up the view from the top of a Gomo, or granite bluff, where we climbed to spot game. The light was trickling down in vanes from the clouds that day, it was literally other-worldly. Will never...
  37. Ardent

    ZIMBABWE: Back From Zimbabwe Buffalo Hunt with Touch Africa Safaris, Story & Pics

    Thanks for all the kind comments guys, and Scotty, you'll be floored, and I have no qualms saying that as there's no doubt. Truly a fantastic experience with the Colletts, and the hunting is good and challenging, especially for us at the time as it was so wet and there was water everywhere, the...
  38. Ardent

    ZIMBABWE: Back From Zimbabwe Buffalo Hunt with Touch Africa Safaris, Story & Pics

    Indeed, I have no doubt I'll be back, just a question of when. My wife's already keen after seeing the photos, so it's a good start.
  39. Ardent

    ZIMBABWE: Back From Zimbabwe Buffalo Hunt with Touch Africa Safaris, Story & Pics

    I just returned from an absolutely fantastic time with Touch Africa Safaris of Zimbabwe, with my PH Jon Collett. Four months back or so, I posted here looking for a deal a young guy could afford to make a dream come true, and I was referred to Terry Wagner of Worldwide Hunting. Being a complete...
  40. Ardent

    Self-Clearing of Firearms on Arrival in South Africa

    Thanks guys appreciate the heads up on all counts, I have my new passport with all clear pages, SAPS forms, invitation letter, hunt and flight details, export permits from my country for arms, ammunition, and accessories etc. Guns cased in a Pelican case, ammunition in a separate Pelican...
  41. Ardent

    Self-Clearing of Firearms on Arrival in South Africa

    I'm off in a few days, any advice for a guy looking to self-clear my two firearms and ammunition?
  42. Ardent

    Using a Pelican case for Ammunition

    I'm hoping to use a locked Pelican case for my ammunition, seperate from the guns of course. I'll be flying a combination of Air Canada and SAA, from what I can tell, I'm in accordance however I've recently heard rumours of metal cases being required. Any thoughts?
  43. Ardent

    WTB- Boddington on Buffalo

    Indeed so I've heard, my friend owns II however, so I'm going to buy the original and we'll just swap once I'm finished it. Hopefully I can snag a deal on it.
  44. Ardent

    Shipping the skulls home

    I'm going to be hunting in April, and will be taking a Cape Buffalo, and have been thinking about taking a Warthog and a Baboon. Now, any advice on getting just the prepared skulls home is appreciated, I live in Canada for reference. Will the Warthog or Baboon overly complicate things, and...
  45. Ardent

    WTB- Boddington on Buffalo

    Wanted to buy: Boddington on Buffalo (the first one), cheers!
  46. Ardent

    Cape Buffalo advice

    Terry Wagner, as per a suggestion here, set me up with something semi-custom and perfect for what I'm after.
  47. Ardent

    Cape Buffalo advice

    Thank you to everyone, I found my hunt, within my budget, thanks to the help and messages I received here. Will be hunting this April.
  48. Ardent

    Cape Buffalo advice

    Thanks for the info and advice guys, I'm finding this to be an extremely helpful forum, a lot better than what I've become used to for online hunting forums. I suppose I should also mention I'm able to leave on as little as a few weeks notice, due to a flexible work schedule. So I'll hold my...
  49. Ardent

    New Canadian

    Thank you guys, it's a better crowd around here than many others boards, I'm already discovering.
  50. Ardent

    .375 H&H over .375 Flanged, or for that matter .416 Rigby in a double

    I've seen a good bit of cautionary advice saying don't buy a double in a cartridge without a rim, how much weight should I give this? I'm already set up for .375 H&H, brass is easily attainable, and a Krieghoff in the H&H would be a gem for me- if of course I'm not handicapping a magnificent...