Search results

  1. Ardent

    Jaguar in Texas

    Utterly spectacular, I sincerely hope they can gain a foothold and return. A land without its apex predators is no longer wild. I try to imagine British Columbia without its Grizzlies, and it's a sad thought. Same to imagine Africa without the Lion or Leopard. The Jaguar to the southwest is the...
  2. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    Thanks guys and Jerome for the heads up to come see what's up in the thread, Werner I sent you an email there talk soon and appreciate it. Angus
  3. Ardent

    USA: The Beginning Of The Hunting Season The Fruits So Far

    Another mountain goat in the salt the other day, this one's decent 9 3/4" edge of book, might just squeak in. Looking forward to late season and the big hair, and fresh weather challenges that will bring. We had one group completely weathered out it turned into a fishing trip on a lower altitude...
  4. Ardent

    USA: A Hunt Report On A Life Long Dream Come True... My Alaskan Dall Sheep Hunt

    Looks funny to me too, but that damned synthetic stuff can save your life. (y)
  5. Ardent

    USA: A Hunt Report On A Life Long Dream Come True... My Alaskan Dall Sheep Hunt

    Nice hunt, nice Dall, and nice gear! That's how you want a mountain hunter dressed when they show up.
  6. Ardent

    USA: The Beginning Of The Hunting Season The Fruits So Far

    I'm afraid I'm wholly unfamiliar with the Jacko method, but it sounds delightfully colourful! Thanks we're having a soggy good time J.
  7. Ardent

    USA: The Beginning Of The Hunting Season The Fruits So Far

    Thank you John for the less windy reply to my long winded reply, the fact is you offered a much needed window for explanation and it is honestly appreciated. I respect your opinion and experience, and in the same breath this isn't my brother or my first rodeo either and our time here sometimes...
  8. Ardent

    USA: The Beginning Of The Hunting Season The Fruits So Far

    Thank you for that thi9elsp, while I'm sure we'd enjoy each other's company in person I must bemusedly express concern with your concern. I'll blame the disconnect online. To quell your fears, I'm going to go out on a limb and surmise you haven't spent much time on the fjords in the BC coast-...
  9. Ardent

    Ugly question: 9.3x62 vs .338WM

    Here in British Columbia the .338 Win Mag is immensely popular, and the 9.3x62 is slowly picking up traction. Of the two, both will kill anything you point it at though the .338 Mag is significantly more versatile. It is ballistically superior in nearly every aspect from velocity, to trajectory...
  10. Ardent

    USA: The Beginning Of The Hunting Season The Fruits So Far

    Yep Merkel 140 .375, good eye few spot that in the circles I've shown it! Yea, weather has been ridiculously dicey, we nearly got washed out of camp salmon swam where our tent was just after we got camp moved. River rose over six feet in just hours.
  11. Ardent

    USA: The Beginning Of The Hunting Season The Fruits So Far

    Thanks! The dream feels like a lot of work, but anything worth doing is.
  12. Ardent

    USA: The Beginning Of The Hunting Season The Fruits So Far

    It was a very healthy load, but we didn't have far to go, as the crow flies we were maybe 300 yards from camp when it was shot. Little longer to walk but has to be the easiest bear retrieve I've ever had in boot travel country.
  13. Ardent

    USA: The Beginning Of The Hunting Season The Fruits So Far

    Appreciate all the kind words, lot of work but making progress. My day job happens to be slowing with the current Canadian economy so it was fortuitous timing getting Wild Coast rolling.
  14. Ardent

    USA: The Beginning Of The Hunting Season The Fruits So Far

    We started an outfit on the North Coast of British Columbia just south of the Alaska border this spring, it was a leap of faith for my wife and I and so far, so good. Here are the fruits of the first two parties through, will be additions as the season progresses,
  15. Ardent

    The Holland & Holland Royal Double Rifle: A Love Letter To A Lost World

    Wish there was a long family story, but I'm simply a doubleophile and have shopped them continuously for more than ten years since my introduction to them. This was simply the end of a decade of searching as I wanted some very particular things, namely a .375 Flanged, single trigger, and ideally...
  16. Ardent

    The Holland & Holland Royal Double Rifle: A Love Letter To A Lost World

    Thanks kindly Sierra, Zulu, and Panielsen. Indeed the rifle will live far longer than I, hope I can add to its history a bit while I have the chance.
  17. Ardent

    The Holland & Holland Royal Double Rifle: A Love Letter To A Lost World

    Thanks guys, I always post a bit quick, the copy on the site has had numerous fixes and tweaks since the "first stream of writing" version copied and pasted here. But the gist is here, ignore the doubled phrases and other bits that make me cringe and hopefully it's palatable.
  18. Ardent

    The Holland & Holland Royal Double Rifle: A Love Letter To A Lost World The Holland & Holland Royal Double Rifle: A Love Letter To A Lost World July 29, 2015 What you own never matters, it is what you do that means something. For the moment, my possession of...
  19. Ardent

    Wildfire in northern British Columbia, 300 foot flames

    Some photos from the burn, and Spooksar I actually lived in Fort Nelson too, spent too much time at Dan's. Fire was hot enough to deform the glass at a burned trapper cabin, and that was only on the fringe of the fire.
  20. Ardent

    Wildfire in northern British Columbia, 300 foot flames

    Indeed it's brutal, and JFet easy answer, no change has never occurred this fast, and as a result the natural mechanisms for absorbing the greenhouse gases are out ranged. Nothing developed to cope with sustained emissions at this rate. I'll apologise this will be short, I'm writing in a...
  21. Ardent

    Rph Princess Getting Married today

    Hearty congratulations rph, family is what it's all about.
  22. Ardent

    Wildfire in northern British Columbia, 300 foot flames

    Quite right, the area is a patchwork of burns of various ages, oldest unburnt timber is a few hundred years (old spruce), this stuff pictured likely 50-100 years since the last burn. That seems to be the most volatile range, the bigger and smaller stuff burns slower. The fire as pictured there...
  23. Ardent

    Wildfire in northern British Columbia, 300 foot flames

    Thanks JFet I'll be more polite than to raise a "BS flag" on your thoughts, however the reality has nothing to do with Al Gore or any interest group, but rather just good science. It isn't pretty and the concern is not whether or not there have been different climates over billions of years, but...
  24. Ardent

    Wildfire in northern British Columbia, 300 foot flames

    The handful who don't believe in human-caused climate change at present will have a hard time denying its effects in a couple decades. In the north the changes even in my lifetime have been extreme, the summers far drier and the winters far warmer. A river my grandfather skated on every winter...
  25. Ardent

    Wildfire in northern British Columbia, 300 foot flames

    When they take off, certainly the most destructive force in nature. You have a decent chance of surviving being in the path of a hurricane or even a tornado, but not a full intensity wildfire.
  26. Ardent

    Wildfire in northern British Columbia, 300 foot flames

    Thanks Brickburn we'll stay safe, and enysse I hope so too, it's the most devastating fire season in years already here and it's just started. This one may be a lost cause and we may just pull everyone out soon.
  27. Ardent

    Wildfire in northern British Columbia, 300 foot flames

    I do feel lucky to call British Columbia home. It will be quite a while, the north has a very short season for growth, and the intensity of the fires means the area won't be lush and green again for a good decade or more. Many decade old burns are still black and empty up here. Fortunately...
  28. Ardent

    Wildfire in northern British Columbia, 300 foot flames

    The wind comes on and off, when it gets windy you're right it goes nuclear. The heat is impressive, you can feel the radiant heat a half mile away in the cockpit no trouble.
  29. Ardent

    Wildfire in northern British Columbia, 300 foot flames

    Wildfire at work here in Northern BC, flames exceed 100m / 300' tall. I'm flying a coworker on board took the video, this was my moose hunting area will look different now. This is only a tiny fragment of the burn, less than 1%.
  30. Ardent

    Jaguar in Texas

    Would be a small tragedy to finally have a jaguar back in where it has been extirpated from for a hundred years and more, only to be shot. I love hunting, and I also love wilds and wildlife. A place is empty and a fraction of what it could be without its apex predators present, it is no longer...
  31. Ardent

    Something neat fell out of an old Jim Corbett book (Man-Eaters of Kumaon)

    No unfortunately, all blank, and great points CAustin. Worth checking the rail lines and where they went for sure Pheroze.
  32. Ardent

    Something neat fell out of an old Jim Corbett book (Man-Eaters of Kumaon)

    Indeed a fellow elsewhere pointed out it appears he's standing under a gravity lifeboat davit, with the keel of a lifeboat visible above, and standing beside a steam recovery winch.
  33. Ardent

    Coastal British Columbia Mountain Goat Bear Hunt For African Hunts

    I have a 5,300 square km / 1.35 million acre operation on the North Coast British Columbia, just south of the Alaska border with the largest tract of temperate coastal rainforest in the world. The world's biggest mountain goats call the region home, four out of five of the Boone & Crockett top...
  34. Ardent

    Something neat fell out of an old Jim Corbett book (Man-Eaters of Kumaon)

    That it is! The odds are astronomically against learning anything about the fellow, and perhaps the best part is always wondering anyhow.
  35. Ardent

    Something neat fell out of an old Jim Corbett book (Man-Eaters of Kumaon) I’m a sucker for old editions of hunting, exploration, and adventure classics, and having torn through WDM Bell I’m revisiting Jim Corbett with Man-Eaters of Kumaon, this find coming to...
  36. Ardent

    Why Hunt An Honest Reintroduction To Our Oldest Pursuit

    Brickburn, Arc, and Aaron thanks the kind words are appreciated.
  37. Ardent

    Why Hunt An Honest Reintroduction To Our Oldest Pursuit

    Thanks guys, and indeed TMS my wife took that shot, left quite the impression.
  38. Ardent

    Why Hunt An Honest Reintroduction To Our Oldest Pursuit An approximately 8,000 year old basalt biface fragment unearthed on an archaeology dig I took part in, 2007 British Columbia interior. Preface This is an article I’ve been meaning to write for...
  39. Ardent

    World Record Dall Sheep from Alaska (from somewhere else)

    It's amazing how animals will sit put where they know they won't be hunted. It isn't a shadow of that picture, and there isn't a ram to be seen but this is in the Rockies in a national park. They'll sit 30 yards away and stare at you, head outside the park and they practically run before they...
  40. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    Presume we'll see you at a meeting kudu or we may have already met, shoot me a message to chat want to keep this thread on track as others are using it to keep tabs on the rhino scam.
  41. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    Will be coastal brown bears, mountain goat, and a bunch of others but the first two as the focus. I just have to avoid the risk of derailing my own thread as it's a good tool on the case, and another defrauded individual learned there were more involved by spotting this thread etc.
  42. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    Thanks guys. This whole mess and dissapointment was a kick in the butt to focus on home for awhile.
  43. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    Thanks Brushmore, plan is to donate a mountain goat hunt to AH for one of the contests once we're in a position we can afford to. There are a hell of a lot of good people here.
  44. Ardent

    SOUTH AFRICA: Unnerving Situation With Rhinocon Anton Bakker

    Thank you, I'm very indebted for the continuing news. Bit of a segway but I've decided to use this as the motivation to move forward and we're starting a new 3,000 sq mile/ 5,000 sq km hunting operation on the north coast of British Columbia. I dream of Africa but I these events have fired me...
  45. Ardent

    New Hunting Accessory: The Big Five Up In Smoke

    Norfolk you certainly appear to appreciate the "small ritual" of the pipe, and it smokes very nicely. The center rough "hill" which will not show well in photos is supposed to be the volcano wrapped in the forest and animals. Hunthard I can't fault you there, I'm a scotch fan but couldn't say...
  46. Ardent

    .450 Rigby whats your opinion

    .30-06, .375 H&H, .450 Rigby, .470 Nitro (with upside down Woodleigh), .505 Gibbs. Here's an article I did on stopping rifles and it includes a comparison of their penetration on stacks of planks, the .450 Rigby is compared to the above pictured cartridges less the .30-06...
  47. Ardent

    .450 Rigby whats your opinion

    Commercial loadings of each are identical, but the Rigby has a significantly larger case (136grs of H2O to the Lott's 110grs). So you're either using less pressure to do the same work, or pushing the bullet much faster at the same pressure if handloaded. Recoil from both is identical at the same...