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  1. J

    416 Wby loads in the 416 Rigby

    I have just started a project to build a 416 Rigby for a up coming trip to Africa. I noticed that the dimensions, less the belt of the Wby, of the Wby and the Rigby are about the same. Then some one told me that the Wby was based on the Rigby case. I was wondering as the 416 Wby is based on...
  2. J

    375 RUM vs. 416 Rigby

    Thanks for all the advise! As we will be spending time in SA I still haven't figured out how I will get two 375s into the country, I thought I could get a friend to put one in his name but he had a snafoo with some else's gun in his case a couple years ago so he's not to hot about the idea...
  3. J

    375 RUM vs. 416 Rigby

    Enysse I believe that we will be driving to Zim from J Burg as we will be doing some sight seeing and hunting on the way to and from Zim. I would like to save the money as the price of the gun, components, dies, etc. would pay for another buff or more other animals. I am not aware of Afton...
  4. J

    375 RUM vs. 416 Rigby

    I have a trip to Zim in Aug for buf plains game and possibly ele. I have 2 375 RUMs but as it is troublesome to get 2 guns of the same cal. through SA. I was thinking of building a second rifle to take. I'm trying to decide between a 416 Rigby, or either a 366 RUM or a 338 RUM. As I will...
  5. J

    Rifle as a Tip for PH

    The rifle was actually purchased for the PH (as he said guns are expensive and hard to find in SA). He intends to pay for it so thus no surprise, but I thought if things went well it could be my tip. Our friend in SAPS said that if the papers were done three months ahead it wouldn't be to much...
  6. J

    Rifle as a Tip for PH

    It was my understanding after talking with someone we know who works at SAPS that there was just a form the PH needed to fill out a few months before we got there...some type of import form. I was hoping that was all there was to it on the SA end...if there is more to it than that I am all ears...
  7. J

    Rifle as a Tip for PH

    I was interested in knowing if anyone has left a rifle in SA as a tip for their PH. Also if there is any legal issues involved with not bringing the rifle back to the U.S.
  8. J

    Doc needed to export gun to SA?

    My PH in SA was looking for a brono 375 for his clients to use but said the ones that he could find were poor condition or very expensive. I found a CZ 550 that he would like to buy from me. My ? is has anyone had experience leaving a gun in SA, weather as a gift or sold? I'm told that he can...
  9. J

    SA with two 375s

    Phoenix Phil The two scope idea is what I think I will do, this is what I was going to do last year but the buf hunt fell through late in the planing so I didn't take both scopes. I built a second 375 rum ( I enjoy the first one so much) and wanted to be able to play with both, but more work...
  10. J

    SA with two 375s

    Thanks Frederik as my wife is going with I assume that she could do the papers on one gun (that is if I can talk her into it). FYI the 270gers at 3050 fps hit 2.5" high and 2" right of the 350s at 2675 fps the high I expected as you did but the right surprised me. But it is what it is. If I...
  11. J

    SA with two 375s

    I'm going to Zim for buf, ele, leopard, and to SA for plains game. I have two 375 RUMs 1 with a 1.75x6 scope sighted in with barnes 350g TSX and solids and 1 with a 3.5x10 scope sighted in with barnes 270g TSX. I would like to take both to Africa so I have load and scope more suited to the game...