Search results

  1. B

    Kilimanjaro Rifles?

    I guess they're now Kilimanjaro, used to be Serengeti. I've seen some built on MRC 1999 actions for exorbitant prices. Wonder if they'll go the way of Empire, Waffenfabrik Hein, and others.
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    458 Lott Vs 500/416 Nitro Express what one is best for a first big bore rifle

    Until you've owned quite a few big bore rifles, I don't know that I'd be plunking down $20K on a Kilimanjaro. Once you've hunted Cape Buff and other large game a few times, you'll be better able to determine your wants, in caliber, rifle weight, double or magazine rifle, etc. One good thing...
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    Leupold Scope For Sale

    I've got 4 of them...great scopes.
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    A Rough Day In Mozambique

    I had Mudu as a tracker when I hunted one of the Coutadas a few years ago. Great guy.
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    A friend of mine has a Blaser S2 in 470 NE. He only wants $6,500 for it. Great starter double.
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    Warthog Pictures

    Here's one of mine from Mozambique, with Mudu my tracker.
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    Ruger RSM MKII Safari 30-06

    Nice little carbine.
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    Ruger RSM MKII Safari 30-06

    Yes, that is called a Mark I Ruger RLS (Ruger-Lightweight-Sights). They are great little rifles, and have somewhat of a collector following. It should have an ebony forend tip. I would think $750-$850 in collector shape.
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    Blaser 470??

    A friend has a Blaser S2 in 470 that he'd sell for $6,500 if interested.
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    Ruger RSM MKII Safari 30-06

    Now there's a fair trade-off :-)
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    Ruger RSM MKII Safari 30-06

    No problem. I have a 458 Lott RSM.
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    Ruger RSM MKII Safari 30-06

    Interested. Where are you located?
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    Winchester M70 458

    Ed, is there any sit you're NOT ON ?????