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  1. McKenzie Sims

    Lets see some Kudu!

    Thanks for sharing, great experience for that young man to be on!
  2. McKenzie Sims

    Lets see some Kudu!

    Cool bull, its just a treat to even see these amazing bulls! Thanks for sharing.
  3. McKenzie Sims

    Lets see some Kudu!

    Nice bull!!
  4. McKenzie Sims

    Lets see some Kudu!

    Great bull!!
  5. McKenzie Sims

    Lets see some Kudu!

    Nice Cape Kudu they are such amazing animals. Cool packout pic as well.
  6. McKenzie Sims

    Lets see some Kudu!

    Great bull, what a beauty! Congrats thanks for sharing.
  7. McKenzie Sims

    Lets see some Kudu!

    Some great bulls!! congrats thanks for sharing!
  8. McKenzie Sims

    Lets see some Kudu!

    I'm sure there are many of threads similar to this but Id love to see some of your guys Kudu you have taken over the years. Please drop them below, and have a great Safari Sunday! Here is my best bull from the Caprivi Strip of Namibia in 2016.
  9. McKenzie Sims

    African Huntin Boots

    I have sevral pairs of Courteney boots but just got a set of the Jim Green barefoot African ranger boots and love them I wear them just about daily. For gaites you can get a leather or canvas sets from Tag Safari and Boyt harness company
  10. McKenzie Sims

    The Importance of getting a broker

    With the Safari season really ramping up and the major time for first time Safari goers nearing (June-August) I want to emphasize on the importance of having a broker. What I mean by a broker is having someone here in the US that knows the ins and outs of the trophy shipping logistics for...
  11. McKenzie Sims

    First time to Africa question

    This is how many of the airlines have it stated but I have flown to Africa many times with the clear, green, and blue ammo boxes you can buy at the local sporting goods store and have never had a issue with them. I even use electrical tape around them to secure that no ammo will get loose and...
  12. McKenzie Sims

    Missing Ethiopia

    Getting fresh updates from the bush in Ethiopia from my friend sure has me missing that great country. Ethiopia is such a special hunting destination offering some species only found there such as the Mountain Nyala and Meneliks Bushbuck. The country differs in terrain and habitat having...
  13. McKenzie Sims

    Shipping Questions

    Using a well knowledge broker will be key for any and all safaris. I use D&L custom house brokers and have for the last 8 years bringing back many cities 2 and tops permit animals from all over Africa and Asia without any issue they do quality work. I’ve read about comments above saying don’t...
  14. McKenzie Sims

    African 29

    African field sports Mike Murray, hunt was 14 years ago
  15. McKenzie Sims

    Who prioritize fitness for your upcoming and future safaris?

    Yup 100% agree can never be to prepared especially when a good last minute hunt comes up! Walking is the miracle drug doctors do t tell you about.
  16. McKenzie Sims

    African 29

    Thank you, yes this one was darted great cow. Hunted a Black as well.
  17. McKenzie Sims

    African 29

    Thank you! I believe that was an Gredos Ibex. This story should be in the next Magazine publication.
  18. McKenzie Sims

    Who prioritize fitness for your upcoming and future safaris?

    Couldn’t agree more! It’s a day by day win the battle for me as well watching what I eat and getting the movement in. Got any big hunts in Montana planned this year? I should be drawing my Wyoming moose tag that’s my big NA hunt for the year.
  19. McKenzie Sims

    Who prioritize fitness for your upcoming and future safaris?

    Heck yea I love to see other prioritizing fitness for any and all hunts!! I’m debating on burning my AZ points for a coues tag this fall as well and should have a Wyoming moose tag so will need some pack out fitness for that one lol. Man 59 days out from Africa how damn exciting, I hope to see...
  20. McKenzie Sims

    Who prioritize fitness for your upcoming and future safaris?

    I have an interesting question who here prioritizes fitness and health for their up coming and future Safaris? I personally really took a gut check on the topic After doing two back-to-back Safaris in 2022 being 26+ pounds heavier at the time with cardio being next to non and this was while...
  21. McKenzie Sims

    New member from Montana

    Welcome, I to spent years not being active on this site and just creeping every now and than. I dont know much about the outfit would be nice if his website gave some more info, could you get a refrence list from him? Also looked him up on the SCI record book and nothing came up. Cheers, good...
  22. McKenzie Sims

    African 29

    Thank you! Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia, and South Africa
  23. McKenzie Sims

    African 29

    Thanks my Disney land was Africa!
  24. McKenzie Sims

    African 29

    Thank you!
  25. McKenzie Sims

    I want a specialist in big kudu!

    Just following this to see if you'd made this hunt happen yet or had one planned? Love to see photos upon your return, I love hunting Kudu and big bulls are truly somehting special!
  26. McKenzie Sims

    Comment by 'McKenzie Sims' in media 'Kudu Hunt South Africa'

    nice bull and great photo!
  27. McKenzie Sims

    Comment by 'McKenzie Sims' in media 'Buffalo Hunting'

    Cool ole bull congrats!
  28. McKenzie Sims

    2025 CB/PG hunt

    Caprivi of Namibia is an increidble place to get a true cape buffalo hunting experience wth options for some good plains game hunting with being in the middle to make a short hop to spend a few days sight seeing in some other great countries. Zim is another great chocie with lots of great...
  29. McKenzie Sims

    First African Adventure

    Not an Outitter but have hunted Africa 15+ times and have had the greatest of experiences ever hunting that great continent from South Africa up into Cameroon and Ethiopia. You will not regret making a trip. Cheers,
  30. McKenzie Sims

    African 29

    Thank you, lots of great memories to get to that point. Hoping to make many more on that great continent.
  31. McKenzie Sims

    African 29

    Some people chase the North American 29 and I have done a bit of that myself but for me Africa has been my thing. I didn’t realize it till the trip that was to complete it for me but in 2021 I was just one animal away from completing the SCI African 29 with a Roan Antelope. Now this was over 13...
  32. McKenzie Sims

    Are You A Member of SCI?

    Life member since 08. My favorite organization I've ever been apart of. Been on local chapter board running socila media and helping with events truly love SCI, and at the convention you meet the most like minded friendly hunters from all around the world.
  33. McKenzie Sims

    Cameroon Bongo Hunt

    Thank you very much!
  34. McKenzie Sims

    Cameroon Bongo Hunt

    Thank you!!
  35. McKenzie Sims

    Cameroon Bongo Hunt

    Yes it is, well worth it to have the memories thank you!
  36. McKenzie Sims

    Cameroon Bongo Hunt

    Thank you very much I really appreciate it!
  37. McKenzie Sims

    Cameroon Bongo Hunt

    Thank you! Appercaite the compliment.
  38. McKenzie Sims

    Cites, hunting logistics

    No sir your broker is who you use for importing into your country? Are you located in the US? For example I use D&L custom brokers they do all my logistics on paperwork for import and export and work with my outfitters and the folks doing the dip and pack to make sure the paperwork is all done...
  39. McKenzie Sims

    ZIMBABWE: 10 Days In Zimbabwe With NYAMAZANA SAFARIS

    Looks like a damn nice safari was had! Thanks for sharing it with all of us, that Sable is a great bull and will be hard to match the experiences of the elephants. Congrats Todd and again thanks for sharing the story and photos. Cheers, MS
  40. McKenzie Sims


  41. McKenzie Sims

    Your 3 favorite hunting cartridges of all time

    Cool thread will have to dive in and read more on it but my favorite 3 have been. 375 H&H 300 7mm
  42. McKenzie Sims

    NAMIBIA: Namibia Chapter Two

    Look forward to following along as the hunt unfolds. Cheers,
  43. McKenzie Sims

    Threats to Hunting

    In my option it’s a few reason but it all has a common issue at its us. I’m sure it’s like this the world over but the infighting between hunters has gotten to a point that it’s become ridiculous with social media it has gotten worse because it gives a lot more people access to have a voice...
  44. McKenzie Sims


    My best bull is from the Caprivi in Namibia, not 60 but 58 and change. Seen lots of great bulls on that trip. 60" is the holy grail for a big free range kudu bull, as mentioned lots of big bulls from that botswana and the edges in SA. KwaZulu Natal holds some extremly good Kudu genetics as well