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  1. DaveL

    What caliber rifle would you use for Leopard?

    It's a pertinent question, however in my opinion, it is easily answered. Craig Boddington said it best, and I will paraphrase the outdoor writer here. Any adequate deer calibre is going to kill a leopard. But what I think Col. Boddington (or is it General now?) also implied here, is to use a...
  2. DaveL

    In memoriam - Theunis Botha

    Very sad. Deepest condolences to the family and all who knew him.
  3. DaveL

    What caliber rifle would you use for Leopard?

    Guys use the weapon you are most comfortable with. Nothing wrong with a good old tried and tested .30-06 if you have it. Don't go out and buy some superfluous wonder calibre when you have old faithful in the gun safe back home. Take it from an African PH - it's all about shot placement!
  4. DaveL

    Judging Eland

  5. DaveL

    Judging Eland

    Ah Eland - how I love guiding clients on to a gun metal grey bull! I have hunted eland in RSA, Zim and Mozambique and nowhere comes close to the Niassa Reserve of northern Mozambique! The bulls are massive, dark and the horn length and mass is very good. There's something about that miombo...
  6. DaveL

    Judging Leopard Spoor

    Judging the cat on tracks and sign left behind is one thing, but once that blind is built (that's a whole another topic) and we are comfortably ensconced in what we hope is a fool proof hide, I always go over a checklist in my mind for when that cat gets in the tree. The track looks good, he has...
  7. DaveL

    Judging Leopard Spoor

    Good to see some interesting content on here chaps. While we are talking about leopard and how to judge him from his track, it also reminded me that often we don't have the benefit of a clear track whereby to judge Mr Spots. Before the advent of trail cameras we had to do some old fashion...
  8. Judging Leopard Tracks

    Judging Leopard Tracks

    A few days ago I was walking with my wife in the safari area that I hunt when we heard the vervet monkeys going crazy. My immediate reaction was that there was a predator on the prowl, and seeing that we were on the fringe of some riverine, I guessed it would most likely be leopard. We crept no...
  9. Judging Leopard Tracks

    Judging Leopard Tracks

    A few days ago I was walking with my wife in the safari area that I hunt when we heard the vervet monkeys going crazy. My immediate reaction was that there was a predator on the prowl, and seeing that we were on the fringe of some riverine, I guessed it would most likely be leopard. We crept no...
  10. DaveL

    Judging Leopard Spoor

    A few days ago I was walking with my wife in the safari area that I hunt when we heard the vervet monkeys going crazy. My immediate reaction was that there was a predator on the prowl, and seeing that we were on the fringe of some riverine, I guessed it would most likely be leopard. We crept no...
  11. DaveL

    CZ Feed Issues

    One thing i do enjoy in those dangerous game calibre CZ's is that magazine capacity!
  12. DaveL

    CZ Feed Issues

    I had a similar issue with a CZ550 in .375 in Mozambique. Following a wounded buff in the long grass and weapon failed to feed after i took a crack at him. Got my attention in a big way!