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  1. Mtgoat

    Which species for 1st dangerous game hunt?

    How does the 375 Ruger differ from the 375 H&H?
  2. Mtgoat

    Which species for 1st dangerous game hunt?

    What about a CZ 550 American Safari or a Sako AV?
  3. Mtgoat

    Which species for 1st dangerous game hunt?

    You can count on it.
  4. Mtgoat

    Which species for 1st dangerous game hunt?

    Thanks. The next step is going to be buying a gun for the trip. After that comes practice time at the range, followed by more practice time.
  5. Mtgoat

    Which species for 1st dangerous game hunt?

    South Africa
  6. Mtgoat

    Which species for 1st dangerous game hunt?

    I made my decision - it's going to be lion in 2014.
  7. Mtgoat

    hunt of a life time

    Tap, Congrats on a great bull and more important blessings and guidance as you move into the next phase of your life - whatever that may hold.
  8. Mtgoat

    Trophies may be MIA

    Unfortunately, I didn't pick a time for shipping. It was the shipper's choice. I would have been just as happy if he had allowed it to sit until after school holidays.
  9. Mtgoat

    PETA's Letter To 18-Year-Old Girl Mauled By Bear

    I love it! In fact, it's pretty close to the truth. I strongly suspect that the PETA types generally have "issues". Furthermore, deep down I think that they are nihilists whose philosophical view of the world can only be satisfied with the elimination of humans from the face of the earth.
  10. Mtgoat

    Trophies may be MIA

    I think that it is worth it for that once-in-a-lifetime "special" trophy - whatever that may be. It's going be expensive, but may be worth for the peace of mind.
  11. Mtgoat

    Trophies may be MIA

    Thanks for the insights. Coffee? Not so much - it would just get me wired. Too early for wine. I guess that I'll have to stick with tea for now. BTW - Out of curiosity, I checked on the cost of Fedex. It's like that old saying, if you have to ask you can't afford it. It would have been...
  12. Mtgoat

    Trophies may be MIA

    It should probably say "MiT" (Missing in Transit). I am more concerned than I might otherwise be because the shipping service had raised to possibility of loss in one of his early messages. "We would like to send our last US shipments on the 6th of December, as I want to avoid them being...
  13. Mtgoat

    PETA's Letter To 18-Year-Old Girl Mauled By Bear

    In case any of you are suffering from low blood pressure, you can watch this video of an interview with a PETA exec about the letter.'s-attacked-bear
  14. Mtgoat

    PETA's Letter To 18-Year-Old Girl Mauled By Bear

    An 18-year-old Pennsylvania girl was mauled by a bear Friday while hunting with her dad. The real story is the letter she received from PETA following the attack in which she suffered bite wounds and almost lost an ear. Via The Blaze: The letter, which asked the girl to use the attack to...
  15. Mtgoat

    Elderly driver

    An elderly driver is stopped by the police shortly after 2:00 AM. They ask him where is going at this time of night. The man replies "I am on my way to a lecture about (1) alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, (2) the harmful effects of smoking and (3) why staying out late...
  16. Mtgoat

    First time advice

    You are going to be amazed at how tough those animals are. I was shocked by some that I shot this year. I shot a springbok at ~150 meters with a 338 Win Mag. Even that little animal went a few meters. Wildbeest kept going even though it had been shot twice in the chest and was coughing up...
  17. Mtgoat Under Attack

    PM sent
  18. Mtgoat

    Connection through Heathrow w/guns

    I have a huge balance in my United account. I really need to fly on Star Alliance airlines.
  19. Mtgoat

    Connection through Heathrow w/guns

    I'm trying to make flight reservations to JNB with miles. Of course, the airlines are stingy with seats. It is looking like my best chance of getting a seat is via Heathrow. What is entailed with making a connection there with a gun?
  20. Mtgoat

    Hunting Africa Advice

    Buff-Buster - me too. I went to Africa with the mindset that if my PH told that I needed to shoot an animal, even if it wasn't on my list, I would do it (if I could possibly afford it). I had that discussion with my PH the first morning. It never happened, but at least we had an understanding.
  21. Mtgoat

    Hunting Africa Advice

    Bangzone, If you haven't already done so, I recommend that you read The African Experience by Craig Boddington. It covers a lot of the basics. Read everything that you can get your hands on. Watch as many shows about hunting in Africa as you can. Even with all of that, when you finally get...
  22. Mtgoat

    Winter is Here

    I love that expression! Picked it up a few years ago on a business trip down under and brought it back with me. It's now well established where I work.
  23. Mtgoat

    Winter is Here

    Now bluey, is that any way to talk to your friends? You just were looking in the wrong places. You probably ended up on some of those tree hugger web sites that want to protect the jackalopes by pretending they aren't real, hoping guys like us won't look for a license. If you doubt me...
  24. Mtgoat

    Winter is Here

    :-) You must be up in the mountains. Down here, it's +7, practically a heat wave.
  25. Mtgoat

    Winter is Here

    I'm looking out of my office window. The temperature is 7 F (-22 C), however, it is sunny and the snow and ice are melting. I've lived here many years, but I'm always amazed by this phenomena.
  26. Mtgoat

    Need help from African PHs Please Cell Phone Info

    One more thing... a plain, hard-wired phone line (i.e., landline) will typically give about 56 kbs. If you install the mobile app, you can make Skype calls from your mobile phone. If your phone is connected to a wifi, then the cost is the same as if you used a laptop. However, if you make...
  27. Mtgoat

    Need help from African PHs Please Cell Phone Info

    If all you need is voice, Skype can operate at extremely low network speeds. The minimum bandwidth required for a Skype voice call is 30 kbs. The recommended bandwidth is 100 kbs. You can get 56 kbs with dialup internet. In general, internet connections are measured in megabits per second or...
  28. Mtgoat

    Need help from African PHs Please Cell Phone Info

    If Internet service is available, Skype is the best option. It is no cost or low cost. There are other similar apps available.
  29. Mtgoat

    Winter is Here

    Yes, but what about your summers???
  30. Mtgoat

    Winter is Here

    Nope. True for northern Alaska and Canada. In Colorado, on the shortest day of the year, the sun will rise at 7:20 and set at 16:39. There is plenty of snow at the ski resorts. The days are shorter as you move north, longer further south.
  31. Mtgoat

    Winter is Here

    We need to give Mike a break. He has a long wait until spring. Those short days can make people touchy. We wouldn't want to be responsible for him going bonkers this early in the winter.
  32. Mtgoat

    Winter is Here

    Enjoy it while it lasts. The storm that we're "enjoying" in Colorado is headed your way. Better dig out your long woolies. Tonight it's supposed to get to -24 C. It's not predicted to get above freezing until next Wednesday and the weather service is predicting that it should stop snowing by...
  33. Mtgoat

    Which rifle for lion?

    OK, so it sounds like the consensus is a bolt action 375 H&H with a good quality, low power scope (1.5 or 2x - ?x). Now here is another twist on it... I have a Winchester Model 70 338 Win Mag which, with a brake, is unpleasant to shoot. Without a brake it is painful to shoot. However, I...
  34. Mtgoat

    World Record Red Stag

    Well, in that case the price seems much more reasonable. :clapping:
  35. Mtgoat

    World Record Red Stag

    Face it - in NZ nearly all trophy hunting takes place behind high fences. Outside the fenced areas, what we consider game is considered vermin - no season, no limits. In some areas, the government poisons them! Only problem may be access. However, you are unlikely to find what you would...
  36. Mtgoat

    World Record Red Stag

    For $150,000 they won't even buy you a drink? That gives new meaning to milking the client for every penny.
  37. Mtgoat

    Lion - stalk vs. bait

    I (unfortunately) started this thread. I have two things to say. Phoenix Phil - you are spot on my friend!!! I think that this discussion has reached the point that it is time to shut down this thread. As Phil said, it just gives aid and comfort to the antis. So, let's give this topic...
  38. Mtgoat

    question for the outfitters

    I know the outfitter - let's just say that it's a minor "character flaw" for an otherwise great operation.
  39. Mtgoat

    question for the outfitters

    Adrain, If you can manage it, go to SCI (or DSC) and talk with people. Talk with hunters as well as outfitters. When you have your short list be sure to check references - ask them hard questions. What they don't say can be as important as what they tell you. Ask about them on hunting...
  40. Mtgoat

    question for the outfitters

    Once you know an inkling of what you might want to mount, a quick phone call to a taxidermist can answer the question about the cost of taxidermy. Be sure to pick one that has plenty of experience with African game. My rule of thumb is that Total Cost = 2X Cost of Hunt. It's not perfect...
  41. Mtgoat

    Lion - stalk vs. bait

    It's not selling out, it's business - you do what you have to do to close the deal with terms that are the most favorable to you. That's why people have their houses "staged" regardless of what was in their homes originally. I'm told that one of the things that the staging professionals always...
  42. Mtgoat

    Lion - stalk vs. bait

    The anti's will always portray all hunting in the worst possible light and are willing to distort anything they can to work toward their goal of banning all hunting.
  43. Mtgoat

    Which rifle for lion?

    A thought just occurred to me. I have no idea about the distance at which shots are taken. In Alaska, a 12 gauge with slugs is recommended for close encounters with bears of all sizes - including the coastal browns that can weigh up to 1,500 lbs. So, what about a shotgun with slugs if its...
  44. Mtgoat

    Which rifle for lion?

    I realize that I am probably going to regret start this thread, but here goes... I am getting serious about booking a lion hunt. If I do, it will be for a captive bred animal in RSA. (Can we please skip the debate about hunting captive bred animals?) My understanding is that in that...
  45. Mtgoat

    Lion - stalk vs. bait

    It wouldn't do me any good - I'd just misunderstand them.
  46. Mtgoat

    Lion - stalk vs. bait

    Thank you. That makes a lot of sense.
  47. Mtgoat

    Lion - stalk vs. bait

    Why is stalking preferred? Isn't it more dangerous?
  48. Mtgoat

    Lion - stalk vs. bait

    As some of you know, I've been giving serious thought to booking a lion hunt. The outfitters that I have spoken with hunt them using spot and stalk. However, on hunting shows that I have seen I think that all, or nearly, all have been done using bait. I realize that shooting over bait is...
  49. Mtgoat

    NAMIBIA: I'm Back From My First Safari

    Because I had failed to make detailed plans with the outfitter, she rode along with me most days. Of course, the two times that I saw aardvarks were the times when she had decided to stay in camp. My wife is much shorter than I and the PH. She found it more or less impossible to keep up with...
  50. Mtgoat

    What made you know that you must hunt Africa someday?

    I honestly don't know. I went on my first safari this year. In the end, it was a spur-of-the-moment decision while at SCI in January. Prior to that, I had thought about all of the logical reasons to go and could think of plenty of reasons not to go. I've hunted all my life and I've hunted in...