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  1. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape 05/01-05/10

    05/05 Over the mountain, another lunch in Grahamstown and we hunt Kudu and impala on a northerly concession on the banks of the Groot-Visrivier or Great Fish River. According to Barry P, this is one of the highest concentrations of kudu in South Africa. It makes sense, very remote and nothing...
  2. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape 05/01-05/10

    05/04 Early start back over the mountain... Sun is up and we spot a small herd of blesbuck with a shooter at around 700 yards. We park the truck and begin a stalk. We've got a nice patch of acacia karoo to stalk to that is providing us cover. We get to the acacia, sticks up at 240 yards...
  3. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape 05/01-05/10

    05/03 We head back over the mountain to look for that pig again. See a few sows, no tusks. Riding in the back of the Hilux we see a giant baboon at 300 yards. Barry tells me to take a shot of I want. He's standing up broadside. I squeeze the shot and he ducks down right as the shot goes off...
  4. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape 05/01-05/10

    05/02 The sunrise view from my cabin. Winds shift from the south to the north. We go from lows in the high 40's to 98f by late afternoon. We take off over the mountain and see some pigs, one with really nice tusks. We go to make a move but they slip down into a kloof. Most other animals go...
  5. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape 05/01-05/10

    Oh yeah, shout out to Rys from Nyla Republic! We will definitely film the next hunt man!
  6. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape 05/01-05/10

    Spirits were pretty high in the boma that night. Most everyone had killed that day. We had a good crew of hunters from the States and the PH's at Frontier are golden. I felt as if I was leaving old friends when it was time to go. The South Africans remind me so much of Southerners with the...
  7. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape 05/01-05/10

    We load the gemsbok up and go look for Timba. We finally find him down by one of the gates. We take Timba and the gemsbok back to skin and take off to another place. We ride around and glass. We see some young black wildebeest, a herd of red hartebeast all female, and some more immature kudu...
  8. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape 05/01-05/10

    Sorry for some of the typos, my phone is acting goofy.
  9. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape 05/01-05/10

    05/01 First day of hunting. The house ladies knock on the door at 5:30. Down to the breakfast hall for a bacon sandwich and a cup of coffee then off to the range. I took two rifles, a Sako AV full stock in 30-06, topped with a Zeiss 3x12x44, shooting 165gr Nosler Partitions and 180gr Swift...
  10. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape 05/01-05/10

    04/30 After two nights at Afton it was time to take a midmorning Airlink flight to PE. Mr X did his thing and made boarding a breeze. I gotta say Airlink was pretty decent. I had a sandwich and beverage service, try getting that on a hour and a half flight in the States. Making the turn over...
  11. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape 05/01-05/10

    I arrived the evening of the 29th. I had arranged to stay at Afton for two nights before flying out to PE. I can't say enough about the service and hospitality that I received from Richard, Elize, Mr X, Charney, Joseph and the Ladies of the house. Afton has in me a loyal customer in the future...
  12. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape 05/01-05/10

    04/27-04/28 MYR-ATL-JNB After a year and a half of planning it was finally time to fly. Late afternoon flight out of Myrtle Beach to Atlanta. Everything smooth with checking in at the Delta desk. No issues with rifles, Pelican 2 gun vault with two rifles weigh in at exactly 49 lbs, golfer behind...
  13. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape 05/01-05/10

    When I was in my teens hunting wild turkeys in the swamps of the South Carolina Lowcountry, I once had a Dermatologist that I would hunt with tell me. Turkey hunting is like herpes, once it's in your blood it's there for life. No doubt the same can be said about Africa. Growing up reading...
  14. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape - First Safari Hunt Report

    You probably recognize the dog in my avatar, Ayla was my buddy while my Lab was at home!
  15. Field28

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape - First Safari Hunt Report

    Dan this is David, I was there with you. Glad that y'all had a great time. Overall we had a great group of hunters on that safari. I'm going to write a report also once Barry P sends me some better pictures than what I have on my phone.
  16. Field28

    Limpopo Bushbuck recommendations for 2025?

    That's intriguing, I didn't even think about Zimbabwe. I am hooked on the Bushbuck for sure.
  17. Field28

    Limpopo Bushbuck recommendations for 2025?

    Shot my Cape Bushbuck last week and looking to get my Chobe in 26. Looking for some Outfitter recommendations to get my Limpopo Bushbuck in 25. Thanks in advance. David.
  18. Field28

    Michael Sipple mauled by Cape buffalo prayer request

    Damn, I just saw you and Michael at Afton the day before. Prayers sent! David.