Gavin Lipjes
+61 457 586 298
+61 457 586 298

Thank you for taking the time to be introduced to PANTHER TRACKERS authentic leopard hunting safari. Having hunted most of the traditional Southern African leopard safari countries for the past two decades, we can say without reservation that across all the criteria, what we offer is the most epic leopard hunting adventure. Situated on the East coast of Southern Africa - Mozambique is a wonderful destination for a true Old Africa adventure. Incorporating both the Capoche and Chipera concessions, the TETENSE safari area is completely unfenced and game coexists with subsistence living villagers all sharing an expansive 500 000 acre section of the African wilderness. TCHUMA TCHATO is one of the first community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) programmes established in Mozambique. It started in 1994 in a remote area of about 200 000 ha on the Southern side of the Zambezi River in Tete Province, close to the borders of Zimbabwe and Zambia. It now incorporates almost the entire surroundings of Lake Cahorra Bassa – a total area of several hundreds of thousands of hectares. The TCHUMA TCHATO hunting model directly supports conservation by placing a value on wildlife that would ordinarily by viewed merely as a protein source or black-market commodity.

Check out our website for more information!


The community based natural resource management areas are Represented by the Yellow highlighted sections:

Hunting Mozambique
Expertise in leopard hunting is a developed skillset attained through diverse exposure to leopard ecology in varied habitats. Learning to think like a big cat is a combination of cumulative tracking plus methodology success and failure. When this is bound with a dogged passion for hunting these elusive felines, the result is a professional determined to achieve maximum competence. Two standard methods of hunting the leopard include Bait & Blind and Scent Hounds. Each has their benefits and we utilize the method most suited to the Sport Hunters’ requirements, aspirations, and abilities.

When hunting with PANTHER TRACKERS there is ONE set rate - no additional Houndsman charges.

Hunting leopard over bait attracts the hunter who enjoys the tactics of ambush and attack. This style is most effective when coupled with our seasoned knowledge of leopard activity concentrations and local habitat preferences. The Granite rock dominated environment provides ample Bait & Blind options for the tactical hunter. We combine patience, experience, and resolute confidence in setting the stage for the travelling hunter to claim an aged male rosetted cat in the 14-day hunt.

Hunting leopard over hounds is a proactive form of pursuing these elusive cats, and a sound conservation option as we are able to execute specific harvest selection. Our preferred method of hunting, this traditional style involves intense tracking and an indepth knowledge of leopard ecology. We immerse ourselves in the world of the leopard, trusting our interpretation of leopard behaviour, incorporating the skill of our canine team, with sights set on harvesting the most aged male big cat in the 14-day hunting period.


In Africa, there are very few Safari operators that own and maintain their own pack of hounds. The result is a necessity to outsource this service to fulfill a travelling hunters request - this typically attracts an added cost which has historically priced hound hunts in the premium range. Additionally in some countries, there are Government “hound hunt” fees that absorb another chunk of the Safari budget.

Historically I performed the role as an outsourced contractor to numerous outfits all around Southern Africa, providing the temporary service of a hound pack for the duration of the Safari. However, Panther Trackers has now secured the full quota on the 250 000 hectare TETENSE safari area which, amongst numerous other game animals, annually includes 4 CITES export Leopard tags.

The TETENSE hunting block incorporates PRIME leopard habitat predominantly made up of numerous granite rock formations and folded mountain ranges surrounded by Combretum and Mopane woodlands all life-supported by a multitude of streams and tributaries flowing into the mighty Zambezi.
The presence of Tsetse fly limits most livestock agriculture and consequently large scale human encroachment. Most human activity is concentrated around the lake as fish is the predominant protein source and market trade commodity. While poaching remains a concern for plains game population growth, the leopard finds safety in the hills where human access is practically restricted. The rocky terrain, location of the hunting block, healthy leopard population, access to Old Africa anthropology plus positioning on the banks of the Zambezi make for a wonderful Leopard hunting adventure. Panther Trackers is in the fortunate position to offer a market competitive price and adventure package that is designed to attract the keen leopard hunter who wishes to experience True wild Africa.


When a hunter understands Leopard ecology, two main environmental features are generically prominent - Rivers (both perennial & non-perennial), and Mountains.
These two habitats provide prime structure for all the ecological needs of the African Leopard.
Take a tour of our 500 000 acre hunting block to view the abundant occurrence of rivers and streams all feeding into the mighty Zambezi, plus the complex mangle of proud Granite mountains that shape the playing field for an epic hunting adventure.


Two established camps are strategically positioned to access the majority of the hunting territory. Leopard camp (Capoche) is centrally based in prime leopard habitat, while the Lake camp (Chipera) is located right on the North shore of lake Cahorra Bassa – a Tiger fishing MECCA!

Lake camp (Chipera) (-15.498642, 32.351796 GOOGLE EARTH)

Leopard Camp (-15.144184, 32.707442 GOOGLE EARTH)



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