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  • Billy,
    How would it be to be only 3 weeks from leaving. We are leaving the first part of June next year. Seems like a long time, but it should go quickly, we have a lot to do to get ready.
    We live in Roberts ID just north of Idaho Falls on I-15.
    Who do you hunt with over there? We bought a 4 day hunt package at a Friends of the NRA banquet back in February. It is with Numzaan Safaris. I have already upped it to a 10 day hunt and added several plains game animals.
    We have never traveled abroad so there are a great deal of questions to work out. Numzaan seems to have a pretty good information pack put together that address the basics. They even have a gentleman in Boise that is there local representative. He has been a good source of information as well.
    I look forward to talking with people that have been to Africa and share our dream of going. There aren't too many around that have been, so it is good to have someone local to talk with about it.
    JTT, welcome to AH. I live in Nampa and have been to Africa twice with my third trip comming up in three weeks. I am by no means an expert and I am not on anyones payroll, but would be happy to discuss my experience's if it is of any help. I know you and your wife will have a blast. let me know if I can help. Billy Maupin
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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg