AH fanatic
I plan on taking two rifles for our 2026 10 day Cape Buffalo hunt with Derian Koekemoer Safaris. I have my designated buffalo rifle, a CZ 550 416 Rigby sighted in with factory Barnes 400 grain TSX (1 inch groups or a slightly less, excellent accuracy) mounted with a Zeiss Conquest 3-9x40 on Warne QD mounts. I’m really enjoying handling and shooting this 416 Rigby btw! It’s the perfect size and weight (10.6 lbs total) for me.
I really need to handload for the 416 Rigby so I don’t burn up all my factory ammo! I’m limiting myself to 3 rounds a session until I acquire more ammo. I think a good 1.5-6 scope is a better choice but I already had the Zeiss and can use irons in a pinch. Go figure, there is currently a nice used 1 inch Zeiss Diavari 1.5-6 X42mm recently serviced by Zeiss on GB for $499.99 if anyone’s looking! Great deal but I’ve spent enough for now!
In addition to a Cape Buffalo bull, I’m considering a Cape buffalo cow, giraffe, warthog, bush pig, Impala and baboon. Perhaps, crocodile too. Of course my CZ 416 Rigby can do it all and would keep it simple as a one rifle safari but I desire to bring a second rifle.
I’m considering the following as my second rifle and am interested in forum members feedback as to what second rifle to bring between 375 RUM or 9.3x62?
I have a Remington 700 Custom Shop North American 375 RUM with a Leupold VX3 3.5-10x40 using 235 Barnes TSX handloaded to 3100 FPS that I get less than 1 inch groups, very accurate. Have used this setup and ammo to kill elk, bison and large wild boar. I also have factory 300 grain Swift A Frame and 270 grain Barnes LRX.
Next up is a CZ 550 American Kevlar 9.3x62 mounted with a Leupold 2.5-8x36. I have factory 250 grain Nosler Accubonds, 286 grain Hornady SP and 285 grain PPU that all average about 1 1/2 inch groups, a little more than I prefer but acceptable. I’ve killed several wild pigs and deer with this setup. Interesting that my 416 Rigby and 375 RUM are more accurate? I think I should try Barnes 250 grain TSX. Barnes seems to be very accurate for me in a variety of calibers.
I would perhaps use the second rifle for giraffe, warthog, bushpig, baboon and crocodile. If crocodile, I may prefer the more accurate 375 RUM. Both the 375 RUM and 9.3x62 would be fine for the cow buffalo, but the entire purpose of acquiring the 416 Rigby was for buffalo! Anyhow, always interested in forum members perspective.
CZ 416 Rigby & Remington 375 RUM?
CZ 416 Rigby & CZ 9.3x62?
Brendon J
PS- Tempted to call Derian and book Cape buffalo cow hunt in 4-5 months 2024 but have yet to convince wife! I told her it would just be a preliminary hunt in preparation for the 2026 buffalo hunt with brother and nephew, but haven’t sold her on it yet! She says I’m being selfish and I can’t really disagree!
Photo’s of CZ 9.3x62 with CZ 416 Rigby. Remington 375 RUM.
I really need to handload for the 416 Rigby so I don’t burn up all my factory ammo! I’m limiting myself to 3 rounds a session until I acquire more ammo. I think a good 1.5-6 scope is a better choice but I already had the Zeiss and can use irons in a pinch. Go figure, there is currently a nice used 1 inch Zeiss Diavari 1.5-6 X42mm recently serviced by Zeiss on GB for $499.99 if anyone’s looking! Great deal but I’ve spent enough for now!
In addition to a Cape Buffalo bull, I’m considering a Cape buffalo cow, giraffe, warthog, bush pig, Impala and baboon. Perhaps, crocodile too. Of course my CZ 416 Rigby can do it all and would keep it simple as a one rifle safari but I desire to bring a second rifle.
I’m considering the following as my second rifle and am interested in forum members feedback as to what second rifle to bring between 375 RUM or 9.3x62?
I have a Remington 700 Custom Shop North American 375 RUM with a Leupold VX3 3.5-10x40 using 235 Barnes TSX handloaded to 3100 FPS that I get less than 1 inch groups, very accurate. Have used this setup and ammo to kill elk, bison and large wild boar. I also have factory 300 grain Swift A Frame and 270 grain Barnes LRX.
Next up is a CZ 550 American Kevlar 9.3x62 mounted with a Leupold 2.5-8x36. I have factory 250 grain Nosler Accubonds, 286 grain Hornady SP and 285 grain PPU that all average about 1 1/2 inch groups, a little more than I prefer but acceptable. I’ve killed several wild pigs and deer with this setup. Interesting that my 416 Rigby and 375 RUM are more accurate? I think I should try Barnes 250 grain TSX. Barnes seems to be very accurate for me in a variety of calibers.
I would perhaps use the second rifle for giraffe, warthog, bushpig, baboon and crocodile. If crocodile, I may prefer the more accurate 375 RUM. Both the 375 RUM and 9.3x62 would be fine for the cow buffalo, but the entire purpose of acquiring the 416 Rigby was for buffalo! Anyhow, always interested in forum members perspective.
CZ 416 Rigby & Remington 375 RUM?
CZ 416 Rigby & CZ 9.3x62?
Brendon J
PS- Tempted to call Derian and book Cape buffalo cow hunt in 4-5 months 2024 but have yet to convince wife! I told her it would just be a preliminary hunt in preparation for the 2026 buffalo hunt with brother and nephew, but haven’t sold her on it yet! She says I’m being selfish and I can’t really disagree!

Photo’s of CZ 9.3x62 with CZ 416 Rigby. Remington 375 RUM.
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