Recent content by TXdawg

  1. T

    Ruger New Model Blackhawk 41 Magnum

    Would you mind posting a picture of the grips that you described? The black checkered hard rubber…the ones shown on the gun are smooth brown walnut. Thx
  2. T

    Waterbuck - South Africa

    Taken last year in Namibia- no idea on length of horns. Truly magnificent animals.
  3. T

    For Sale Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon V 28GA

    A baby-frame beretta with a “sling hardware kit”??? For those times when you absolutely, positively can’t take another step carrying your 5.5 lb. shotgun at port arms-nice!
  4. T

    Let's see some Zebra pics

    A couple of Chapman’s from the Caprivi and the b&w photo is a Hartmann’s. I have yet to meet an African game animal whose company I did not enjoy at the dinner table, but zebra is the best in my opinion. Great on the plate and a challenge to hunt…or at least mine have been!
  5. T

    Hello, from Georgia

    Welcome to AH from another fellow South Georgian!
  6. T

    Another New Guy from Georgia

    Welcome to AH….from South Georgia.
  7. T

    101 (or more) Things to Know Before Hunting Africa

    What Tanks said! I switched to 1615’s a couple of years ago. The Mrs and I have 2 fluorescent orange ones and since they stick out like dog’s balls, the chances of someone swiping them at luggage claim is greatly diminished.
  8. T


    I concur Tra3…nothing beats a 375 “Flimmed”!!
  9. Eland Hunt Namibia

    Eland Hunt Namibia

  10. T

    Cape Eland & Livingstone Eland Pictures

    Taken in Khomas Region of Namibia with Hunters Namibia Safaris this past July
  11. T

    Hey y’all from Georgia…

    Welcome from Dallas LH777!!! Originally from Ga and moving back to the southern part of the state in a few weeks. Glad to have you aboard!
  12. T

    on a lighter note...

    Whew! Glad I’m not the only one….not sure what that says about our brain usage?!?!
  13. T

    You might be an African Safari hunter if……

    If you’re convinced that the 375 H&H is one of the finest “medium” bore cartridges ever produced!!
  14. T

    Which Second Rifle?

    Wow, what a predicament to find oneself in!!! All are wonderful, but I’d have a hard time leaving the 318WR at home.