Recent content by Southeastsafari

  1. Southeastsafari

    Comment by 'Southeastsafari' in media 'Darling in the scope'

    @Firebird thankyou I'm happy with the bullet choice. With out a doubt I can get my groups tighter with more range time. It's been 2 years since iv fired a full size rifle round since I hurt my right shoulder. I tried to do 5 shoots groups as tight and close to each other as possible.
  2. Darling in the scope

    Darling in the scope

    Took 5 shoots to get my 3x9x40 redfield scope zeroed. After that I was putting round after round on top of each other. The 150gr core-lokts work pretty good.
  3. 165gr core-lokts

    165gr core-lokts

    6 shoots zeroed at a 100yds. She really loved the 165gr.
  4. Results from the range

    Results from the range

    Very happy with theses results.
  5. 1917 Enfield 30-06

    1917 Enfield 30-06

    Wanted to post a picture of my 1917 Enfield chamberd in 30-06. For a 103 year rifle shes a beauty and she shoots just as good as she looks very happy with her.
  6. 1909 Mauser 458 win mag

    1909 Mauser 458 win mag

    Wanted to post a photo of my newest rifle. It's a 1909 Argentine Mauser chambered in 458 Winchester magnum. Trying to figure out what type of wood stock is made out of anybody have any idea?
  7. Argentine Mauser

    Argentine Mauser

    Anybody have any idea what type of wood this stock is made out of. And I'm very happy with this rifle and cant wait to take it to the range
  8. Southeastsafari

    Unfortunately I'm using my mobile phone and cant figure out how to post photos of the new rifle

    Unfortunately I'm using my mobile phone and cant figure out how to post photos of the new rifle
  9. Southeastsafari

    How do I post photos

    How do I post photos
  10. Southeastsafari

    Picked up a new rifle the other day a 1917 Enfield 30-06

    Picked up a new rifle the other day a 1917 Enfield 30-06
  11. Southeastsafari

    Saying hi to everyone from South Carolina

    Ridgewalker thankyou much appreciated glad to be here and that's nice. South Carolina is diffy the place I'm going to raise my kids when I finally settle down and have kids one day lol
  12. Southeastsafari

    Saying hi to everyone from South Carolina

    Ok if been through that area a few times. Use to have a ex up near there, that feels like a life time ago lol.
  13. Southeastsafari

    Saying hi to everyone from South Carolina

    Hey always nice to meet another SC native. I grew up in Hartsville for 25 years but have called Florence home for 4 years now. What part of NC are you in now.
  14. Southeastsafari

    Saying hi to everyone from South Carolina

    Hello to everyone hope everyone is doing well. I'm new to the group. Just wanted to start off and say thankyou for allowing me to become a member and hope I can learn from here and gather up as much information as possible. I'm 29 years old and for as long as I can remember iv had a love of...
  15. Southeastsafari

    What game can I hunt in Africa with 8mm mauser

    What game can I hunt in Africa with 8mm mauser