Recent content by Smitty

  1. Smitty

    MOZAMBIQUE: 15 Day Hunt Report With Zambeze Delta Safaris In Coutada 11

    I, too, just found your report today! In my humble opinion, it is the perfect hunt report. I loved every detail. Thank you very much.
  2. Smitty

    Taxidermy in SA or U.S.

    AZDAVE has a very good reply. My experience with South African Taxidermy was a nightmare. When I did receive my shipment, it was not my animals, terrible quality work, and I had NO RECOURSE. I am going back to Africa this year, and everything will be shipped to the U.S.A. to be done by a local...
  3. Smitty

    Totally Awesome Taxidermy

    I know this is an old post, but I just met him today. Beautiful work and quite the showroom. I think I have found my taxidermist for my upcoming trip!
  4. Smitty

    NAMIBIA: Off To Namibia

    I was just there today! Nice guy, beautiful work. I am looking forward to using him as my taxidermist in the future.
  5. Smitty

    Bergara owners?

    I personally love Tikkas. I think Bergaras are fine rifles too. Bergaras are a couple of pounds heavier on average. I don't know if you would consider that good or bad, but it is something to consider.
  6. Smitty

    Africa is addictive

    Yes, very addictive. I wrote a "Once in a lifetime" report 6 years ago. Going back in May this year! Welcome aboard.
  7. Smitty

    Zimbabwe style hunt

    Thank you Phillip!
  8. Smitty

    Zimbabwe style hunt

    Good point. I am sorry about the specific dates. I have to wait for my son to finish his final exams at college and return for my daughters wedding, so I have bookends on the calendar. I may have to see what's available in July, that would work as well. Thanks for the recommendation!
  9. Smitty

    Zimbabwe style hunt

    Hi CBeck! I really wouldn't say anything was wrong, it was a great experience. It was simply different than what I am looking for now. It was my first trip to Africa, a place I had dreamed of for 40 years (literally) and never thought I would be able to go. I went to the East Cape for a 10 day...
  10. Smitty

    Zimbabwe style hunt

    Thank you for you advice, Rookhawk. I was looking at it differently, and enjoy the fresh perspective. I was trying to keep the "ask" as little as possible by asking for fewer days and lower dollar animals. I probably should just state my budget and see what is available for that price. I am...
  11. Smitty

    Zimbabwe style hunt

    Thank you Doug. I didn't mention the other countries because everyone said they are all more expensive that Zim. I am certainly open to any country that could provide that type of hunt.
  12. Smitty

    Zimbabwe style hunt

    I truly enjoyed my only trip to Africa. I shot plains game in the East Cape, and it was awesome. However, a few of the iconic features of a Safari were missing. So, I am hoping to find a different hunt where the experience is more important that the trophy list. I am a simple man, and not a...
  13. Smitty

    What is the Standard payment structure for booking a hunt?

    You are correct. My questions have been answered, and I thank everyone for their input.
  14. Smitty

    What is the Standard payment structure for booking a hunt?

    Thank you for the suggestions. It is nice to have some names of other operators. I didn't mention the name of the outfit because I don't want to cast any aspersions towards them if what they are doing is standard practice and not a rip-off. I have checked at least 6 references (including ones...