Recent content by Paparock94

  1. Paparock94

    300 Winchester Magnum bullets for plains game

    Which ever your rifle prefers the best as they are both great bullets (Barnes or Swift A-Frame).
  2. Paparock94

    Any Dangerous Game Slug Hunters? (Incl. Bear)

    I like big 12 gauge slugs. Unfortunately my favorate is nolonger made as its maker died. I wish so much someone would purchase the rights to "Dixie Slugs" and take his legacy main stream! I for one would purchase "Dixie IXL DGS" today and any day!!! If I remember correctly they were 73cal...
  3. Paparock94

    Thoughts on the 9.3 x 62 Mauser

    The reason I like the 9.3 today is the current availibility of great top quailty factory ammo for it as compared to the .35 Whelen which is also a great cartridge. The .338-06 is also a great black bear round but with limited ammo availibility and it diserves a wider following when a magnum is...
  4. Paparock94

    Thoughts on the 9.3 x 62 Mauser

    You are not a broken record! I want to hear about the Swift A-frame. Do you think they are to heavily contructed to upen up good on a heavy say 500lb. bear on a shoulder shot then traveling through the chest? Or do you think the 250 gr. Swift A-Frame would performe better?
  5. Paparock94

    Thoughts on the 9.3 x 62 Mauser

    What are your favorite bullets for the 9.3x62? Since, I am in the USA I am especially interested in the performance of bullets on large bears on North America if anyone has first hand experence. The 9.3 is gaining some popularity here it seems and rightly so after its storied reputation in...
  6. Paparock94

    Thoughts on the 9.3 x 62 Mauser

    I gave my .35 Whelen to my only grandson that is a hunter as he lived in Pennsylvania where there are monster black bears to be hunted. Also a good excuse for me to get that 9.3X62 and maybe my grandson and I can go bear hunting together! He, He! 743-pound bear bagged by Nazareth, PA. Record...
  7. Paparock94

    Brenneke 12 Gauge Slugs Black Magics and Magnum Crush

    I found this site recently and thought some of you might be interested since it features 12 Bore / 12 Gauge Dangerous Game Loads All the loads below are for sale on the site and are desribed there...
  8. Paparock94

    Slugs for Bear

    The DDupleks all steel ammo has made a showing of late. in the 3" variety, I understand.
  9. Paparock94

    Slugs for Bear

    In Alaska I believe it is still standard issue to "Game Department" and "police" for bear control.
  10. Paparock94

    Finished 9.3x62

    NICE!!! I have desired a 9.3x62 for quite a few years now but what I would want would require a custom build and I'm too broke now.
  11. Paparock94

    Brenneke 12 Gauge Slugs Black Magics and Magnum Crush

    Yes, I loved Dixie slugs and Tri-Ball!
  12. Paparock94

    Thoughts on the 9.3 x 62 Mauser

    I LOVE the 9.3x62 and only wish I could afford one now! Perhaps in the future. I owned and hunted with a ,375 H&H up in Wyoming. But I fell in love with the 9.3x62 at first sight. It is all one ever really needs hunting the timber for bull elk in grizzly country.
  13. Paparock94

    Brenneke 12 Gauge Slugs Black Magics and Magnum Crush

    I no longer live around grizzly, as I once did. The worse thing I could run into now is a Black Bear. When I lived and scouted for Mule deer and Elk in the off season in Wyoming south of Yellowstone I carried a .44 Magnum 51/2" Ruger Redhawk loaded with Randy Garrett 330 grain Hammerheads. I...
  14. Paparock94

    Slug hunting Plains Game and Dangerous Game?

    I would leave Dangerous Game to the safe use of a "dangerous game rifle". However, Brenneke 3" Magnum Crush rounds do deliver a .73 caliber 666 grain hardended slug at 1600 FPS and 3804 ft lbs of energy at the muzzle as I understand if you only had a 12 gauge shotgun in a pinch. To do so...
  15. Paparock94

    Brenneke 12 Gauge Slugs Black Magics and Magnum Crush

    The two heaviest hitting 12 gauge slugs Brenneke makes are the: 1. Black Magic Magnum 3", weight 602 grains, 1502 FPS and 3014 ft lbs at the muzzle. 2. Magnum Crush 3", weight 666 grains, 1604 FPS and 3804 ft. lbs at the muzzle. Both are devasitating rounds.