Recent content by mdwest

  1. mdwest

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

  2. mdwest

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

  3. mdwest

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

  4. mdwest

    Your 2025 Hunt Plans?

    We're headed to New Zealand in about 3 weeks.. wife will be chasing tahr.. if time permits, I'll go for a red stag.. South Africa in September to attend a PH course.. while there we'll also do a little hunting.. probably a few culls to donate meat to a local orphanage we support, and maybe a...
  5. mdwest


    You guys are way off the mark on American culture heros… George Floyd Trayvon Martin Colin Kapernick Dylan Mulvaney Lia Thomas These are the people the media and our politicians tell us we should emulate and herald…
  6. mdwest

    DSC Update from the CEO

    I think you have several problems with a DC show.. While it would be good (potentially) for political exposure.. it would be terrible for exhibitors I think.. People hate DC far more than they hate Atlanta as a general rule.. Its congested, with horrible traffic.. the hotels and restaurants in...
  7. mdwest

    DSC Update from the CEO

    at about 17 minutes he states that Kay Bailey still plans to be demolished and be unavailable after the World Cup... That is absolutely untrue.. SCI has already booked TTHA at Kay Bailey through 2030.. my understanding is they NEVER said they were demolishing the current facility.. they are...
  8. mdwest


    Policy, yes.. I could agree with that.. Signal is a reasonably secure resource (at least more secure than telegram, WhatsApp, and most of its common competitors).. Im not sure what this group was talking about was strictly a matter of policy though...
  9. mdwest


    We're saying the same thing... Gabbard and Vance both would be aware of NIPR, SIPR, and other less known systems that are in place for the sharing of sensitive information.. in their positions in the military (even with Vance being a low ranking enlisted guy and Gabbard being an MP guardsman)...
  10. mdwest


    The right wing press seems to be speculating that Waltz is at fault and that his head might roll soon over it..
  11. mdwest


    The guy at the Atlantic is a well established Trump Administrator hater… he’s feigning like he’s been a do gooder in this affair… he is not.. there’s no way he wasn’t going to purposefully take advantage of this opportunity when it fell like mana from heaven into his lap… Which leads me back to...
  12. mdwest


    The stink definitely isn’t on the journalist… The only question I have is whether this was an intentional act (clearly a stupid one… whatever positive purpose intended has clearly backfired)… or it was an accidental act (also clearly stupid.. since there are far better tools at the disposal of...
  13. mdwest

    DSC Update from the CEO

    I’m going to add a caveat… We need critter clubs that demonstrate integrity, honesty, transparency, and a commitment to the things we provide them money and time to support.. We don’t need another Wayne LaPierre run NRA… if Wayne’s in charge I’ll divert my money and time to organizations more...
  14. mdwest


    Like most things, there is culpability on all sides.. How Canada managed the past couple of decades is reprehensible on the defense front.. And the tactics now being employed by the US to try to get Canada to comply with its commitment leaves a lot to be desired.. I just find it amazing...
  15. mdwest

    Help! I need a new outfitter

    What country? What are the target species? and if you find a new outfitter, will anything you've done so far be transferrable? or are you starting back at square one? For what its worth, a good friend of mine owns a farm just a few miles down the road from Wytheville.. his son does quite a bit...