Recent content by maxtheflyinghorse

  1. maxtheflyinghorse

    New guy from PA

    Welcome and hello from Philly
  2. maxtheflyinghorse

    Free to a good home

    Well done. This is what this community is all about. Growing up couldn’t afford guns or shooting equipments back in India all I had was passion. And my dad’s good friend gifted his air rifle to me. It was a .22 break barrel. The happiness I had as a 15 year old was beyond my words and your...
  3. maxtheflyinghorse

    New Haven Winchester M70 Featherweight

    I got exactly the same one but in .308 mine is a 1981 Winchester m70 XTR featherweight. Beautiful guns. Good luck with the sale :)
  4. maxtheflyinghorse

    Winchester Alaskan 375H&H up for sale- New In Box

    Surprised it’s still here. Is it the new Portuguese made ?
  5. maxtheflyinghorse

    2024 Deer Season

    I just moved from the UK to the US last year and couldn’t be out last season due to having a new born. I’m trying to be out this season to have my first American deer. It is completely different compared to the UK. I used to hunt almost every month in the UK even though there is no public land...
  6. maxtheflyinghorse

    Winchester Model 70 Classic Super Express Rifle in .375 H&H Made in New Haven, Connecticut

    That definitely is a custom stock. This is my factory classic super express in .375 H&H had about 60 rounds from brand new:)
  7. maxtheflyinghorse

    New from New York

    Another Max here too and I’m here in Philly. I got a mate who.375 Winchester 70 classic super express along with a few other guns.
  8. maxtheflyinghorse

    Rigby Rifles At Work Outside Of Africa

    I got a mate who does. We did hunt together in the UK before I moved to the states.he has a highland stalker in 30.06
  9. maxtheflyinghorse

    30-06 or 375 h&h for a leopards

    I wish I could assist you. I’m from Kerala but settled in the states. It is the same in Kerala now the government have failed in taking care of the wild animals and they are causing a massive issue back in Kerala too. It’s high time government allow hunting in India. But I don’t see it will be...
  10. maxtheflyinghorse

    GPO scopes ???

    I use a GPO spectra 6x 1-5x24i on my .375 H&H and I got no complaints.
  11. maxtheflyinghorse

    Winchester 1200. Opinions?

    I have a 120 ranger pump absolutely lovely gun. I saw one at a gun show recently in a gun show as well.
  12. maxtheflyinghorse

    CZ 550 express sights... useless?

    Just my two cents. But may be I could be completely wrong as I’m not an expert as many people here. I used to have a CZ 550 in .308 with such a beautiful hog back stock. I had to change it to a straight style American stock as the hog back recoiled way different and it didn’t fit me right. The...
  13. maxtheflyinghorse

    CZ 550 .458 win

    Just saw this at my local gun shop. Thought it could help someone if they are looking for one. I have no attachment with the shop other than I bought my wife’s ruger lcp max from them. Shop is called Tanners and is in PA
  14. Winchester Mod 70 Classic Super Express Rifle

    Winchester Mod 70 Classic Super Express Rifle
