I bid on a bunch of things from this sale. I only ended up getting a stock blank though.
I thought the prices were dang good, I just couldn’t justify any of them right now.
Was that gentleman a member here? Judging by the rifles and trophies, he had excellent taste.
More price drops.
338 WM Lot - $600 shipped - 11 boxes - 194 loaded rounds, 31 fired cases
300 H&H - $65 Shipped (back up)
303 Brit (?) - 1 Bag - Buy any other lot and I'll throw it in the box
222 Rem - $35
458 WM Die Set - $60 shipped
475 Bullets - $40 shipped
375 Bullets - $180 shipped
Price drops:
338 WM Lot - $700 shipped - 11 boxes - 194 loaded rounds, 31 fired cases
300 H&H - $65 Shipped (back up)
303 Brit (?) - 1 Bag - Buy any other lot and I'll throw it in the box
222 Rem - $40
458 WM Die Set - $65 shipped
475 Bullets - $45 shipped
375 Bullets - $190 shipped
7x57 Lot -...
I have a few 30-06s and I need to thin the herd. This is a cool piece that could make a solid hunting rifle by itself or it could be used as a donor action for a build.
It has a 1951 date on the barrel. Overall, it's in decent condition. Missing the butt plate, as you can see in the pictures...
You beat me to it. His stories on that podcast are great.
Beyond the stories though, I appreciate his data driven approach to using sectional density as a proxy for effectiveness on various game. Super interesting stuff and it really explains why certain calibers and bullet combos seem to work...
I have way too much ammo collecting dust, so I'm throwing a bunch up. I'm guessing on a lot of the pricing, based on discounting Midway's price for the same thing, but I'm open to offers. If any of these are way high, it's because I'm dumb, not because I'm trying to take advantage.
All boxes...
My Dad bought a similar Buck Vanguard in 1993 or 1994, except with the gut hook. I still have it and I've used it to clear ever deer I've taken. Great knife.
It's not BSF, but I saw a wild hog just outside of Gatlinburg in the Smokies earlier this year.
A buddy and I hiked from the Elkmont Campground to Clingman's Dome and then back down by Sugarland Mountain. We wanted to do it in a day, so we hit the trailhead at 3:30am. On our way into the...
I've looked at a couple areas, including hunting the Big South Fork in Tennessee. It's federal land and open for hunting. I have no idea if it would be any good, but it would be a fun weekend since it's only a few hours' drive for me.
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