Recent content by JvW

  1. J

    Zeiss Diavari C 3-9 x 36

    Where are you located?
  2. J

    Want To Buy Shooting The British Double 3rd Edition

    I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but the 4th edition has more than a hundred pages extra with lots of stunning photographs. I've seen the first one to come off the press and am awaiting my copy as we speak.
  3. J

    So what about the other English gunmakers? Watson, Cogswell, Army Navy

    Woodward surely made double rifles, but not many. Winston Churchill owned a Woodward .500 NE with which he shot, inter alia, his Rowland Ward entry black rhino. If it would ever make it to an auction, it would raise the bar, price-wise, I suspect. This is a Woodward Automatic .450/400 (3,25")...
  4. J

    So what about the other English gunmakers? Watson, Cogswell, Army Navy

    Many rifles made or sold by the lesser known establishments are actually very good value for money. You can find Webley boxlocks with just about anybody's name on them, from the famous to the unknown. Quality was generally the same throughout. Look at this Evans .470 NE ejector from 1914 on...
  5. J

    Gibbs 360 No. 2 NE

    Nice rifle and a great cartridge. A friend of mine has its exact twin.
  6. J

    Is the Gemsbok coming back to Limpopo?

    Not 100% true. There was a small population of gemsbuck native to Limpopo. The Langjan Nature Reserve near Alldays was set up specifically to look after them. Over the years, they have done so well that many have been transplanted to game farms in Limpopo and elsewhere. I hunted one of these...
  7. J


    Another vote for the Northern Cape Professional Hunting School. Mynhard Herhold does a very good job and his 7-month course covers a lot of ground. The young men and women that go through the course definitely benefit from the education they receive there.
  8. J

    Explora LT capped bullets

    They are made in Tasmania. I seriously doubt if they will be available commercially in the future because of cost implications. They are expensive and very time-consuming to make. A friend has shot a few of them for research purposes and the results are included in his book which will shortly be...
  9. J

    Buying A Used Heym Double Rifle - Any Advice?

    There are more than just cosmetic differences between the 88B and the 89B, as some here have mentioned. They use totally different firing pins. The mainsprings on the 89B is longer to help with better trigger pulls-this was a criticism some had against the 88B. No cocking indicators on the...
  10. J

    Wanted 450 No 2 NE brass

    Bertram is, as far as I know, your only source.
  11. J

    Robertson (Boss) shotgun

    It looks like it has been reproofed at some point. Any idea why this was necessary? Are the bores still at .729" (which is nominal) and what are the barrel thickness?
  12. J


    Even this, at a push.
  13. J


    Op perhaps something like this.
  14. J


    Right, I'll bite...