Recent content by jb1069

  1. J

    Browning Love?

    I’m so glad I didn’t get the tattoo I 100% agree on all the cool guy stuff. Just wish I was the one who sold stickers to these kids. I wouldn’t have sticker shock looking at the rigbys!!
  2. J

    Browning Love?

    Seems like the is quite a bit of love for the brownings!! What you guys have shown are some of the nicest looking rifles I’ve seen. Thanks for all the input!
  3. J

    Browning Love?

    Looking through the classifieds and article on rifles I don't see alot of talk about browning rifles like the x-bolt, x-bolt ii or A-bolts. Is there a reason or am I just missing the right articles. The Medallion rifles look very nice and seem to be fairly accurate on the few reviews I have read...
  4. J

    Modern Day Classics?

    My wording on “Modern Classic” meant to me was a gun that could be purchased new or fairly recent. This was simply due to thinking that many of the guns you have all suggested would be out of reach both financially and obtainability. More or less I wanted to know which newer guns would be worth...
  5. J

    Modern Day Classics?

    USN, Thanks for the heads up on the Benelli. I do like the looks of that!
  6. J

    Modern Day Classics?

    I didn't purposely put a budget so I would get multiple opinions. But realistically I would like be $2500 or less. The main reason being is I am not sure at this point I would appreciate the difference. My knowledge and experience with rifles is small. I am a typical midwest whitetail/turkey...
  7. J

    Modern Day Classics?

    The Ruger has my attention. I already own the 77/22. These rifles would compliment each other to hand down to my son and seems like I already have a platform I am used to if these rifles are as similar as they appear. Understandably different going from 22lr to 30-06.
  8. J

    Modern Day Classics?

    Looking to buy a new/new to me rifle that I plan to use for my future African Safaris. Looking first for a PG rifle probably a 30-06 after reading much on it and hits history. My plans are to have this gun for many adventures and put some of my own history into it. If all goes like I have...
  9. J

    MY biggest questions

    Mark-Hunter, Thank you for your informative reply. It is very obvious that you have much knowledge and experience in African safaris. As I stated everything I have learned has been through reading, and watching videos, and speaking with people. Zero first hand knowledge. Hence the reasons for...
  10. J

    MY biggest questions

    Thanks for all your replies. This is why I asked these questions and I meant no ill will towards any of it or anyone. I am just the average guy and hunter here in the states. My main passion is turkey hunting and it took me years to say once in awhile I have a fighting chance with them. I have...
  11. J

    MY biggest questions

    For the last couple of years I have more and more found a interest in going to Africa. After winning a safari and learning what that is all about I recollected my wits and started doing proper research. I have spoken with several good people on here and have read as much as I can, up to this...
  12. J

    Semi Auto Rifles

    I wouldn't take the chance. I just always liked the look of these guns and thought this would be a good reason to get one. But finding this out, and after watching a few videos, the accuracy really seems to be an issue. Thanks guys
  13. J

    Semi Auto Rifles

    Thank you for letting me know. Is there a certain reason? Is it just being a semi auto?
  14. J

    Semi Auto Rifles

    Is there any more of an issue traveling to Africa with a semi auto rifle like the Browning bar or the Benelli R1?
  15. J

    Why all the hate for CBL (Captive-Bred Lion) Hunting?

    Just a new guy here trying to learn all I can. But this seems to be a topic I can voice an opinion on. Regardless, Lion or Sable, Whitetail or pheasant, when I hear some of the reasoning for CBL is so that more people can afford it I lose interest quickly. This is life. Where do you stop with...