Recent content by H-Marlin

  1. H

    Best magnum rifle reloading press? RCBS Ammomaster2 vs Forster Coax?

    The very first thing listed about the T-7 press in the Redding catalog is that is constructed of cast iron. I have one and there is no way it is made of aluminum. It is a very nice press.
  2. H


  3. H

    Shotgun Books By Diggory Hadoke

    I will take these. Will try to send a PM.
  4. H

    Before and after

    Dang! Those sausages look good. Pictures are nice, but we need a recipe!
  5. H

    Pay It Forward-Free

    Oops, messed that up but I can still use the .338 bullets. Thanks.
  6. H

    Pay It Forward-Free

  7. H

    New guy from the Black Hills of South Dakota

    Oh yes! Give up the hills and decent winter weather for flat lands, wind and blizzards. Right at the top of my to do list. [emoji3]
  8. H

    Free Book Giveaway There's Something About Buffalo by Kevin Thomas

    There’s Something About Buffalo.
  9. H

    WIN a FREE Hunt from Wintershoek Safaris with Observer, 4 Trophies & Taxidermy for 2018/19

    Congrats to MAdcox! What a great opportunity. Will keep Wintershoek in my mind for my next great adventure.
  10. H

    .45 Super
