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  • I joined AHF after lurking and booking my spiral horn trip at Lalamanzi. This is Jim Shelton that asked for a reference a couple weeks ago. Will give a report on return. Thanks for your input.
    No problem, I hope you have a great trip.
    Wow I love your small cats! I would like to get them some day. Did you mount them all?? Your other trophies are great as well.
    Yes, I full mounted every one!
    Hi Enysse,,have you ever hunted Antelope out west
    Yes, I have hunted them twice in Wyoming. I have seen them many times in Montana up close.
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    drop me an email - buckstix@aol.com
    Hi Enysse, Brickburn wrote me a PM and said that you have more information on nursing in USA.
    I have a friend who is a qualified sister and midwife. My friend did her training and exams in South Africa.She would love to nurse in the USA.
    Is it possible to give me more information re what she needs to do, which exams she needs to write to be able to
    nurse in the US.
    I would be greatful for any information.Could you please send a mail to safaris@mtcmobile.com.na
    Kind regards
    Mainly Crocodiles and Hippo, Leopards and Lions and this is close to camp.... Elephants, Buffalo, Sable, Impala, Roan, are about 40 km east. at a river called SIGI RIVER. New area east of Tete and still close to Zambezi, you will find a lot of buffalos, Sables and other plains game but no cats.....
    There are more then one person disappearing every day at Cahora Bassa, and then mainly by crocs. I have hunted more then 15 crocs since 2008, and 50% over 3,5 m and 25% + 4 meters. Check out pictures at www.nhenda.com
    Dear Enysse.
    Just arrive yesterday after 21 days hunt and 25 days in Africa. I have to say, that every time you come back to Africa, you just wanna stay longer ! i do love hunting in Africa. This time we had ordered "full bag" meaning " anything". Unfortunately trip started very unfortunate, cause we didn't received any luggage at arrival in Tete Mozambique. Not rifles, no ammo, no clothes.... So when we arrived camp, we had nothing, and guess what.... yes the lions was just around the corner, 2 males in separate groups and they had fresh tracks after 1 lesser and 1 big Leopard close to the camp.
    After 3 days we received all luggage, and hunt was on. We needed meat to keep the lions nice and calm, but most to have them stay close, 3 night one group of one big male and 2 females went into neighbor fishing village and took some dogs and goats, so lions was on high priority. My friend Ulf was on for hippo, but on his way they see this 4,10 m croc and that was that ! First animal at Nhenda : Crocodile ! Now, out and drag croc-meat. We continued with hippo, and hippo hunt in Moz is a little more difficult then in ie Tanzania, in Moz you shot in water, and target is not very big..... my friend he tried for 5 days, and finally he got his hippo and meat for crocs, however, male left, so only females was left, and they stayed for as long as we stayed ! Every day, evening and night we had them at bait, and after a few days they got really angry when we showed up with bucky, and there were a lot of moch charges and roars, so that was our lion hunt.
    Leopards we saw tracks after the first week, however that was pretty close to lions, so after a while the tracks disappeared, to be back, 3 days before we left at another spot at our 400.000 HA hunting area. ( 70 km waterfront to Cahora Bassa ) Anyway, we had another monster croc, 4,85 meter, a fine and hard to get, 48 inch Kudu ( 4 hours stalking ) Duikers, Baboons, almost shot a big wild dog ( protected ) Hippos and most of all FUN !
    Been invited to do an explorer hunt in August, and then we will go to Buffalo, sable area and next area will be for elephants, buffalo and BIG crocs, and of cause I´ll try for leopard again.
    Enysse. Looking forward to be at your assistance. always good to be able to recommend good and honest people. Kind regards Michael Wallerstedt Trans-Force

    Sable - Trophy - $ 10 000 - fixed price

    Roan - Trophy - $ 12 000 - fixed price

    Thanks again for your comments - Their bodies and horns are really huge in our area some made sci and rowloand ward records easily. As you saw in the pics the bush we have is very nutrious and the animals are very healthy.


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John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg
cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
ghay wrote on professor's profile.
Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?
Hunt27 wrote on Tra3's profile.
Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.