I didn't read the whole thread but if ducks in NS is your thing I dont think you can go wrong with a Lab. Setters are my dogs I live for them . I have had Gordons and English setters all my life , their job is to find birds. Ptarmigan on the open barrens and grouse in the woods in my case. Many...
There are a fair few modern sporting rifles (modern semiautos) not on the list. I don't like the term modern sporting rifles but it is more accurate than assault rifles. I despise this government. I bought a semi auto shotgun I as a teen at Sears and no FAC, PAC, was required. I have seen the...
Shotguns are not banned. Give them a few years though
https://mobile.twitter.com/BillBlair?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7 Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Bill Blair himself said that is not the intent. The OIC is a mess
There will always be a few good decent people in every country. The UK like Canada where I live is in decline no doubt but there are always a few holdouts
I bet he dumps her eventually. He will learn. She isn't worth it
I have heard it said before that a man marries a woman hoping that she won't change and a women marries a man with a plan in her head of how she is going to change him.
And yes as a society we have grown fat and soft. I tend to run...
I have killed quite a few moose with the Remington 180 grain 30-06 core-lokts . I lost one moose a few years ago that still pains me to this day but it wasn't the bullets fault. It was mine.
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