cwpayton's latest activity

  • cwpayton
    cwpayton replied to the thread Politics.
    I can see it now, smuggling champagne across the border and by tiny subs and hidden in water melons!
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton replied to the thread Politics.
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton replied to the thread Politics.
    Even more now, less regulations or buy a GOLD IMMIGATION CARD AND COME ON!
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton replied to the thread Politics.
    I would suggest the calvary , of the 1800's was anything but educated in the ranks, the officers yes . Example the messenger fom Custer...
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton replied to the thread Politics.
    Technically according to the constitution article II section II that is correct, " ( TPOTUS) He shall have power by and with the consent...
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton reacted to mdwest's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    you need to understand (and not make the mistake of believing otherwise) that the average American doesn't care that the average...
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton replied to the thread Politics.
    I suppose MAGA can mean what ever you want it to mean depending on your view point and politics. I stated in my prior post what it...
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton reacted to Newboomer's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    Hmmm. Sounds an awful lot like today's democrats--total control.
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton reacted to skydiver386's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    The Nazi Party was indeed Socialist left. Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Fascism, etc., are all Collectivist systems. All power in the...
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton reacted to Red Leg's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    An excellent example how the same set of information can lead to different conclusions. I am comfortable with mine.
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton reacted to skydiver386's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    The Socialist left always eats it's own. Communists have always murdered other Communists, Marxists have always murdered other Marxists...
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton reacted to WAB's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    You are missing the point completely. I am not arguing that climate change is not happening. It is, always has been, and always will be...
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton replied to the thread Politics.
    Make AMERICA great again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and may little j biden and company go on to their well earned eternal reward my name is CW...
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton reacted to Tubby’s Canteen's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    The two places I feel most at piece in this world are on the butt of a log watching brush burn and on wheel watch when everyone else is...
  • cwpayton
    cwpayton replied to the thread Politics.
    according to wickipedia that is true , but the 3 podcast I viewed lumped them togather, at any rate it is a really convoluted mess with...