Recent content by Bwannabe

  1. B

    What is the TRUE cost of my African Hunting Safari!

    Taking your fire arm to South Africa does not cost anything, you take it as checked luggage. My PH met us at the airport, we paid nothing for import fees on firearms. Have your 4778 on hand the ph will give you a letter of invitation and accompany you through the SAPS. They will issue the...
  2. Gemsbok


  3. Black Wildebeest

    Black Wildebeest

  4. Zebra


  5. Lioness


  6. B

    REPORT: Safariland Taxidermy in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

    Sad but thats what many taxidermy companies in Africa do. Look at close up of the live animals and the mounts people get back, many many times the ears are not located properly. The nose lacks detail, finish work is rough. Plus many African shops over charge for the poor quality of the work.
  7. B

    Lion hunts in RSA

    I just arrived back from RSA. The President of the RSA lion growers, is in the USA testifying before a committee this week. one outfit Benkoe Lion Safaris has over 500 lions to release for hunts. I was there June 9, 2014. A lion in a 2000 acre pen is no joke, the lion will evade you and went...
  8. B

    What is the TRUE cost of my African Hunting Safari!

    Bring the skins back to the states, at lest the quality is here just shop around. Dont have to depend on someone in your own states. Taxidermy Associations This is a list of state taxidermist associations. Every state has a few outstanding taxidermist. Some are expensive others are small shops...
  9. B

    Taxidermist review for Kololo Taxidermy

    I certainly would recommend a good North American Taxidermist. Main reason is you cannot resolve anything with problem done in Africa. One African taxidermist well know ruined a leopard for one of my friends, piss poor crating and handling. Another African taxidermist recommended tanning a...
  10. B

    Lion hunts in RSA

    I think Chapstick, er I mean Capstick probably has never hunted anything, by its standards even many of the North American hunts would be canned. In europe I have seen 10 acre pens with fallow deer and high stands in that pen. I have seen many estates in England that had high fence pens, might...
  11. B

    What would you do on your first Africa hunt as a new hunter?

    Everything you can afford, dip and ship the hides back to the USA for mounting, you can slow down the expense of taxidermy this way. Instead of all at once as in Africa.
  12. B

    Status of Lion Hunting

    CITES is not always based on scientific studies. Cheetha in Namibia is one instance. Bobcats and otter in the USA are another. Maybe years ago it was needed to help know the numbers of species but once on the list animals seldom are removed from any list. ESA, the American Alligator is one...
  13. B

    New Namibia Farms Research Project

    Plenty of animals. Had a friend go to Namibia, the PH had made all kinds of promises, my friend saw one Red Hartebeest a Springbok and a Baboon. 10 days of hunting that is all he saw. Plenty of animals is the key. Gibe the hunter a choice of eating the game they kill. Clean room and comfy bed...
  14. B

    Lion Charge

    Having hunted the most dangerous game in the world, in other parts of Africa and the Mid East. I am like others here dont grab the barrel of my rifle I need to shoot , move and communicate, In that order but that was with an M-16A2. I grew up shooting an old old bolt action shotgun. Dove...