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  • Hi Buff- buster: matt here. Was wondering if you could tell me about your time with huntershill Safari? Saw a thread just now where you mentioned you were going to go with them. Thanks man!
    Hi Wes,your thoughts on a reproduction hippo mount?
    Hey Johnny, how wide are the bosses on your profile photo buff? Congrats my friend! Great bull!
    If I remember correctly just over 15 inches. Not real wide 36 but nice bosses. Thanks.
    I will be travelling and staying in Dubai for a day and night at the end of next month and was wondering what the process is. I'm assuming it involves having security or the police keep the weapon but I was curious as to your experience. Any info on you could provide would be appreciated. Rick.
    Hey Rick! I'm not sure about what to do since you're staying a day and a half. Both times I flew thru Dubai my firearms were kept by Emirates. The first time I had a ten hour layover and they put us up in a hotel. I would see if they could check them thru in your instance too?
    Thank you. It looks like they will hold on to them for the duration of the quick stay. Thank again.
    70 mounts? Yikes!

    I guess you have quite a frame of reference to work from!

    Thanks for the feedback. I will definitely add Bullseye to my short list.

    All else being roughly equal, I would like to have them mounted in RSA to support the local economy. I know a lot of guys say that is crazy...that you lose control. But there surely are folks in RSA who do a good job...
    Hi Wes

    I was reading your post regarding your satisfaction with Bullseye Taxidermy. Their prices seem very competitive with Karoo and others in the EC.

    All else being equal, a personal testimony is worth a lot...

    I figure I am going to be spending $8k more or less on taxidermy and shipping...I really don't want to make a stupid mistake.

    Sounds like you would use them again?

    Thanks for any feedback!

    Hey Tim,
    Have have nothing but good things to say about Craig and Bullseye. I have over 70 mounts in my home from four different taxidermist I'ved used over the years. (including Bullseye) I consider Craig's work to be right at the top with the other US taxidermist that I have used. Where it really pays off is when you have life sized mounts done.. I trust Bullseye. To me that is "priceless".
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John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg
cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
ghay wrote on professor's profile.
Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?
Hunt27 wrote on Tra3's profile.
Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.