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Central Province
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About You
An African through and through!!
I am a
  1. Hunter
  2. Fisherman
Member of
South African HUnting and Game Conservation Association
Have you hunted in Africa?
Number of times I have hunted in Africa
I live in Africa
My favorite African country
Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Mauritius, Mozambique
Species I have hunted in Africa
Buffalo, Elephant, Eland, Kudu, Waterbuck, Gemsbuck, Impala, Blue Wildebeest, Black Wildebeest, Springbuck, Zebra, Giraffe, Puku, Redhartebeest, Ostritch, Warthog, Bushpig, Reedbuck
My best African Trophy
An old Chobe Bushbuck ram, with warn down teeth and thick warn down horns. Hunted the hard way in the blazing heat of the Zambian lowveld.
My preferred weapon(s)
8x68S Mauser
.22 Hornet
What weapon(s) do you hunt with?
  1. Rifle
  2. Bow
  3. Shotgun
  4. Handgun
My preferred optic(s)
12x42 Meopta
Gear I cannot live without
Spats, Knife, water bottle and a pair of Courtney boots.
My best hunting tip
Hunt it the real way, long hard hours of walking which makes it worth the while in the end