Recent content by Alistair

  1. Alistair


    Foxi, I have been to Germany, many times. I'm a Brit, and I used to work in Europe a lot in my previous job. I spent 2 months in Berlin, and about 3 weeks all told in Karlsruhe, not to mention my trips for vacations. I have a few (admittedly only a few) friends there to this day. I've also...
  2. Alistair


    Fair enough! Well, seems we're in agreement then. Lower yields are generally 'a good thing'. That the Trump administration is hyper focused on bringing them down is 'a good thing'. That the Trump adminstration's foreign policy is directly contradictory to that and it is impactful... is 'not a...
  3. Alistair


    Guess I missed that post, apologies. Sounds like you're a little more knowledgeable on this topic than I. Can you expand a little on the logic behind how the yield benefit the economy? My general understanding was that generally higher yields = higher interest rates for the nation = less...
  4. Alistair


    Further interesting geopolitical news, financial this time. It's worth noting that the US DOES derive economic benefit from 'those slimy Europeans', even if it is indirect and perhaps hard to see. Certainly I'm no expert in this stuff and I don't claim to understand all the ramifications, but I...
  5. Alistair


    I don't feel this is going to persuade anyone, and I feel like I'm just screaming into the void, but here's my take nonetheless. I'm a glutton for punishment I guess. Firstly, Ukraine. Do I care about Ukraine? Yes, a little, but only to a point. They clearly have strategic importance to...
  6. Alistair


    If you can work something out, it'll be well worth it. I can't help you on the rifle question though. You can barely scratch the surface in a couple days, but you'll get a sense of the place at least. I think it gets a little chilly in the winter months, but it should be a lot quieter at least.
  7. Alistair


    I fully concur with the above. Istanbul is a fantastic city. Amazing history, amazing culture, beautiful architecture spanning Egyptian, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman. Great weather (except peak summer), friendly locals, interesting cuisine, still quite cheap. Full of tourists of course, but what...
  8. Alistair


    Fair point. If they can curb the worst of Trumps... trumpiness then things may be salvageable. For what it's worth though, this is the damage of only a few months. We've 3 and a bit more years of drama and uncertainty ahead. How long will other nations sit tight in the hopes he'll get better...
  9. Alistair


    For my own part, it will be fascinating to read how historians describe the events of the last few months in 20 or 30 years, let alone in 100. I have a suspicion that we are living in truly remarkable times; the beginning of the end of the US hegemony which has lasted for the best part of a...
  10. Alistair

    An all round rifle caliber , for Africa and elsewhere

    My personal view is that you're already pretty close to a sensible minimum with the 270, and that any caliber option which is smaller to a degree that you'd be able to 'notice' a drop in recoil is going to be pretty marginal. That said, I am quite confident that I would not notice the...
  11. Alistair


    I wrote the following back in July of this year, in this thread in fact: However, my worry is this. I'm not sure Trump is particularly likely to follow a route that whilst helpful to Ukraine, would be an expensive, categorical statement that he's willing to get stuck into the problem. I don't...
  12. Alistair

    So.......what COMPANIES do you dislike?

    I don't really have any gun companies that I dislike really. There's a few that are painfully 'tacticool' and very much not in my sphere of interest, but if they make others happy, then not my business. Remington I have a certain distrust for, but I held my nose and bought one of their Marlin...
  13. Alistair

    Life Advice

    I mean, it's statistically sound. Maybe not fiscally though!
  14. Alistair

    Safari Vehicles in America

    Yeesh. After all those highway miles in a Defender 90 I'm not surprised you can't hear me...
  15. Alistair

    Why is it that when it comes to the big British Gun Makers, Rigby are the only brand that offers "affordable" models?

    Price point, yes. Positioning... maybe. But strategy? No. Limited production doesn't depend solely on units, it's the ratio of units the market demands / units available. Try buying any Rolex without wait listing... As it happens, I did a marketing report on Rolex during my MBA. It's kind...