Westley Richards Rifle

  • Media owner JPetroni
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Is this High Gloss?
Thank you.
Mr Cary,

Thank you for the inquiry about my Westley Richards Rifle. No, it is not high gloss. It’s hard to explain. In photos it does look a little glossy but in reality it has a soft subdued look with a hint of shine from the hand polishing I would think. It is also smooth beyond belief, I would almost say a silky feel to it.
When we were at the factory for final fitting we took a tour of each section of the factory. In the stock finishing area there were lots of bottles of different liquids and everything is done completely by hand. I was told that the actual finishing process takes months and months to complete, they did not disclose what the actual process entailed though. The smell in there, even my wife said, was wonderful almost as good the smell in the leather dept.

Best Regards

John Petroni

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