Forrest Halley

Range Shots

I practice tired. I like to condition my mind to patiently wait for the correct sight picture and not lunge at it. The burning of the muscles is what gets you there. Slow fire an AR at 50 or 100 yards with a twenty round magazine and only make good trigger presses. Then move up to a thirty or fourth round magazine. The burn is intense.
I also really enjoy my BL-22 for offhand practice. It is light and wobbly and holds sixteen glorious rounds of .22 LR. You can load it with CB Shorts and focus on your follow through as the bullets are slow enough to be affected by barrel movement. I practice at 25 yards with this load. Accuracy is about minute of spot on the NRA .22 50 foot targets for me right now. I shot today sweating and hot and all kinds of bothered. Mental focus was required. High velocity target @50y and CB Shorts @25y.
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Forrest Halley
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