damn that is gorgeous!
I had a great uncle who had the good fortune to hunt
polar bear.
That is awesome. Details please. Where did you take the bear? What load did you shoot it with and at what range? How was the hunt conducted? Spot and stalk? Bait?
Great bear! Congratulations. Far less than 5% of trophy rooms have a polar bear in them.

In 2023, Canadian populations are at a high, but the US F&W keeps second-guessing the population data, legal hunting, and sustainable use strategy authorized by their Canadian wildlife counterparts. US F&W deferred to the anti-hunting crowd. My understanding was that when the US F&W Department went out for comment before the most recent ban on imports was established, they only received 150 letters in opposition to it from the hunting world. I wrote one but was overwhelmed when I heard they received over 9 million postcards in support of the ban. That's what we are up against, and African safaris have been equally affected by the same misguided ideologies.

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Hunting Worldwide
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Dragan N.
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