
Marlin 336 Y Rifle in 30-30 Win

  • Media owner Alchemist
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I hunt warthog and bush pig in the maize fields and bush. I used to use a shot gun with slugs and a 357 Mag revolver as back up. The problem is the the shotgun has 2 slugs only. When the bush pig comes for you , 2 is not a lot. Second is that the shotgun is too long to swing in the maize fields.
I now use a Marlin 336 Y in 30-30 Win with an Aimpoint red dot sight. Short and compact and 5+1 bullets.
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I just picked up a Walmart special Marlin 336 to set up for, hopefully, another attempt at mountain lion. Hope your trigger and action are smoother than mine? 6 1/4 lb trigger! Action feels very rough. I plan to take it all apart and smooth things out.

With the heavy trigger, scoped, I managed to get a 3 shot group of 150 Winchester bullet ahead of 31.5 grains of H335 into 1 5/8” at 100 yards. Not what I’m use to, but minute of treed mountain lion.

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