Knife Making Process

  • Media owner nztimb
  • Date added
Not had a lot to post lately athough I did get 3 Safari knives away on todays courier. I forgot to take pics but that is probably because I have had another couple of projects on the go. Have been busy helping the painter do the prep work on a few rooms in our home so that has kept me away from the shed more than I like athough it has given me time to work through the details on a special project that is slowly comming together.
One of the gunshops here has asked me to do 4 presentation boxes three with a 1911 Colt, mag and some ammo with one of my posket ranger knives. Pistol and knife to have ebony handles with the fourth box to have a US navy engraved Beretta M9.
There will be the Spartan Molon Labe symbol etched onto brass discs to be inlaid into the knife and pistol woodwork with a larger one on the box along with my makers mark and a tag with my details plus one with the shop details engraved on it.
I have started to make the boxes from macrocarpa (Monterey cypress) and they will be lined with blue felt.
I picked up the first of the etched discs but have the tags and more discs to still be done.
The smaller discs are 18mm and the larger one is 50mm diameter.
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