
Hunting over pointing dogs

  • Media owner TokkieM
  • Date added
Many on here know me from before and I have been flying under the radar for a while here on AH mainly because I have taken up training HPR dogs almost full time and I have very little time for anything but my 2 year old daughter, family commitments, training dogs and hunting over them, work also fits in there somewhere.
I may have missed it, but there seems to be no bird hunting section here on AH? Any other obsessive folks who hunt over their dogs on AH? Seems that bird hunting is coming on strong in SA too.
Currently I own 2 GSP's, mother and daughter and we have hunted Pheasant, Partridge, Ptarmigan, Snipe, Capricalle and Grouse on point with them. Then there is Geese, Ducks etc we retrieve and some days we shoot duck on point too.
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