
CZ 550 Rifle

  • Media owner colorado
  • Date added
I second the recommendation of a CZ 550. Action is as solid as a bank vault. The rifle is really made for the 450 Rigby, 500 Jeffery and 505 Gibbs. I would send it to Wayne at AHR for his CZ #1 upgrade (replace the two stage trigger with his match quality single stage trigger, install an M70 type 3 pos safety, and straighten and fill the bolt handle). Off the bench, I only do load development (which is done now). I use 35 lbs of weights, it lifts the sled about two inches off of the bench when I fire it and usually knocks off my hearing protection lol. I think my sons took a video but they won't let me have it. I don't use the sled for the last 3 sight in shots. I typically practice offhand or sitting with a sling(I don't use sticks, since I've only hunted in the United States so far) Here's a picture of my rifle and a 3-shot group taken at 50 yards.
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