
Dakota 375 H&H with 300 grain swift a-frames and a Christensen Arms Mesa with 185 grain Berger Classic Hunters Bullet Performance

  • Media owner Matt_WY
  • Date added
Before I go on with the hunting, I am going to make a side-note on the rifles I brought: Dakota 375 H&H with 300 grain swift a-frames and a Christensen Arms Mesa with 185 grain Berger Classic Hunters. In theory I didn't need to bring anything but the 300. However, (1) I have a hunt booked for next year in Tanzania and the 375 is going to be my primary rifle on that hunt, so I wanted to get some time-on-game with it; (2) I tried all summer to get the Christensen Arms to group well and couldn't do it...tried a-frames, partitions, barnes, in different weights, all kinds of different powders, seatings was all over the place. A week before the hunt I was about ready to throw the gun in the trash whenI tried the Bergers, and it shot them sub-MOA and they flew just like the ballistic calculator said they would all the way past 500 yards. So I took the rifle, but I wasn't as confident in it and I wasn't happy with the bullet I was using. On the flip side, the Dakota runs like a champ and it is dead-nuts accurate with those big a-frames. So I started the hunt with the Christensen and after morning of day 2 switched to the Dakota anytime we were chasing animals besides baboons, warthogs, or steenbok. For this interested, here are a couple sample bullets we recovered. it's pretty clear which are the 375's. Notice one of the burgers has completely lost it's core!
Great choice, sound judgement on limiting animals with the Bergers. I would not take a Berger to Africa but in your situation considering accuracy and its limits..well done.

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