Lyman Great Plains Rifle

  • Media owner Deleted member 46122
  • Date added
Where what? I’m sorry.
The North Slope?
Most consider the area around Prudhoe Bay the North Slope.
The town previously known as Barrow, Alaska is where this piece came from.
Alaska Natives are allowed to harvest whales.
Ohhh I don’t own a Lyman. Most of mine are Thompson Center either Hawkins or Renegade. Jus Brennen is a friend so I have a couple of his long rifles and a Custom Hawkins. A Zouave, and a few more. Oh we have two 31 caliber CVA’s that are damn accurate with 25 grains of FFFG
Great for shooting the occasional snow shoe.
Title of your post above says Lyman Great Plains Rifle, thats why I asked. Perhaps you should change it since you dont even own one?
Its Hawken btw, not Hawkins.
Title of your post above says Lyman Great Plains Rifle, thats why I asked. Perhaps you should change it since you dont even own one?
Its Hawken btw, not Hawkins.
Indeed it is Hawken, I didn’t check the auto correct.
Plus, it’s not my post. I was replying to an earlier post.
you know, I like you and I believe I’ve even done a little business with you, but you are seriously an ass hat at times.
Oh OK. It looked like something you posted, only name I see there is yours. But yeah, guess I can be an ass hat at times. No worries. I wanted to see the pic of the Plains rifle and there isnt one. Oh well.
I’m sorry I called you an Ass Hat. As for the Lyman, I’ll look, but I don’t believe we have one. My wife’s grandfather gave them as Christmas gifts for years. one may have come back our way
Dont worry about it John, been called much worse, LOL. I consider you were being polite, I probably had it coming. I was just confused by the post. (y)

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