Gravesite of Peter Hankins
steve ahrenberg

Gravesite of Peter Hankins

Here's the photo of Peter Hankins Gravesite. It's in the Chanjuzi GMA. For those that aren't familiar, Peter Hankin was the PH that was killed and consumed within morbid earshot of the horrified clients on a photo-Safari he was guiding. This iconic event was chapter one (IIRC) in "Death in the Long Grass"

An iconic event in the formative years of Safari Hunting. This special place has a powerful feel to it.
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Peter had only just returned from self-imposed exile in Kenya working in photo-tourism, was not on safari with clients, and had not guided clients for some years. It was his staff who did nothing. Peter had no rifle that night as he had been away and was too late to collect it from the store. Having taken note of the strange behaviour of this lion before, he then set up a tent for the night. Sadly, it provided no protection. After WWII, he was the pioneer safari operator, first working for the government hunting scheme in 1962, and then when it was privatized, in 1964 with Norman Carr, forming Luangwa Safaris. Ron Kidson and Keith Rouse then established Zambia Safaris. In 1970, the two companies amalgamated.

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Nature & Wildlife Africa
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steve ahrenberg
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