Major Khan

Drawn diagrams of the different methods used to cull Bengal Bush Bush Boars

G'day Major, interesting diagrams, an it appears that you are a lot more organized than some of the fox drives that I have participated in, and a whole lot safer from other shooters firing in your direction, but your Bengal Bush boars surely represent their own version of danger in a different sense. You are a lucky man having such worthwhile prey , I envy you (y)


Why thank you so much for your kind words . When you shoot Bengal Bush Boars for as long as I have been shooting them ( 61 years and counting ... By the Grace Of God ) ... Then , you begin to have it all figured out in to a form of system or formula . Perhaps , my latest article may interest you ? It is titled , " The Art Of Hunting The Bengal Bush Boar : A Comprehensive Guide " .
Thank you Major, I totally look forward to reading, 'The Art Of Hunting The Bengal Bush Boar : A Comprehensive Guide'. I am so eager to learn anything new about hunting.:)

I realize that it was way before your time, but have you ever met old retired officers from the army who may have hunted Boars with spears / lances on horseback?

I used to think that it wasn't sporting, well not until I was rammed by some small feral boars in a small 4x4, absolutely fearless they were, they just knew that they couldn't escape the 4x4, so they took it on. Imagine being on a horse chasing one. :eek:

I shall tell the story about the 4x4 and the boars at a later date.



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Major Khan
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