Armies of Chile and Brazil

  • Media owner ROCKET
  • Date added
Hola Rocket,

Great foto, thanks for posting it.
In front row of 5 hombres kneeling, the 2nd one from left resembles early pictures of the famous English explorer / big game hunter, "Frederick Courtney Selous".
No doubt it is someone else but, it does look a bit like him, (according to some but not all historic fotos of Selous).
All of these men, whomever they are, look dangerous for sure.

Velo Dog.
Hola Velo Dog....good to know about you.....yes agreed....very similar man to Courtney Selous according the pictures I have seen.....yes probable someone else.......glad you like this picture........

Allways is a pleasure to have the chance to say Hello.....!!!!

Best regards
@Velo Dog
Hello General Miles :-)
what was he fighting for, or against in South America?

And how was your hunting season in Alaska ?
Regards from Munich
Hello Foxi and ROCKET,

I do not know which conflict or even which country the men in that photograph were involved in.
The cartridge belts look as much like European or Boer War type equipment as they do South American but, I truthfully do not know anything about that.

Alaska ?
Most years, I do not hunt here.
Flying in a lawn mower with wings, through the mountains here, when unpredictable winds suddenly begin to roar and then sleeping in a wet tent, eating freeze dried food, etc., etc., do not appeal to me any more.
(I’m just a grumpy old man).

Two old high school friends invited me to join them in Montana this year, for mule deer and elk hunting.
One of them has an adult son who also threw in with us.

I did not apply for an elk permit.
Non-resident elk permits are expensive (now that we’re talking about it, my deer permit was not cheap either).
Plus, it is only my wife and myself at home now so, we would not eat an entire elk before it would become too dry in the freezers.

Anyway, we hunted in The Gravelly Range, above the town of Ennis, Montana (Madison County / South East corner of Montana).
One fellow has part ownership of a cabin up there, with a wonderful view of the Madison River Valley down below.
We saw no elk and almost no deer.
A full moon and numerous wolf tracks probably played a dirty deed on our luck.

Nonetheless, the boy (age 29 hahahaha) shot a small buck with 4 points each side, not counting eye guards.
One of my fellow old chums shot a small forked horn buck.
Yours truly shot an old dry doe that, was the same size as the larger buck and larger than the forked horn.

I am invited to many hunting camps because I hunt primarily for my 10 million year old birthright.
In other words, just for the hunt itself, not for tape measure records and such tedium.

Field preparation of the meat is uber important.
I remove every hair, grass seed and speck of dirt, before placing it into my meat sacks.
Antlers, horns and tusks are low priority for me.
When it occasionally happens, I do enjoy the taking of a large antlered / horned / tusked male but it again is low on my priority list.

I believe we only saw about 12 - 15 deer total, including the 3 we shot.
Very lean hunting.
However, we all enjoyed a grand time.
It was good to be with old friends and to walk many kilometers in the high mountains, rifle in hand (CZ 550 FS in, 6.5x55 caliber)
It refreshed my soul.

I’m destroying this thread by getting waaaay off topic.
So, I will open a separate thread on this hunt and try to post photos.

Waidmannshel !,
Gereralisimo Miles.

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