
It was meant to be hyperbole. What does assimilation look like? Speaking English? Being Christian? You guys can’t even agree on a single denomination. Eating American food? Corn dogs and deep fried Oreos for all, no pizza, French fries, hamburgers, and sorry Chicago, no more polish sausage.

And since you’re all not Puritans, it’s safe to say that assimilation hasn’t been the name of the game since the 16th century.

America has always been a melting pot since the beginning

Yes and no.

Our best immigrants started their American experience with a healthy amount of shame and a desire to abandon their old ways. Every ethnicity other than the original Dutch and English colonials in America were embarrassed and wanted to conform. Many refused to let their children speak their ancestral tongue in the home, most gave their children "American" names or even shortened their last names to assimilate. Metaphorically, they burned their ships so there was no going back to their native lands, they were going to be Americans or die trying.

The reward? America respected them and their American accomplishments. Decades later, they weren't the dirty lowlifes they were considered when they arrived in America as the underclass nationality of their era. Everyone is Irish on St. Paddy's Day. Everyone enjoys Cinco De Mayo. In Chicago we all eat the Polish cake with a plastic baby Jesus inside. In Wisconsin virtually 100% of people go to fish frys on Fridays even if they don't observe religious Lent.

But what about the multiculturalism of today? New immigrants keep their language, they name their children their native names, they move to neighborhoods intentionally to hang out with "their own people". This is not a melting pot strategy, this is an invasion and colonization. They also do not adopt American morality and standards, they retain their former ways which inhibits trade, employment, and trust. Not good.

Examples of stereotypically excellent immigrant communities in America? Persians and Cubans. They hate what their countries have become, they love what America is, they assimilate all the positives of this country and they abandon all the negatives of their homelands. Bonus points to one of my favorite people, the Koreans. Judeo-Christian values and excellent neighbors, industrious, and they love America. I've met several Koreans named "Henry" because their parents wanted their children to succeed in business just like Henry Ford. It says a lot about what they value as a people and how beneficial they are to the American way.

Not so great immigration? Soviet Bloc immigration has had mixed results. Some flourished in the American way, others were experts at gaming their old system in order to survive and are experts at gaming our system with so few checks and balances. Latin American immigration has also been problematic because the worst dregs of their societies got into our nation with no verification. They've taken over entire cities and have brought lawlessness and cartels with them. Case and point: there are more El Salvadorans in the USA than are in El Salvador. MS13 members are amongst them.
Sounds to me your version of assimilation falls right in line with what Canada did with the residential schools for native people; where the children of natives were forced to attend these boarding schools which are the sights of mass graves of the children that were often abused and neglected in these schools until they were closed in 1996.

Being forcibly removed from your parents, beaten for speaking your native tongue, forced to eat European food and then having your body discarded in an unmarked mass grave to hide abuses of the government..... Sounds more like Stalin's "political reeducation" to me.

You do realize that the mass grave accusation from about ten years ago was totally fabricated? I'm not here to defend Canada's boarding school system whatsoever, but the mass graves story was a dangerous fabrication that resulted in riots and mayhem. They keep excavating, they keep finding nothing. It was all a farce.

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I seriously doubt Trump is going to start criminally pursuing most of the blanket pardoned people like Hunter and Jill Biden, etc..


Things could get pretty spicy if he he so chooses.. particularly if he chose to pursue Fauci or others..
He did a blanket pardon himself and now going after the Biden's blanket pardons?
Why post this if you're not going to pursue?
This should never be even discussed regardless who gave the pardons.
Next president might question the legality of his pardons as well, we don't want to go to that rabbit hole.
Oh I'm aware & I'll go there....

The one's in the US don't have mass graves with undocumented bodies, even the article you sight says that the 973 deaths were documented in the US system, compared to the 1,000+ bodies with no documentation or records at just 3 Canadian schools.

Hell just one school in Saskatchewan had 751 undocumented remains recovered.

You do realize that the mass grave accusation from about ten years ago was totally fabricated? I'm not here to defend Canada's boarding school system whatsoever, but the mass graves story was a dangerous fabrication that resulted in riots and mayhem. They keep excavating, they keep finding nothing. It was all a farce.
The numbers I'm quoting are not from 10 years ago when Trudeau made it a political crusade to right the wrongs.

The 751 bodies found at one school was documented in 2021

Here is a copy of the memorial registration for the names of 4,000+ that have been identified as published by the University of Manitoba.
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He did a blanket pardon himself and now going after the Biden's blanket pardons?
Why post this if you're not going to pursue?
This should never be even discussed regardless who gave the pardons.
Next president might question the legality of his pardons as well, we don't want to go to that rabbit hole.

this has zero to do with blanket pardons and everything to do with the use of the auto-pen.. which MANY constitutional scholars on both the left and the right have stated is NOT constitutional.. therefore would not be allowed on a pardon

the auto pen serves a purpose... it can legally be used (and is binding) on a lot of things.. politicians can use it to sign awards, appointments to the service academies, etc.. and it can be used when you need a signature on a hundred copies of a single document, etc..etc..

but scholars will tell you it cannot be used to create law (cant use it on a bill, a veto, etc), and it cannot be used on a pardon..

Im not a constitutional scholar (not even an attorney) so I don't pretend to understand the differences other than what I have read requires the signer (Biden in this case) to be physically present when the pen is used and witness it signing the document that he has read/reviewed and approved.. if he is not, then its invalid..

This was first brought into question when Obama autopenned something at 2AM and did not witness the auto pen signing the document that he claimed he reviewed and approved..

So.. Presidents since Obama (Trump and Biden) would know this is not something they can or should do..

Biden apparently didn't care, or didn't know any better (loose mind/memory), or was taken advantage of...

If doesn't matter which of those three answers are true.. if any of them are, then this will lead to law suits that will ultimately go to the USSC.. and we know exactly where the USSC will land on this issue since a) its a conservative court and b) its already been talked about for more than a decade..
The Native American tribes and Nations were the same as humans everywhere have always been. And always will be. Ranging from good to evil.

Just as Europeans literally stand on the bones of many conquered empires before them. So did every Native American nation or tribe live on the land of people they conquered.

Before the Comanche mastered horses in combat. They were the least advanced of all tribes. Especially compared to the more eastern tribes. most non Comanche people had sophisticated hierarchy of status and society.

Comanche came from the Shoshone in Wyoming and Northern Colorado and before Spanish horses, were Neanderthals while other Tribes were relatively advanced in comparison.

So when the NUH-MUH-NUH mastered horse warfare they quickly repaid all the abuse they suffered for hundreds of years at the hands of tribes around them. So they went from the weakest tribe, to by far the most dominate in a very short period of time.

So even when discussing the omnipotent Comanche. there is context and layers that don’t get mentioned or remembered.
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Oh I'm aware & I'll go there....

The one's in the US don't have mass graves with undocumented bodies, even the article you sight says that the 973 deaths were documented in the US system, compared to the 1,000+ bodies with no documentation or records at just 3 Canadian schools.

Hell just one school in Saskatchewan had 751 undocumented remains recovered.

The numbers I'm quoting are not from 10 years ago when Trudeau made it a political crusade to right the wrongs.

The 751 bodies found at one school was documented in 2021

I believe the counterpoint is "mass graves" where they randomly dumped bodies, versus piss-poor maintenance of graveyards where markers were lost or destroyed just like occurs all over America's small towns.

I'm not defending residential boarding schools, but the left really wants a narrative of mass burials ala the Holocaust to be the implication, yet it doesn't appear to be the truth. Thus, they are using inaccurate terms to create a false narrative.
I believe the counterpoint is "mass graves" where they randomly dumped bodies, versus piss-poor maintenance of graveyards where markers were lost or destroyed just like occurs all over America's small towns.

I'm not defending residential boarding schools, but the left really wants a narrative of mass burials ala the Holocaust to be the implication, yet it doesn't appear to be the truth. Thus, they are using inaccurate terms to create a false narrative.
Oh I understand your view point and I've heard MANY false narratives first hand from "First nations" people in Canada.

My real point about the residential schools is how people from Canada like to make points about native "assimilation" in the USA while conveniently ignoring their own past.
I have confidence in Germany and Europe being able to rebound in the intermediate term. Unfortunately things will have to get worse before the people are fed up enough to demand change. In America we tend to not let the pendulum swing as far as many countries.

The real problem going forward for all western societies is the declining birth rate. For birthrate to increase, people will have to loose faith in the social safety nets provided by their governments and feel the only real safety net is the generosity of the nuclear family, as mankind has done through history. This will probably only happen with severe economic pain and is probably a generation away for most of Europe and the west. Recovery from that will be slow.

I would argue that most of the people that I know who don’t have children cite the lack of a safety net as one of the reasons not to have them. The expense of a raising kids including the cost of education is the biggest reason people I know choose not to have them. They can save for retirement and old age or have kids but not both in their minds.
I would argue that most of the people that I know who don’t have children cite the lack of a safety net as one of the reasons not to have them. The expense of a raising kids including the cost of education is the biggest reason people I know choose not to have them. They can save for retirement and old age or have kids but not both in their minds.

Even though I'm happily married, I'm a student of dating culture because I think it foretells the future of our country by looking carefully what Gen Y and Z are thinking and doing.

The reason people aren't breeding seems complicated, but at the end of the day its 4th wave feminism.

The causes go like this: Hypergamy exists at present where women are promiscuous and they may only be a 3-5 on a 10 point scale girl. They bed an 8 or 9 once and they delude themselves into thinking they are an 8 or a 9. Thus, they treat viable suitors as non-humans. Statistically, all the women are chasing the top-echelon of men. Add to this, women have always been attracted to successful men that make more than they do, but with DEI women are making higher wages which results in them having unattainable standards for men. In a recent study of women versus men on the Tinder, they found conclusively that women would swipe affirmatively on only the empirically most attractive men, whereas men would swipe affirmatively at a broad swath of women of various attractiveness. Not good.

There is a relevant internet meme about women "finding themselves" and then "ready to settle down". It's not a complimentary meme. Nothing becomes more valuable with use. We're ending up with a herd of women that do not know how to be wives, seek to compete rather than cooperate with men, and are only considering marriage (if ever) by the time they have geriatric pregnancies leading to smaller families.

This then leads to the other problem with marriage and family. What most men want is a supportive spouse and mother with traditional gender roles. Women of the of the younger generations do not know how to be spouses and mothers and they are also untrustworthy considering they file for divorce 80% of the time whereas men file only 20% of the time. Every element of a marriage contract for a man's role is contractually enforceable: A.) providing money, B.) Visitation / raising the children, C.) providing medical care, etc. Every element of the female's duties in a marriage is not contractual enforceable: A.) Sex, B.) Attention, C.) Pleasant, D.) Good homemaker, E.) Loving. Thus, many young men do not want to marry knowing they are likely to become divorced and pay dearly financially for it whereas the woman brings little to the table or believes they ARE the table through a sense of entitlement.

There's a popular dating podcast called the @whatever where they go around the room every episode and ask the women to rate their own looks. Virtually no woman gives an accurate appraisal and most say stupid things like a 10.5 on a 10 point scale. Almost all the men give accurate appraisals be it a 4 or a 6.

The problems have become so severe that they call it female delusion syndrome. There is a website you can go to and input the lists of demands a woman has in a potential partner. Without fail, most women list their non-negotiables and it results in them seeking the top, top 1/10th of 1% of all men.

All this stems from female promiscuity and hive mind thinking. If a slutty girl sleeps with one guy one time that is far above her class, she deludes herself into thinking she can MARRY a guy of those attributes which is never the case.
I would argue that most of the people that I know who don’t have children cite the lack of a safety net as one of the reasons not to have them. The expense of a raising kids including the cost of education is the biggest reason people I know choose not to have them. They can save for retirement and old age or have kids but not both in their minds.

It is also hard if you are part of the younger generation and put off having children until you owned a home and felt you were financially secure enough to have children to find a mate with the same values. Your left with dealing with the fallout of other people’s poor life decisions and having a mixed home anyway or simply walking away from the whole mess all together. Call me old fashioned but all those who reside under my roof will carry my name.
this has zero to do with blanket pardons and everything to do with the use of the auto-pen.. which MANY constitutional scholars on both the left and the right have stated is NOT constitutional.. therefore would not be allowed on a pardon

the auto pen serves a purpose... it can legally be used (and is binding) on a lot of things.. politicians can use it to sign awards, appointments to the service academies, etc.. and it can be used when you need a signature on a hundred copies of a single document, etc..etc..

but scholars will tell you it cannot be used to create law (cant use it on a bill, a veto, etc), and it cannot be used on a pardon..

Im not a constitutional scholar (not even an attorney) so I don't pretend to understand the differences other than what I have read requires the signer (Biden in this case) to be physically present when the pen is used and witness it signing the document that he has read/reviewed and approved.. if he is not, then its invalid..

This was first brought into question when Obama autopenned something at 2AM and did not witness the auto pen signing the document that he claimed he reviewed and approved..

So.. Presidents since Obama (Trump and Biden) would know this is not something they can or should do..

Biden apparently didn't care, or didn't know any better (loose mind/memory), or was taken advantage of...

If doesn't matter which of those three answers are true.. if any of them are, then this will lead to law suits that will ultimately go to the USSC.. and we know exactly where the USSC will land on this issue since a) its a conservative court and b) its already been talked about for more than a decade..
I know all about the autopen and how and when it should be used. (Meaning I listened and read the people who are experts on the subject)
Problem is this is still a rabbit hole and will cause countless law suits for all the autopenned documents in the past.
BTW Biden was senile and acted like a puppet but to prove that he wasn't present or did not know is not easy to prove..
Blanket pardons has everything to do with this because he's only questioning them and not the other autopenned documents which I'm sure are in the thousands.
How well did North Americans assimilate with the natives of the time?
german television told us that all the time:)
I have confidence in Germany and Europe being able to rebound in the intermediate term. Unfortunately things will have to get worse before the people are fed up enough to demand change. In America we tend to not let the pendulum swing as far as many countries.

The real problem going forward for all western societies is the declining birth rate. For birthrate to increase, people will have to loose faith in the social safety nets provided by their governments and feel the only real safety net is the generosity of the nuclear family, as mankind has done through history. This will probably only happen with severe economic pain and is probably a generation away for most of Europe and the west. Recovery from that will be slow.
It is true that birthrates are declining, more so among college educated individuals, which can't be good, When you are having to give away about half of your income to the total tax burden of ALL taxes, including the hidden ones, it is challenging to the responsible person to consider the cost of a larger family. And it's hard for a left leaning entitlement drunken government to ease off on the main tax contributors, even though they are raising fewer future tax payers. We all need a healthy dose of social selfishness--shockingly--in order prioritize OUR OWN FAMILIES vs. supplying a living to an ever growing lower dependent class! There should be tax incentives for responsible (and only responsible) people to have and raise their own children--not pay for the mistakes of others. The safety net is too big to be healthy for society as a whole, sorry. I am in complete agreement about the family and its health being first priority--and that alone will solve manifold societal ills.

There should be total tax burden consideration. Ask the average tax PAYER what THEY think the income tax rate ought to be. Surveys in the past of the general public have almost universally pointed to a 25% total burden, with some claiming no more than 10 percent to Uncle Sam. If restricted to that as a total, the government would DOGE itself. But since the government doesn't care about the geese laying the golden eggs, we are largely enslaved by our own government, while they A. court any vote they can get or buy, and B. support importing cheap replacement workers/citizens.

Our own government doesn't care about its own citizens IOW. Government has become more like a cancer, growing while at the same time killing the host! I'm for as little government as possible. YMMV
I love nitpicking the language used in such articles. How many of these names did they actually verify?

"Ceremonies to honour the children that never returned home from the schools or who died as a result of their forced attendance in these institutions will always remain essential."

"We are ready to receive additional information on any student believed or known to have gone missing at a residential school or as a result of their time at a residential school."

Just call them if you want to add a name to the list.

"Please contact us at the NCTR if you would like to add a child’s name to the Memorial."
Oh I understand your view point and I've heard MANY false narratives first hand from "First nations" people in Canada.

My real point about the residential schools is how people from Canada like to make points about native "assimilation" in the USA while conveniently ignoring their own past.

But maybe don't post so confidentally about 751 bodies being found when not a single body has been exhumed. It's exactly the type of thing they want to happen for their benefit.

I watched the beginning of a not so compelling video on the topic of one of these schools and the evidence was in short, a first hand account of a younger boy being told by an older boy not to go down to the orchard at night because there were holes down there. Clearly evidence of mass slaughter and definitely not a kid being messed with or simple juvenile rumor mill.
Blanket pardons has everything to do with this because he's only questioning them and not the other autopenned documents which I'm sure are in the thousands.

thats absolutely untrue..

he is questioning countless EO's that were auto penned.. he's questioning pardons that were not blanket that were auto penned.. he's questioning legislation that Biden auto penned (such as the FAA funding extension that happened last year and the signing of a Ukraine aid package for $40B).. among other things..

the things he is not questioning are the things that the courts have long since determined are legal use of an auto pen..
It is true that birthrates are declining, more so among college educated individuals, which can't be good, When you are having to give away about half of your income to the total tax burden of ALL taxes, including the hidden ones, it is challenging to the responsible person to consider the cost of a larger family. And it's hard for a left leaning entitlement drunken government to ease off on the main tax contributors, even though they are raising fewer future tax payers. We all need a healthy dose of social selfishness--shockingly--in order prioritize OUR OWN FAMILIES vs. supplying a living to an ever growing lower dependent class! There should be tax incentives for responsible (and only responsible) people to have and raise their own children--not pay for the mistakes of others. The safety net is too big to be healthy for society as a whole, sorry. I am in complete agreement about the family and its health being first priority--and that alone will solve manifold societal ills.

There should be total tax burden consideration. Ask the average tax PAYER what THEY think the income tax rate ought to be. Surveys in the past of the general public have almost universally pointed to a 25% total burden, with some claiming no more than 10 percent to Uncle Sam. If restricted to that as a total, the government would DOGE itself. But since the government doesn't care about the geese laying the golden eggs, we are largely enslaved by our own government, while they A. court any vote they can get or buy, and B. support importing cheap replacement workers/citizens.

Our own government doesn't care about its own citizens IOW. Government has become more like a cancer, growing while at the same time killing the host! I'm for as little government as possible. YMMV

What you have to worry about is the reproduction rates of the half million per year 3rd worlders simply outpacing the slowly evolving political mindsets of the natives. Wait too long and there will be nothing to save unless you're willing to simply fight and force people out of your country in the coming decades.
Even though I'm happily married, I'm a student of dating culture because I think it foretells the future of our country by looking carefully what Gen Y and Z are thinking and doing.

The reason people aren't breeding seems complicated, but at the end of the day its 4th wave feminism.

The causes go like this: Hypergamy exists at present where women are promiscuous and they may only be a 3-5 on a 10 point scale girl. They bed an 8 or 9 once and they delude themselves into thinking they are an 8 or a 9. Thus, they treat viable suitors as non-humans. Statistically, all the women are chasing the top-echelon of men. Add to this, women have always been attracted to successful men that make more than they do, but with DEI women are making higher wages which results in them having unattainable standards for men. In a recent study of women versus men on the Tinder, they found conclusively that women would swipe affirmatively on only the empirically most attractive men, whereas men would swipe affirmatively at a broad swath of women of various attractiveness. Not good.

There is a relevant internet meme about women "finding themselves" and then "ready to settle down". It's not a complimentary meme. Nothing becomes more valuable with use. We're ending up with a herd of women that do not know how to be wives, seek to compete rather than cooperate with men, and are only considering marriage (if ever) by the time they have geriatric pregnancies leading to smaller families.

This then leads to the other problem with marriage and family. What most men want is a supportive spouse and mother with traditional gender roles. Women of the of the younger generations do not know how to be spouses and mothers and they are also untrustworthy considering they file for divorce 80% of the time whereas men file only 20% of the time. Every element of a marriage contract for a man's role is contractually enforceable: A.) providing money, B.) Visitation / raising the children, C.) providing medical care, etc. Every element of the female's duties in a marriage is not contractual enforceable: A.) Sex, B.) Attention, C.) Pleasant, D.) Good homemaker, E.) Loving. Thus, many young men do not want to marry knowing they are likely to become divorced and pay dearly financially for it whereas the woman brings little to the table or believes they ARE the table through a sense of entitlement.

There's a popular dating podcast called the @whatever where they go around the room every episode and ask the women to rate their own looks. Virtually no woman gives an accurate appraisal and most say stupid things like a 10.5 on a 10 point scale. Almost all the men give accurate appraisals be it a 4 or a 6.

The problems have become so severe that they call it female delusion syndrome. There is a website you can go to and input the lists of demands a woman has in a potential partner. Without fail, most women list their non-negotiables and it results in them seeking the top, top 1/10th of 1% of all men.

All this stems from female promiscuity and hive mind thinking. If a slutty girl sleeps with one guy one time that is far above her class, she deludes herself into thinking she can MARRY a guy of those attributes which is never the case.
Yeah--bring on more of this kind of analysis. When I started dating it was, meet, hold hands, then date/kiss, then go steady, then consider engagement then get married and have children.
Now, it's hook up, have sex to see if you get along, then live together, then have children, maybe get married, often after the second child.

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