
You never heard of "motor voter"? Once a drivers license is established, a ballot is sent out!? Then they don't check up on that mail in ballot? Heck yes they vote illegally--that was the whole plan of Democrats bringing them in by plane, etc. Jeesh!
That is exactly one of the things going on! Those blinded with terminal TDS refuse to acknowledge it. I have been trying to explain the details about it here for two years. I have absolute proof of it in my possession. Corrupt and/or lazy bureaucrats in charge seem unwilling to correct it. The blind TDS clique refuse to wash the anti-MAGA slime out of their eyes. Their hatred is so infused it certainly has lead to some form of mental illness. Ever try to reason with the mentally ill? It can’t be done. Thank goodness at least 75 million voters were motivated this time. But the left will never rest nor go away. We are in a global war for the survival of our country.
@Tanks said:

Heck, if I had not gotten a passport as a kid and not kept on renewing it, I'd have to through all of that if I had to prove citizenship.

yup, just like all the rest of us getting a passport, or TSA pre-check, etc. i am an unapologetic cave man and i was able to get an I.D., passport, and global entry card. you have the ability to run several companies, i suspect you have the ability to get an I.D.

and....why wouldn't you want every person that votes to get a legit ID card?
If we take the House, then the GOP better not let us down this time. I vote for shock and awe changes, with Elon showing lots of useless beaucracy the door.
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That is exactly one of the things going on! Those blinded with terminal TDS refuse to acknowledge it. I have been trying to explain the details about it here for two years. I have absolute proof of it in my possession. Corrupt and/or lazy bureaucrats in charge seem unwilling to correct it. The blind TDS clique refuse to wash the anti-MAGA slime out of their eyes. Their hatred is so infused it certainly has lead to some form of mental illness. Ever try to reason with the mentally ill? It can’t be done. Thank goodness at least 75 million voters were motivated this time. But the left will never rest nor go away. We are in a global war for the survival of our country.
AND, it will be interesting to see the reactions when voter fraud is overwhelmingly proven in the 2020 election!
Relieved of duty, hmm, well it's better than being left in duty. But she should've been fired which to my understanding is virtually impossible to do in the Fed Gov't. So now I guess she'll earn her money playing solitaire and surfing the web all day.
It appears that the employee has been fired:

FEMA official who allegedly told workers to avoid Florida homes with Trump signs fired

Who Is Marni D Washington? FEMA Official Under Fire Over 'Trump Signs' Row

At a minimum, I hope Trump takes this employee's supervisor and anyone that actually followed this directive and sends them to the unemployment line. Prosecution under the Hatch act and anything else Trump's DOJ can conjure up would also be appropriate as every Federal employee is periodically schooled in these issues.

And the this person's supervisor will say he/she didn't know anything, I'm sure.
No one following this directive blew the whistle.
Oh wait, he IRS has been trying to force IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley out for blowing the whistle!
I can see both sides of it. GOP wants to make sure that only citizens vote. Democrats wants to make sure that their voters do not have impediments to voting.

The reason I do not have a "Real ID" is that it is a pain in the ass to get one. I have to provide a proof of citizenship and two proofs of residency like light bill or a gas bill. One of my companies owns my house and utilities are not in my name. Getting a copy of a birth certificate involves a lot of work as well. Not to mention, because there is a cost involved, it is like a poll tax. Heck, if I had not gotten a passport as a kid and not kept on renewing it, I'd have to through all of that if I had to prove citizenship.

And do you really think tens of thousands of non-citizens are voting?
Why else did they not only open the border but expend so many resources to get people moved in here from other countries. And with socialist tendencies.

It was (hell it still is!) an attempt ti take over the government permanently by the radical Left..
They set out to overthrowing our system and the Constitution. Why do you think Biden declared war on the Supreme Court.

Thank God we have won, for now. But I guarantee that what Harris said is true. They conceded the election but not the fight. They will never give up so we cannot either.
If we take the House, then the GOP better not let us down this time. I vote for shock and awe changes, with Elon showing lots of useless beaucracy the door.

I tried very hard as a father to instill in my sons to learn from their mistakes. I tried even harder to teach them that it's even better to learn from the mistakes of others. I'm not sure what you mean by shock and awe changes, but it would be wise for the Republicans to take a moment and learn from the mistakes of the Democrats.

This amazing comeback by Trump and the GOP was in part fueled by the Democrats tacking too far left. From taxpayer funded sex change operations, defund the police and the subsequent rise in crime to an open door immigration policy, they went too far to the left. The voters responded to this and said no, you've gone too far. I think it would be wise not to repeat that mistake by going to far in the other direction and play the long game.
Ironic, how the Dem's want a peaceful transition after calling over 75 million people, Nazis, traitors, racists, and garbage.
As far as I'm concerned, they can stuff that olive branch where the sun doesn't shine.
Biden and Obama both attempted to stab Trump in the back and hamstring his administration. This is not a hollow accusation, because there is a mountain of evidence supporting this fact. To treat these men, and others like them as if what they did was acceptable and normal is foolish.

4"I have not sat with vain persons, neither will I go in with dissemblers. 5 I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked." King David, Psalm 26,4-5

To shake the right hand of a man who has a knife in his left hand ready to stab you in the back is foolhardy.
Why else did they not only open the border but expend so many resources to get people moved in here from other countries. And with socialist tendencies.
I don’t think it is for them to vote illegally, but for them to vote for Democrats once they get citizenship. Hence, the push for “path to citizenship “.

Just to be clear, I am not advocating for that, just pointing out Democrats long term game plan.

4"I have not sat with vain persons, neither will I go in with dissemblers. 5 I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked." King David, Psalm 26,4-5

If you are going to quote scripture to make a point make sure it doesn’t apply to your side as well. You think Trump is not vain or is truthful all the time? :cool:
I can see both sides of it. GOP wants to make sure that only citizens vote. Democrats wants to make sure that their voters do not have impediments to voting.

The reason I do not have a "Real ID" is that it is a pain in the ass to get one. I have to provide a proof of citizenship and two proofs of residency like light bill or a gas bill. One of my companies owns my house and utilities are not in my name. Getting a copy of a birth certificate involves a lot of work as well. Not to mention, because there is a cost involved, it is like a poll tax. Heck, if I had not gotten a passport as a kid and not kept on renewing it, I'd have to through all of that if I had to prove citizenship.

And do you really think tens of thousands of non-citizens are voting?
Yes, proof of citizenship should be required as well as proof of filing a Form 1040!
Once again Scott, you and Mr. Red Leg have either not read what I have said, or you are electively disregarding my point of view because it does not align in lockstep with your own... As far as being too young for your 80's references, I am probably older than you, and I have a very solid understanding of the political climate then and now... I'm speaking more directly to domestic politics rather than foreign policy issues....

As far as being caught up in the "rhetoric", correct me if I am wrong but I don't ever recall Sam Donaldson referring to Reagan as Hitler or calling him the greatest threat to American democracy... Nor do I recall Tip O'Neill launching any fabricated impeachment investigations, or weaponizing the DOJ or CIA during Reagan's terms...

I have no interest in fighting with anyone, liberal or conservative, who share common-core American values, culture, and respect the Constitution and the rule of law it is supposed to uphold. I will fight all day long with hypocrites, charlatans, race pimps, and any other treasonous bastards who are apparently comfortable with doing whatever is necessary to carry out their political agendas regardless of the consequences... If you don't recognize the differences, maybe it's you that is part of the problem...?

You still don't get it my friend... It's not about self-righteousness... It's about elected politicians representing the will of the constituency that elected them...

What you call a circular firing squad is part of a new mandate within that party where a line must be drawn, and a purge of GOP dinosaurs is necessary no matter how painful, personal, or ugly it may indeed become... Where we differ is that you think it's the MAGA republicans and Freedom Caucus members are the problem, whereas I see it as the RINOS, Never-Trumpers, and Anti-Trumpers within the republican party that are the ones who need to do some self-reflection and wake up to see that the party is moving past them in a more aggressive and definitive direction toward a much more populist platform... The good news for them is that there are always jobs available for them outside of the government in Legacy media, or writing a book calling Trump Hitler...

You of all people should not need reminding that the founders intended our elected officials to represent the will of their constituents, not their own personal will. Many in the GOP seem to have forgotten or disregarded that notion... How it is that you and others are okay with the status quo in D.C. is baffling to me?

Your constant argument here is that the constituents represented by these RINOs keep re-electing them so they must be doing something right... I disagree... Institutional career politicians are historically very difficult to remove on both sides of the isle... This is especially true with Senators who serve 6-year terms. Voters in these down ballot positions tend to vote more out of familiarity and complacency than they do on the issues... Republicans flipping control of the Senate is a good indication that trend may indeed be changing and the republicans who still attend the Church of Mitch McConnell had better take note. They are slowly but surely being rejected by the newer generation of republican voters who want candidates with spine representing them...
You don’t understand mathematics, much less the formulation of legislation. We will never get EVERYONE to agree to ALL of our beliefs but we can still win the war without winning every battle.
If you are going to quote scripture to make a point make sure it doesn’t apply to your side as well. You think Trump is not vain or is truthful all the time? :cool:
Once again, you have no wisdom or discernment, and therefore miss the entire point.
Yes, proof of citizenship should be required as well as proof of filing a Form 1040!
1040? So, now we'd require people to work and file taxes before they can vote? So, no college students etc., should vote now?
1040? So, now we'd require people to work and file taxes before they can vote? So, no college students etc., should vote now?
The majority of students have a part-time job.
You stated the case precisely. However you may feel superior to or somehow smarter than those republican politicians who do not agree with you on every subject, or how much you may be frustrated with the voters who put them there, those politicians are indeed exercising the will of the constituency who elected them. They do not answer to you or Tucker Carlson or even Donald Trump. They answer only to their constituency. That is exactly how the founders intended.

Again, I make assertions based on the facts I see before my own eyes... It has absolutely nothing to do with feeling superior or smarter than anybody... Furthermore, where did I ever state that any particular part of any specific constituency answers to me? I was merely pointing out why constituencies tend to do what they do, and I see that changing given this most recent mandate from the results of the election... The RINOs, Never-Trumpers, etc., all have a choice... They can wise up to the reckoning of the people, or they will be voted out... I see no future for the likes of the McCains, Romneys, Cheneys, or the McConnells of the party and their "ilk" as you like to put it...

You keep insisting that Trump still needs the votes... No, Trump does not need the votes... The Americans who voted him back into office to carry out their will demand the votes from the republican party to honor that mandate.... I suspect that those who do not this time around will not survive politically... We will see who's contentions age better...

I am a huge fan of Victor Davis Hanson. Sadly, he should get out more, or perhaps merely visit our politics thread? :unsure:

VDH is spot on in his assessment...

Not sure what indirect point you were trying to make?? Please enlighten me...

This amazing comeback by Trump and the GOP was in part fueled by the Democrats tacking too far left. From taxpayer funded sex change operations, defund the police and the subsequent rise in crime to an open door immigration policy, they went too far to the left. The voters responded to this and said no, you've gone too far. I think it would be wise not to repeat that mistake by going to far in the other direction and play the long game.

Trump's political resurrection is not merely a product of the failings of the left... If that was the case, Trump would not have dominated the primary. There were many solid republican candidates that were rejected by the party which Trump continued to dominate in spite of what most considered the end of his political career and popularity after the 2020 loss... Trump still brings intangibles to the table that other republicans do not...

His re-election is a huge indication that Trump policies are far more popular with a much broader array of the American electorate than many here are willing to acknowledge... The "razor thin election" that was predicted turned into a blowout in large part because so many on both sides refused to acknowledge Trump's appeal to what we now know to be a very wide swath of the electorate... The left's argument will be that Trump would have been easily defeated with a better candidate... What they fail to understand is that currently don't have one in the entirety of the democratic party with a broad enough centrist appeal, and likely won't for the foreseeable future...

In regard to "going too far in the other direction", I would be interested to know some examples of what you think that looks like..? Conservative Americans have every right to be angry after being characterized by every conceivable demonization the left could think of... Many have suffered tangible loss as a result of these attacks. Many more conservatives like me, view those on the far left as a literal domestic enemy... So, what does "too far" in the correction process look like?
@Tanks said:

Heck, if I had not gotten a passport as a kid and not kept on renewing it, I'd have to through all of that if I had to prove citizenship.

yup, just like all the rest of us getting a passport, or TSA pre-check, etc. i am an unapologetic cave man and i was able to get an I.D., passport, and global entry card. you have the ability to run several companies, i suspect you have the ability to get an I.D.

and....why wouldn't you want every person that votes to get a legit ID card?
Yes, we all can. However, let's say I don't have a car and barely making ends meet. First I'd have to go through the process of getting a copy of the birth certificate(at a cost), get TWO proofs of residency which is difficult for a lot of people, pay to get a State issued ID and spend 2+ ours at DMV to get that done. That is quite a hurdle for a segment of society.

And yes, I personally have that ability (might have to jump through some hoops for proof of residency) but I have the means unlike a lot of people. I still wouldn't want to do it due to the DMV delays. Heck, if one is working, they'd have to take time off from work.

Now, I am not advocating for No Voter ID, I am just pointing out the other side's argument.

BTW, if we had a National ID card like every other country in the World this whole argument would be moot. But the crowd that clamors for Voter ID is against the National ID, go figure. :unsure:

My niece had a baby here two years ago. She went to the Swiss consulate to register her kid as she is also a naturalized Swiss citizen. He has his national id paperwork now, it is easy. And it would be easy for US citizens if we had a National ID. The old "privacy" argument no longer works as nothing is private now in the age of Internet and huge government databases. We have license plate readers in my neighborhood, and a database is kept almost forever. Almost every highway is a toll road, again with license plate readers. You have a cell phone? Your location data at cell towers is kept as you go through your day etc., etc.
The majority of students have a part-time job.
But not all. You want a segment of society not to vote if they are not working?

Fine, let's put a limit. Only the people who make $100K+ get to vote as they are the ones supporting the government services and spending with their taxes as they have more skin in the game. The rest get more than they put in.
Dear Mr Trump

I'm glad you won

I believe your policies to be correct for both the US and also the Western World

I would, however, caution you about trusting Putin and undermining a delicate strategic European balance

I would further caution against using the US military internally

Both represent a stochastic change in

1. internal democratic legitimacy and
2. international security

Just my 2 cents worth
1040? So, now we'd require people to work and file taxes before they can vote? So, no college students etc., should vote now?
I took @Scott CWO 's post to be in jest. I was in college at the time I first voted for a president and I couldn't have been more proud. I actually DID file a 1040 that year as I had a part time job with the campus police as a radio dispatcher and I filed a 1040 for several years before college as well. My father was a tax lawyer and he took particular glee in introducing me to the joys of paying taxes.

But I'm in agreement with you here that a 1040 shouldn't be required. But how about showing a net worth of $.01 or more ? I'M KIDDING! :LOL:

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