
I have to register all of those firearms with the state. Gee I wonder what will happen next?

Confiscation. Tag this one so in a couple years I can say, “Told you so.”
Such an optimist to think the DemonRats will take a couple years to complete their mission- If we make it to Jan 20 2025 I'll be surprised.
Another brief clip that shows the way the Ukrainian war has evolved the use of drones as a battlefield interdiction weapon. In this case a squad of Russian soldiers decide to use the hulk of a BMP as a safe place to take cover. They are spotted by a Ukrainian observation drone (probably a commercial quad blade).

Were this a US recon drone, the target most likely would be serviced by an Apache in direct support firing a Maverick or as a destruction mission passed to a direct support artillery unit.

For the UA, Mavericks are not an option, and artillery ammunition typically must be reserved for more critical targets. In this case, the observer drones call for fire is answered with a second drone carrying a fragmentation explosive device, the pilot of which flies it through the door of the vehicle to detonate inside. The interior of an armored vehicle is an unfortunate place to be when something detonates inside.

This sort of attack requires a fairly sophisticated kill chain with excellent comms, and clear targeting and attack guidance.

For instance, small drones are a bit like looking at the battlefield through a soda straw further complicated by limited battery life and range. Therefore, the observation teams will be working carefully constructed search grids. Potential targets would be passed to a fire direction element which would make an assessment of available attack options and then designate the strike element - in this case an attack drone. Then the attack drone has to be successfully flown to the precise location where the target is located. That pilot makes a quick assessment how best to strike and carries out the mission. The observation drone relays back immediate BDA.

Shoulda listened to your daddy when he done told ya, “For the umpteenth time, shut the damn door!”
I’m pretty salty. Courts are screwing over IL citizens with the midnight gun ban by our Oompa Loompa of a governor. Not only are basically all semi automatics outlawed, but now I have to register all of those firearms with the state. Gee I wonder what will happen next?

Confiscation. Tag this one so in a couple years I can say, “Told you so.”
No need to tag this one.
Go to any gun forum and read the "confiscation" paranoids from 10-20 even 30 years ago,
There are 300 million guns in this country and believe it or not a lot democrats has guns as well and nobody will or can confiscate anything even if they wanted to.
Gun and ammunition companies makes the most money when Democrats win elections because of paranoia.
Trust me I was part of the industry before I sold my business and I was secretly hoping they would win.
The biggest threat to guns in our country is not the politicians, it's the insurance industry and liability laws which caused me to stop importing firearms.
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No need to tag this one.
Go to any gun forum and read the "confiscation" paranoids from 10-20 even 30 years ago,
There are 300 million guns in this country and believe it or not a lot democrats has guns as well and nobody will or can confiscate anything even if they wanted to.
Gun and ammunition companies makes the most money when Democrats win elections because of paranoia.
Trust me I was part of the industry before I sold my business and I was secretly hoping they would win.
The biggest threat to guns in our country is not the politicians, it's the insurance industry and liability laws which caused me to stop importing firearms.
I’m not saying it will happen on a national level. It has already happen at the state level where I live.

Ban is in effect. Every gun owner in the state to register banned firearms and magazines by January or risk fine/jail time.
No need to tag this one.
Go to any gun forum and read the "confiscation" paranoids from 10-20 even 30 years ago,
There are 300 million guns in this country and believe it or not a lot democrats has guns as well and nobody will or can confiscate anything even if they wanted to.
Gun and ammunition companies makes the most money when Democrats win elections because of paranoia.
Trust me I was part of the industry before I sold my business and I was secretly hoping they would win.
The biggest threat to guns in our country is not the politicians, it's the insurance industry and liability laws which caused me to stop importing firearms.

I beg to differ sir. Ask the same question to the residents of New Orleans, ask what happened after Katrina.
I beg to differ sir. Ask the same question to the residents of New Orleans, ask what happened after Katrina.
No need to ask anyone.
My son was a senior Navy ROTC at Tulane when Katrina hit.
He was carrying a gun every day even after six months after Katrina when they got back to school.
If the cops would have known that your son had a gun, they would have confiscated it as well. So, your son was carrying illegally?

This is from the left media;

Next thing you'll say is that there was no looting going at all.
Confiscation after registration is NOT paranoia. It is exactly what happened to us in Australia. Registration is the tool that makes confiscation possible, and serves no other purpose. In our country firearm laws are State based legislation. Once upon a time none of the States had longarm registration however all States had a simple licensing system whereby people could obtain a licence to own firearms providing they had no criminal convictions etc. In the decade or so preceding 1996, some States instituted longarm registration, some even had special permits for "military" style longarms. Other States had no registration. In 1996, Prime Minister Howard unleashed the first of his firearm confiscations. All semi-auto longarms (including .22LR rabbit rifles), and pump-action shotguns were banned. In those states that had registration, owners had no choice - surrender your guns or go to jail. The seizure data clearly showed that in those States without registration, the seizure rates were well below the estimated numbers of s/a.

The bans were followed by compulsory registration across all States and processes where by law abiding owners now had to prove "genuine need" before being allowed to purchase a firearm and for each subsequent purchase. Police licensing authorities could and do refuse to issue permits at whim.

Of course criminals still have no difficulty obtaining and using whatever type of firearm they choose. Law abiding owners have to go through hoops.

In NZ, the now former Government also declared war on s/a firearm owners. However without registration, only a small percentage were surrendered. Hopefully the new Government gets rid of those laws.

I'm sure our Canadian brethren can comment on the process up North.
If the cops would have known that your son had a gun, they would have confiscated it as well. So, your son was carrying illegally?

This is from the left media;

Next thing you'll say is that there was no looting going at all.
Good question. You have to ask him or thousands of others who were carrying during Katrina.

However nowadays he's very busy to protect our constitutional rights so I don't think he'll have time to be a member of this forum and answer.

Also your argument about Katrina or any other natural disaster does not hold water anymore:

The Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006 was a bill introduced in the United States Congress intended to prohibit the confiscation of legally possessed firearms during a disaster. Its provisions became law in the form of the Vitter Amendment to the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2007.

As far as looting why do you thing he was carrying a weapon anyway?

You are making baseless and illogical assumptions just to further your argument about confiscation of guns at federal level which was the subject of this discussion.
Confiscation after registration is NOT paranoia. It is exactly what happened to us in Australia. Registration is the tool that makes confiscation possible, and serves no other purpose. In our country firearm laws are State based legislation. Once upon a time none of the States had longarm registration however all States had a simple licensing system whereby people could obtain a licence to own firearms providing they had no criminal convictions etc. In the decade or so preceding 1996, some States instituted longarm registration, some even had special permits for "military" style longarms. Other States had no registration. In 1996, Prime Minister Howard unleashed the first of his firearm confiscations. All semi-auto longarms (including .22LR rabbit rifles), and pump-action shotguns were banned. In those states that had registration, owners had no choice - surrender your guns or go to jail. The seizure data clearly showed that in those States without registration, the seizure rates were well below the estimated numbers of s/a.

The bans were followed by compulsory registration across all States and processes where by law abiding owners now had to prove "genuine need" before being allowed to purchase a firearm and for each subsequent purchase. Police licensing authorities could and do refuse to issue permits at whim.

Of course criminals still have no difficulty obtaining and using whatever type of firearm they choose. Law abiding owners have to go through hoops.

In NZ, the now former Government also declared war on s/a firearm owners. However without registration, only a small percentage were surrendered. Hopefully the new Government gets rid of those laws.

I'm sure our Canadian brethren can comment on the process up North.
The writing is on the wall for our state. I don’t believe every state in the US will ban firearms. Just the Democrat super-majority states.

Don’t care what anyone says, Democrat politicians love banning firearms.
Confiscation after registration is NOT paranoia. It is exactly what happened to us in Australia. Registration is the tool that makes confiscation possible, and serves no other purpose. In our country firearm laws are State based legislation. Once upon a time none of the States had longarm registration however all States had a simple licensing system whereby people could obtain a licence to own firearms providing they had no criminal convictions etc. In the decade or so preceding 1996, some States instituted longarm registration, some even had special permits for "military" style longarms. Other States had no registration. In 1996, Prime Minister Howard unleashed the first of his firearm confiscations. All semi-auto longarms (including .22LR rabbit rifles), and pump-action shotguns were banned. In those states that had registration, owners had no choice - surrender your guns or go to jail. The seizure data clearly showed that in those States without registration, the seizure rates were well below the estimated numbers of s/a.

The bans were followed by compulsory registration across all States and processes where by law abiding owners now had to prove "genuine need" before being allowed to purchase a firearm and for each subsequent purchase. Police licensing authorities could and do refuse to issue permits at whim.

Of course criminals still have no difficulty obtaining and using whatever type of firearm they choose. Law abiding owners have to go through hoops.

In NZ, the now former Government also declared war on s/a firearm owners. However without registration, only a small percentage were surrendered. Hopefully the new Government gets rid of those laws.

I'm sure our Canadian brethren can comment on the process up North.
Apples to oranges.

Our Federal firearm laws do not require registration unless it's a type A Class III/NFA item is a firearm or firearm accessory that is regulated by the ATF in accordance with the National Firearms Act of 1986. These items include Full Auto machine guns, silencers, short barrel rifles and shotguns, etc.

Also we have more guns in one state of this country then whole Australia and NZ combined!

Somebody please tell me how federal or even state government can confiscate or even figure out how many guns anybody has including 3D printed ones?
I'm all ears.

I was in firearm industry holding a type 7 FFL for a long time and heard these kind of arguments even 30 years ago.
Believe it or not some of these rumors was being sponsored by firearms industry and NRA just to boost sales and membership and we were loving it.
Federal level confiscation can't and will not happen here any time soon regardless who's in power.
Not sure if they will get around to banning guns completely as much as they would like but are going to erode our rights with magazine capacity limits, action restrictions ammunition background checks with probably others that don’t come to mind now. Also they love the phrase weapons of war, bolt action rifles, pump shotguns and even flintlocks have been used as weapons in war with pump and bolt guns are still in use for specific applications. Tweak a word or two and the antis try to make laws work in their favor.
The writing is on the wall for our state. I don’t believe every state in the US will ban firearms. Just the Democrat super-majority states.

Don’t care what anyone says, Democrat politicians love banning firearms.

Its for the children! (sarcasm)...

its a never ending cycle.. Dem govt restricts the 2A... some time years later a case makes it to the USSC and the restriction is found unconstitutional.. so they find a different way to restrict the 2A.. which lasts for years until the USSC finds that restriction unconstitutional..

all the while years (sometimes many years) pass with unconstitutional restrictions in place... and while many of the most important cases ultimately get resolved.. some more minor cases remain intact and continue to infringe on constitutional rights..

Just last week Elizabeth Warren and Corey Booker introduced a bill that would establish a national ammo registry.. basically if we cant keep you from buying firearms, we'll make it too expensive and administratively challenging for you to buy ammunition.. and, oh by the way.. if youre buying XXX caliber ammo.. then while we havent asked you to register a firearm (constitutionally unsound), we have indeed made you disclose that you have a firearm in that caliber.. and put you on the "list" (the national registry)..

Prior to her most recent attempt.. we have the 2022 legislation she wrote with a D from GA that restricted firearms.. we have her 2020 attempt.. her 2019 attempt.. etc..etc..

While its highly unlikely this latest bill will pass.. the attempts to prohibit use and ownership of firearms by highly influential dem senators and congressmen will never end..

While @Doubleplay 's observation that many Dem politicians own firearms is absolutely true..

That hasnt stopped Dems.. to include those who own firearms (such as Joe Biden) from introducing and passing legislation that infringes on the 2A..

And.. while there are Dem politicians that own guns.. its important to note they are in the MINORITY..

Congress was formally surveyed in 2016.. roughly 50% of R's reported they owned firearms.. Less than 25% of D's reported they owned firearms..

Further consider who the most common firearm owners are in the US (constituents that vote politicians into office)..

Roughly 57% of registered republicans either personally own a firearm or someone else in their household owns a firearm..

48% of independents own a firearm or someone else in their household owns a firearm...

only 16% of Democrats own firearms with another 9% ownership being made up by someone else in their household owning a firearm (25% total.. well less than 1/2 of republicans and roughly 1/2 of independents..)..

It is politically advantageous for a Democrat in most parts of the country to be in favor of further firearms restrictions as the majority of their constituents are not firearms owners and are in favor of further restrictions.. whether they personally own a firearm or not (again, best and most obvious reference: Joe Biden)..
Good question. You have to ask him or thousands of others who were carrying during Katrina.

However nowadays he's very busy to protect our constitutional rights so I don't think he'll have time to be a member of this forum and answer.

Also your argument about Katrina or any other natural disaster does not hold water anymore:

The Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006 was a bill introduced in the United States Congress intended to prohibit the confiscation of legally possessed firearms during a disaster. Its provisions became law in the form of the Vitter Amendment to the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2007.

As far as looting why do you thing he was carrying a weapon anyway?

You are making baseless and illogical assumptions just to further your argument about confiscation of guns at federal level which was the subject of this discussion.

You said that it had never happened, well I proved to you that it did happen. You claim that my statement is baseless just to further my argument about confiscation. And you are basing your assumption that it didn't happen because your son was carrying a gun on campus and most likely illegally.

"Also your argument about Katrina or any other natural disaster does not hold water anymore:" Tell that to all the New Orleans citizens who lost thousands of Dollars' worth, and they still have not recovered any weapons confiscated. They'll be lucky if they are useable by now.

You are lucky you are not an FFL holder anymore, have you read about the raids from the ATF? Or that is baseless too? The ignore button is a beautiful thing. Have a great day!
It’s all fked up.
You said that it had never happened, well I proved to you that it did happen. You claim that my statement is baseless just to further my argument about confiscation. And you are basing your assumption that it didn't happen because your son was carrying a gun on campus and most likely illegally.

"Also your argument about Katrina or any other natural disaster does not hold water anymore:" Tell that to all the New Orleans citizens who lost thousands of Dollars' worth, and they still have not recovered any weapons confiscated. They'll be lucky if they are useable by now.

You are lucky you are not an FFL holder anymore, have you read about the raids from the ATF? Or that is baseless too? The ignore button is a beautiful thing. Have a great day!
BTW, how do you use that ignore button?
Click on the name you want to ignore, and it’s next to the tab to start a private conversation. (y)
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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.