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  1. Doubleplay


    Bali has banned single use plastic bags long time ago in case you are interested to learn.
  2. Doubleplay


    Really? How many Asian countries or countries have you been in your life? I’m retired and traveling 3-4 months every year spending weeks at a time in different countries. I’ve been to 70 countries and unlike you I’m not living in an echo chamber and blinded by my political beliefs. I don’t even...
  3. Doubleplay


    There might have been republicans on that jury but I don't think it would have affected the outcome.
  4. Doubleplay


    I'm not sure about net zero or it can ever be reached but unlike us China and some Asian countries are doing great things to get rid of plastic waste like plastic bags and bottles.
  5. Doubleplay

    Would you mount a Female Cape Buffalo?

    I wouldn't even mount a male buffalo unless it's a very peculiar trophy like a scrum cap with a lot of scars. I would just do euro mount.
  6. Doubleplay

    Difficulties exporting trophies from Argentina?

    How is that government action when others here and myself imported trophies from Argentina in the last couple years and his trophies are still in Argentina??? Did you read the whole thread?
  7. Doubleplay

    Difficulties exporting trophies from Argentina?

    This is unacceptable! Whatever the reason I would never hunt with an outfitter like that sponsor or not.
  8. Doubleplay


    Hamas top leadership is already out of the country, bolted long time ago. There's a lot of political and civil dissent against Netenyahu inside Israel now and this is not about Hamas or hostages anymore but him trying to survive.
  9. Doubleplay


    Good points.. However speaking of economics which is my grad degree btw: If a population decides to save more money at all income levels, delay buying and pay everything cash and not borrow(responsibly or irresponsibly), then total revenues for companies will decline. This decreased demand...
  10. Doubleplay


    Once again I'm not talking about myself or you it's the whole system enticing people to get in debt as you also correctly stated.
  11. Doubleplay


    I agree with you on most occasions and respect your views but this is not totally about choices. Capitalism love it or hate it (I never said evil) is a system where spending money is the biggest driver. If everyone would live like you or Scott this country wouldn't function or be prosperous as...
  12. Doubleplay


    You are contradicting yourself. On one hand you are saying the system is set up to easily borrow on the other hand you are asking who twisted my arm? You answered your own question "the system" Also this is not about you and me it's about the big picture. However I would be stupid not buy...
  13. Doubleplay


    Nobody is telling you how to live, you can do whatever you want but you are in minority as being debt free in this country and it's not always about choices, it's the capitalism. Also don't jump into conclusions about Europe like stacked houses and Opel etc.. Europe is a big place and there are...
  14. Doubleplay

    Murder of Americans in Haiti

    Thank you moderators.
  15. Doubleplay


    Yep. Our system is designed to make us borrow money to own stuff so we work till we die to pay debts.
  16. Doubleplay

    Murder of Americans in Haiti

    So do I.
  17. Doubleplay

    Driven Hunts In Croatia

    Excellent. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Doubleplay

    1st Cape Buffalo Hunt South Africa recommendations

    Welcome to AH. No matter which outfit you'll choose I'm sure you'll have a good time. Let me add couple points: Both mid October and specially April are not ideal times as far as weather and can be wet and risk of malaria increases even in areas considered low risk. None of the buffalo herds in...
  19. Doubleplay

    1st Cape Buffalo Hunt South Africa recommendations

    I actually asked about this on their thread and was told that malaria medicine is not necessarily needed in their area in Mozambique.
  20. Red Stag Hunt Argentina

    Red Stag Hunt Argentina

  21. Blackbuck Hunt Argentina

    Blackbuck Hunt Argentina

  22. Doubleplay

    Mozambique Buffalo Hunt Special - TSALA HUNTING SAFARIS

    Very good offer. Is malaria medicine required in this area?
  23. Doubleplay


    There's something called World Big Mac index to compare different countries. Check it out, Mc Donald prices increased even more in some other countries, it has nothing to do with Biden,Trump or whoever. It can even go higher during Trump presidency if he wins. It's the result of very high...
  24. Doubleplay

    Argentina MG Hunting Red Stag Rut 2024 Highlights....

    Thanks @ROCKET . Let me add couple more.
  25. Doubleplay

    New from North Carolina

    Welcome to AH from from Lincoln County, NC.
  26. Doubleplay

    New from North Carolina

    Not to hijack the trend. But you're absolutely wrong about hunting in Texas vs Africa. Not only about prices but as an experience overall.
  27. Doubleplay


    Towing capacity is a marketing number, what matters is payload.
  28. Doubleplay


    I’m sorry to say you have no idea what you’re talking about and probably in an echo chamber.
  29. Doubleplay

    SOUTH AFRICA: Frontier Safaris Eastern Cape - First Safari Hunt Report

    Well done. Thanks for the report, I enjoyed reading it.
  30. Doubleplay


    You are terribly misinformed about some subjects. I don’t give a sh..t about Brandon but we are at our highest historical levels as far as oil production.
  31. Doubleplay


    They can drive wherever they want by themselves.
  32. Doubleplay


    Let me try to explain, There are places in the World where they are more prosperous than us and can afford multiple vehicles. Some of the Northern European countries,Japan, Gulf states etc... The issue is not the money the issue is the lack of public transportation options in and around big to...
  33. Doubleplay


    Not true about woman not driving alone.
  34. Doubleplay


    $150 a barrel might be possible but stable oil around these prices is better for everyone including drillers. Higher prices generally leads to a bust.
  35. Doubleplay


    Nowhere in the World I mean nowhere not even in the Gulf countries you'll see this many cars with only a single person inside or this many gas guzzling vehicles. The amount of oil we are wasting is beyond comprehension but in simple terms spending brings borrowing and this is how our economy...
  36. Doubleplay

    Any fly fishing recommendations for chasing King Salmon in Alaska?

    Here is my wife with our guide and the king she caught on a 10 weight fly rod. It was a long fight and being in a boat helped. It's been a while but I think the name of the fly-in lodge was Lake Mary.
  37. Doubleplay

    Fishing Addiction Group

    Very Nice. Where was that?
  38. Doubleplay


    We are the one of the biggest oil producers in the World and energy independent however it doesn't make any difference how much we pay for oil. Oil is a global commodity and nobody will sell it less than the global price which is dictated by supply and demand.
  39. Doubleplay

    Ideal distance for a Cape Buffalo first shot..

    Where Kruger area? I was talking about game farms and specifically quoted "where there are no lions".
  40. Doubleplay

    Ideal distance for a Cape Buffalo first shot..

    Yes terrain is important but also how wary the animals are. It's different to hunt a buff in RSA where there are no lions chasing them everyday then hunting them in a place like Bubye or Save in Zim. I observed both and it's not even comparable.
  41. Doubleplay

    Ideal distance for a Cape Buffalo first shot..

    Depends…. If you are hunting with scoped rifle 100 +/- yards is ok specially if the buff is out in the open and vitals are clearly visible. If you’re hunting with iron sights you have to get under 50-60 yards.. closer the better specially if the buff is partially obsecured. It’s always easier...
  42. Doubleplay

    New Member from Pakistan

    Welcome to AH. I’m glad to have members from all over the World.
  43. Doubleplay


    I feel sorry for you. Get help before it’s too late. You really need it.
  44. Doubleplay


    No wonder man, you roll with great class.
  45. Doubleplay


    John, I don't assume... I simply asked a question and did not get an answer.
  46. Doubleplay


    Of course you don't... But it works both ways, You have no idea what you are talking about and blinded by your bigotry.
  47. Doubleplay


    I have no obligation but just asked a simple question and I'm not claiming anything? How can someone rely on second hand information to make certain assertions and create and opinion about countries and people without ever being anywhere else in their life? What's the yardstick? Just a simple...
  48. Doubleplay


    Really? What's your yard stick if you never been anywhere else but you rely on second hand knowledge? How can you be so assertive about countries and people relying on that?
  49. Doubleplay


    I’m not saying it will work here or not but I’m curious have you ever been anywhere outside US in your life to make assumptions and comparisons like that? Or you just know because you read about it?
  50. Doubleplay


    Do you know Finland is the happiest country in the World along with Norway? It’s easy to comment without seeing those places and talking to people. You have no idea…