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  1. NE 7x57

    Macular Degeneration

    Vision problems suck. I've always been nearsighted but about 20 years ago I started having problems with my contact lenses not staying in my eye. What was happening was a condition called Keratoconus it is a progressive eye disease that causes the cornea to thin and bulge into a cone shape. It...
  2. NE 7x57


    I didn't listen, to preserve what little of my sanity I have left I refrain from listening to JB or his opponent. So he made it about himself? Was he fighting street to street in Hue Vietnam? The man has told so many outright lies that he no longer even tries to keep them straight. It's still...
  3. NE 7x57

    Hog Hunting Banned in Kentucky??????

    So far we don't have hogs here that I know of. But if I saw some I'd shoot them and keep my mouth shut about it. They are a plague on agriculture.
  4. NE 7x57

    Shotgun weights

    Presently I shoot a Browning Superposed Lightening 20 gauge for pheasants. Usually with 2 3/4 #5 Golden Pheasant. Shotgun weighs in the 6 pound range. Also at times carry a Model 1912 Winchester in 16 ga but shoot the lighter shotgun better.
  5. NE 7x57

    RUSSIA: Kamchatka Brown Bear

    Well you made it back and you have an incredible story to tell. Hopefully the trophies will arrive someday. I'm glad I visited Russia in the mid 90s, I wouldn't go back now regardless of the reason.
  6. NE 7x57


    It's maddening. A small group of self serving individuals within my own party opened the door for the Russians to make this advance. First Biden trickles aid in because he is and always has been a coward. Then the House plays games with the aid package. If Russia makes big advances look for...
  7. NE 7x57

    .223 for Steinbok, Duiker, Klipspringer?

    My Tikka will stabilize the 77gr Tipped Match King and the 77 gr Match King. Shoots either very accurately. If I was hunting these tiny critters and wanted minimal damage neither of those bullets would be my choice. The MK may or may not fragment and the TMK will fragment and create massive...
  8. NE 7x57


    The very best thing President Reagan did, was replace Jimmy Carter.
  9. NE 7x57

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    I've hunted coyotes for decades. I usually call them which is effective in areas where they haven't been called much. But they are obviously very smart so my success ratio often isn't too high. I've never been a fan of chasing coyotes as many people go bat shit crazy when they're chasing a...
  10. NE 7x57


    As a nation we are faced with no good political prospects. It's obvious the current administration is inept and consumed with avoiding anything that is a risk politically. They are led by a feeble, old man barely able to construct an sentence. We know what 4 more years of that will lead to. So...
  11. NE 7x57


    Joe the President................really? Just an empty suit.
  12. NE 7x57


    Israel reportedly has a missile called the Jericho III which is designed to deliver a payload up to 3000-4000 miles. If they do have such a weapon they might be reluctant to let the world see it as it could be used as a nuclear delivery system.
  13. NE 7x57


    Makes one wonder if some of her educational qualifications are based on something other than academic achievement :A Wacko:. But that's not possible......................right?
  14. NE 7x57


    Trump is hated by 99% of Democrats, he's hated by a significant portion of the Independents and he's hated by a sizable minority of his own political party. Where exactly is he going to get the support to win? That's something none of his most ardent supporters have been able to tell me. As a...
  15. NE 7x57


    So apparently Trump is going to be the Republican nominee. It's going to be an interesting election. Trump will need to garner the votes of almost 100% of the Republican voters to offset the lack of support he'll get from independents. Given the discussions here and the conversations I've had...
  16. NE 7x57


    Sadly it appears you are correct. It would be an interesting experiment if there wasn't so much at stake. I'm still betting that the Democrats pull some switch especially if the race looks shaky to them. The question will be which of their awful candidates would they switch to.
  17. NE 7x57


    Who exactly would stop him? Germany :ROFLMAO:? Poland would try if they had all the stuff they've purchased recently delivered, but they don't. Nope, it would come down to US forces and all of a sudden the war on the other side of the world that doesn't effect us is a huge problem.
  18. NE 7x57


    Political expediency is the defining characteristic of the Biden administration. This obsession leads them to avoid anything that might dim their chances to retain power in 24. Evidently in their view pounding the crap our of some Iranian targets in retaliation for continued strikes against...
  19. NE 7x57


    Obviously the war in Ukraine was preventable, Putin could have kept his army at home, but he didn't. Once he made that decision war was no longer preventable and Ukraine was forced to fight or die.
  20. NE 7x57


    No one in the region wants Palestinian refuges. For one thing they do not assimilate plus they bring their terrorist groups, of which there are many, right along with them. Israel is going to have to figure out a way to reduce Hamas' power and numbers while still putting up with a huge number of...
  21. NE 7x57


    Our apparent choices for President in 2024 make me wonder when we were sucked down the drain to the point where the only two apparent candidates are a loud mouthed, narcissistic, ass who apparently has never read a book or looked at a map and a doddering, corrupt, habitual liar, who struggles to...
  22. NE 7x57


    I hope the new speaker does well but anyone who thinks he's in a position to "drain the swamp", whatever that means, is going to be disappointed. The Republicans have a majority in the house but it's thin and anything they pass has to go to a Senate controlled by the Democrats. At that any...
  23. NE 7x57


    Completely agree. The problem is one of a culture that in many cases wants to remain separate from the rest of society with a primary allegiance to a belief system somewhat at odds with the rest of American society. I can see this on a small scale in communities where certain businesses have...
  24. NE 7x57


    As for domestic politics. We have a President who appears to be a refugee from a nursing home and a congress that's at best dysfunctional. What a shit show.
  25. NE 7x57


    The proof that there wasn't a IDF strike on the's still standing! Anyone believing there were hundreds of casualties in that parking lot explosion is either purposely lying or just stupid.
  26. NE 7x57


    Sadly I think the fate of the hostages was pretty well sealed the day they were taken. Given the depravity of the attack on Israel I personally would rather die in a bombing than be a Hamas captive.
  27. NE 7x57


    Well the Republicans in the house had to come to some consensus. I think the 8 who voted with the democrats to oust the speaker probably wanted Jordan and I suspect the majority had no intention of giving into them. I'm kind of surprised that they got things sorted out as quickly as they did.
  28. NE 7x57


    I'm curious. Who did you think they would nominate?
  29. NE 7x57


    A couple of observations related more to our society that we can draw from the events in Israel. Disarming your population is a bad idea. Israels gun laws prevented most people from having firearms unless they were police or military. An average person has to be permitted and then is only...
  30. NE 7x57


    For the average Hamas member the goal of the operation was/is to kill or capture as many infidels as possible with zero regard to age, sex or nationality. For their leadership and those behind them, the goal is probably multi faceted. Create problems or completely derail the ongoing effort to...
  31. NE 7x57


    Good listen. I really fear that the stupidity of a few members of the House is going to derail any chance that Republicans can make gains in 24. Why does it seem that over and over the Republican party will find away to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory? Sometimes it seem like the national...
  32. NE 7x57


    Just when you think the Republican party can't find away to be more of a cluster f that it has been over the past couple years they find a way to go above and beyond. :A Bonk:
  33. NE 7x57


    Well, my 2023 bingo card doesn't have a space for queen whatabe running for office but there also wasn't one for PMC leader attempts overthrow of Russian government. So WTF knows what will happen. :E Shrug:
  34. NE 7x57


    Obviously Feinstein was left of most of us on this forum, especially on 2nd Amendment issues but whoever Newsome finds to replace her will even be further to the left. One only has to look at California politics to realize he has plenty of candidates to pick from.
  35. NE 7x57


    And only an impenetrable idiot would believe the information coming out of the Russian MOD. Your sub is in the same shape as your "3 day invasion", shot full of holes.
  36. NE 7x57


    There's a word used for those who take money for sexual favors...hmmm if I could just remember what it is :E Head Scratch:
  37. NE 7x57


    Russia is a huge country and while their military is getting hit pretty hard from time to time they have the manpower and armament left over from the USSR to continue their little adventure in Ukraine for a long time unless there's some kind of political change in their country. They've had the...
  38. NE 7x57


    You stated, "Nobody on this board has ANY influence in what is taking place". I would guess that applies to your thoughts as well.
  39. NE 7x57


    It's depressing. If Putin is allowed to profit from this and rearm the west has signed up for a much larger conflict with Russia down the road. It's interesting to watch Poland, a country with much previous experience with Russia, arm themselves for what they see coming.
  40. NE 7x57


    Only an idiot would think that making it illegal for law abiding citizens to carry handguns would have anything at all to do with criminals carrying handguns. No doubt criminals in NM are putting their weapons away until this ruling expires.
  41. NE 7x57


    They won't have to steal the election if we run Trump as our nominee. He'll get his ass kicked all by himself.
  42. NE 7x57


    Sometimes Russia appears to not know what's going on. The commander on the front might report what's happening truthfully UNLESS it puts him in a bad light and as this information goes up the chain of command reality is continually diluted until at the very top what is reported has little to do...
  43. NE 7x57


    Had to look twice, I drive by that location daily.
  44. NE 7x57


    No need to apologize, when dealing with the Russian government it's always a possibility that they are lying because they usually lie, it's ingrained in their personalities. I'm pretty sure he's dead but there's a 5% chance of some Russian Game of Thrones stuff.
  45. NE 7x57

    Alec Baldwin Movie Set Accident

    Alex Baldwin is one of those entitled POS who are never responsible for the chaos they cause but always there to take credit when something goes right.
  46. NE 7x57


    Wheels, one thing you should keep in mind is that Twitter is international in scope and there's no way to tell how many of those viewers are from other countries checking out the US soap opera. :giggle: As for the interview, Trump actually came off as rational when compared to the host. o_O
  47. NE 7x57


    Very true. But scrolling on by is always an option too.
  48. NE 7x57


    Biden and NATO's support of Ukraine has been half assed at best. When it became obvious that the Ukrainians were going to fight and fight well they should have been supported with everything they needed to kick the Russian's out of the country as quickly as possible. There have been theories...
  49. NE 7x57


    Trump is a narcissist. He takes no responsibility for his actions when they lead to failure and he's convinced he's the smartest individual on the planet. His Presidency had some high points, his China policy, his supreme court picks, his efforts at cooling the North Koreans down and others. But...
  50. NE 7x57


    When will the conflict in Ukraine end? I don't think anyone has the answer to that. It's obvious now that the west could have upped their contribution of weapons and training much earlier and that might have made a difference. It's also obvious that Russia has some serious logistical and...