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  1. Red Leg


    Crimea has been a free fire zone for quite a while.
  2. Red Leg


    Not to mention what they have done to themselves. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Robert Conquest first reported that the Russians estimated that 14 million people went into the Gulag from 1929-53. Another 8 million were deported to remote areas of the Soviet Union. Depending upon...
  3. Red Leg


    Defeats Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05 Russo-Polish War of 1919-21 WWI 1914-1917 Winter War 1939-40 Afghanistan 1979-89 Victories WWII 1941-45 (with enormous help from the Western allies) The Continuation War 1941-44 (Though the Russians gave up on the idea of overrunning Finland and...
  4. Red Leg


    Well developed piece on Crimea's growing vulnerability by Tom Sharpe in the Telegraph. Hopefully not behind a paywall.
  5. Red Leg


    Thought about that, and I suspect she is one of the expats who have fled to Turkey or the Stans. If so, she won't be going home anytime soon.
  6. Red Leg

    Blue duiker and FMJ

    Center of mass with a solid will anchor any of the little guys. I have taken most of the tiny ten with 300 gr solids from a .375 with no issue of excess damage. I should note that included a Suni which is roughly equivalent to a blue. I took my blue with a 170 gr Oryx from my .275. He has a...
  7. Red Leg


    There have been quite a few of these sorts of posts popping up over the last few weeks. Not sure what to make of any of it yet, but when combined with the ever growing number of Russian combat suicides, one can't help but wonder if the whole rotten edifice may indeed be starting to crack. It...
  8. Red Leg


    The trial that could be a political problem is the tax case. If it stays as scheduled, and the defense is trying very hard to postpone it, a lot of collective Biden family financial laundry will be laid bare right before the election.
  9. Red Leg


    Drone warfare. Should you be remotely interested in the state of the art - at least before AI takes over - this is one of the most incredible, and to some extent, incredibly disturbing things I have ever watched. Think about it. This nerdish looking young fellow with his man bun is as lethal...
  10. Red Leg

    Wanted - Smaller Caliber Double Rifle - Side by Side

    Assuming quality barrel work, that could be a fabulous find. The gun "investors" will hate it because of its non-originality (I don't know about you, but I buy stocks as investments and use mad money for guns.) :cool: It also likely will seem relatively expensive for the "cheap shooter"...
  11. Red Leg


    Pretty good article offering insight into the loss of the SU-57 and the state of the Russian Air Force and its most advanced fighter program.
  12. Red Leg


    The latest update from Strieff over on RedState. Everything is going swimmingly for the Russians. A quote from the summary - and I should note that RedState is a hard right site. Biden is slowly making the US irrelevant to European security. We are on the edge of the "lead, follow, or get the...
  13. Red Leg

    The Draw of the Sporting Double Rifle

    My favorites are old and new - traditional and radical. My radical double is the most used. And why not? It shoots MOA from each barrel and 2.5 inch four shot LxR LxR groups at 100 yards - whether in .375 or 30-06 configuration. It has taken cape buffalo and a wide selection of plains game...
  14. Red Leg


    With a handful of Bagdad Bobs over on RT and the Tucker Carlson podcast.
  15. Red Leg


    The Russian Army experienced another day of carnage as they tried to renew attacks in several areas. However, the most embarrassing incident occurred nearly 700 Km from the front lines where two large UA drones successfully overflew one of the heaviest defended airfields in the country and at...
  16. Red Leg


    I truly believe it is impossible for him to seperate national interests from his personal grievances. For instance, I am absolutely convinced that his attitude toward Ukraine is based upon his personal animus towards Zelinsky who, surprise surprise, would not involve himself in domestic US...
  17. Red Leg


    I am confident that on this site Trump would win handily. You may even be right with respect who would do the least harm to our sport. However, I am far from a single issue voter, and hunting is fairly far down my list of national concerns.
  18. Red Leg


    Must have been an extraordinarily prescient bit of reporting. It was published in October of 2023. And Kelly a deep stater - whatever you think that is - the definition seems very flexible. That deep stater joined the Marine Corps as a rifleman in 1970. Mustered out in 1972 as a sergeant...
  19. Red Leg


    And John F. Kelly, former USMC Four-Star, is a man of unimpeachable character.
  20. Red Leg


    Explain how in my most recent post, or any others you care to look up, I, or for that matter any others who have expressed hesitancy about Trump, offered an "emotional" or enraged response. Indeed if you want to find emotion, vitriol, and name calling in this thread it has been the Trump...
  21. Red Leg


    He, through the Freedom Caucus, opposed aid to Ukraine for six-months. That really isn't subject to debate. Mike Johnson had to oppose him to finally get that aid through the caucus.
  22. Red Leg


    And that would seem totally irrelevant based upon his every action since.
  23. Red Leg


    I would assume I am one of those contributing to your dumbfoundedness. I voted for Trump twice. I held my nose both times, and the second time much harder than the first. I am not sure I can do it a third time. I believe the Biden administration is one of the worst in our nation's history...
  24. Red Leg


    Pretty amazing small unit combat footage and analysis from earlier this year. One of the UA squads was composed of foreign volunteers.
  25. Red Leg


    Interesting comment in the latest ISW summary. One can only wonder how long even Russia's totally cowed and apathetic population will tolerate this level of butchery. Putin inadvertently indicated on June 5 that Russian forces may be suffering roughly 20,000 monthly casualties in Ukraine...
  26. Red Leg


    While our "president" staggered off on the arm of Jill Biden, Zelensky and Macron spent meaningful time with the few living Normandy vets present at the Normandy remembrance. Something of a contrast.
  27. Red Leg


    Actually not a bad idea. The Russian military hasn't spent hardly anything on their nuclear deterrent maintenance for almost two decades (easy money to syphon off for new Yachts and dachas). That is not to say most of their stuff won't work, but a lot of their on paper capability is...
  28. Red Leg

    Show Us Your Highland Stalker

    Love them! OK Skipper, how are the inserts held in place? More importantly, how do I convince you to build me a set? I can do Paypal, check, bank transfer, shameless begging - whatever.
  29. Red Leg

    Practicing long crossers

    15-20 years ago, I regularly broke nineties, usually mid-nineties depending on the course, shooting British and Continental game guns. There was a group of us who shot courses in Virginia, W. Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania every weekend. Shooting required low gun and with those double...
  30. Red Leg

    Practicing long crossers

    The changes to sporting clays are one reason I have largely abandoned it - and I had my fill of American skeet decades ago. Dating to the last century, a live pigeon box bird match is still the finest shotgun game ever created. Sadly, competitively shooting feathered rats isn't legal...
  31. Red Leg

    80th anniversary of D Day....6th june 1944

    For those who don't like wandering through long tomes on the war (which likely includes 99% of Gen Z), the Mail has put together a pretty good little interactive timeline of the invasion...
  32. Red Leg

    Not-so-stinky Sunscreen

    From an odor perspective, It doesn't matter at all. If an animal catches your scent, it does not matter what aftershave, deodorant, cologne, or sunscreen you are wearing. I would suggest worrying about one that works.
  33. Red Leg

    Would you mount a Female Cape Buffalo?

    Oh, I don't know. I think in the right setting a buffalo pedestal can be quite impressive.
  34. Red Leg


    Not sure about a bedspread, but a blue wildebeest rug is something very special indeed.
  35. Red Leg

    Would you mount a Female Cape Buffalo?

    I would not invest in a pedestal mount for a cow buffalo.
  36. Red Leg


    You are the one who quoted him as a source.
  37. Red Leg


    Quite a few actually. For instance, my brother is one. He is a highly successful trial lawyer who contributes a lot to keeping your insurance rates somewhat affordable. We disagree on some policy issues, but I assure you he is rational and highly intelligent. In fact he reminds me of @Saul...
  38. Red Leg


  39. Red Leg


    And in thirty-years of military service I never saw the security clearance process abused for political purposes. All it would do is institute a tit for tat misuse of the security clearance system for political reasons whenever the party in power changed. I suspect bipartisan congressional...
  40. Red Leg


    No, it doesn't work quite that easily, and I am sure you understand that perfectly well. It is the structure that has to be addressed.
  41. Red Leg


    I am not sure pointing at an opinion piece and then demanding the refutation of "facts" is a good debating technique. ;) I hasten to add that I am something of a fan of Hugh Hewitt, and the contribution haul will be helpful for Trump's legal bills if nothing else. Whether it indicates some...
  42. Red Leg


    Setting aside the morality of the issue, the US does have a problem with its burgeoning bureaucracy. In many ways, it has become a de facto fourth branch of government. Nor is it simply the power that the bureaucrats can wield, but even relatively junior members can plague elected officials...
  43. Red Leg


    I am not sure to what marching drill our Russian blogger might be referring, but in a combat setting they are the most lethal airborne regular light infantry on the planet well led by an actual professional commissioned and noncommissioned officer corps.
  44. Red Leg


    From Zeihan's lips to God's ears.
  45. Red Leg


    Probably the best assessment of the historical place of the Trump trial to date. With respect to legal issues, Jonathan Turley is about as well informed as anyone in the country...
  46. Red Leg


    I think that is clearly going to be one of the grounds for appeal. Another is that the checks Trump signed and the invoices submitted occured after the 2016 election. :unsure: The absent witness, Allen Weisselberg, is a third. He is in state prison and was supposed to testify - but the...
  47. Red Leg


    That is not true. A single juror could have caused a mistrial. The 33% was only with respect to the nature of the underlying crime that was being concealed by the "illegal bookkeeping." Normally the jury must be unanimous with respect to all elements of the crime. In this case, the judge...
  48. Red Leg


    I simply reported the facts. Those are clearly inconvenient in your world view. Rather than dispute those facts, you resort to attempting to insult me. Your argument reads just like most of all your other posts on this topic - long on assumption and vitriol and devoid of evidence or reason...
  49. Red Leg


    That has been debunked. That represented boiler plate instructions concerning use of deadly force. In fact, the team made sure to arrive when the former president was not present.
  50. Red Leg


    Interesting and very thorough analysis of Russian losses to date. Begs several questions.