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  1. Hank2211

    Wire and Water Documentary

    375Fox, I agree with you - not the place to argue about fencing. I would add this, though. As Guav points out, most of the fencing is low fence, or cattle fence. The animals can escape if they want to. The fact that they may choose not to unless threatened strikes me as neither here nor...
  2. Hank2211

    Wire and Water Documentary

    A video has been posted on YouTube - "Wire and Water" by Blood Origins: The video describes the efforts by Guav and Courtney Johnson to rehabilitate an area of southwest Zimbabwe called (now) Wilberforce Ranch. This video was of particular interest to me since I'll be hunting leopard on this...
  3. African Wildcat Northwest Province South Africa

    African Wildcat Northwest Province South Africa

  4. Hank2211

    The Secret Seven

    African wildcat Northwest Province, South Africa. Does look a lot like a house cat . . . which didn't make me want to shoot it any less.
  5. Hank2211

    Ammo cannot be packed inside luggage?

    I think we all agree that North American airlines are not only fine with ammunition travelling in checked luggage, they actually prefer it, I think we also all agree that African airlines require that the ammunition be in a locaked checked bag of its own. If you are flying to Africa and...
  6. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    I mentioned something about a clip of the (second) gelada shot. I think I’ve figured out the problem I was having with YouTube, so here it is. A bit of lead-in for those who haven’t read the story. It helps to listen to the conversation in the clip, but without the background it won’t help...
  7. Hank2211

    Importation or Transiting Procedures Through Countries with Weapons & Ammunition

    F Strange. I’ve never been contacted about a permit which didn’t require a signature. But, as you say, this is government!
  8. Hank2211

    Importation or Transiting Procedures Through Countries with Weapons & Ammunition

    Mark, a signature is not an always required on the Canadian permit upon re-entry. It depends on the last page of the permit you get, and it seems to be random. I had to get a signature when I returned from Mozambique in September 2024, but not when I returned from Ethiopia in March 2024. The...
  9. Hank2211

    Importation or Transiting Procedures Through Countries with Weapons & Ammunition

    I - and I expect other Canadians - will be watching this with great interest now. I've always avoided transiting through the US because of this uncertainty. I once spoke to USCBP, and even they expressed some uncertainty about the procedure. Oddly, at least to me, I, as a non-resident alien...
  10. Hank2211

    Malaria Medication Next Week in Limpopo - Take or Not

    A question of risk and reward. If you don't take the medication, you might come downwiith malaria. Even if the risk is small, it is there and malaria is not something to mess around with. So what is the risk of taking the medication? Well, when they were handing our Lariam (in my early days...
  11. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    Thanks Arron. I did get the nyala last time I was there - a bit of a long story, again punctuated by some poor shooting (although I had scope issues there). I really am not such a bad shot . . .
  12. Hank2211

    Michael Sipple mauled by Cape buffalo prayer request

    Thnks for the update. It's often said that a PH is only as good as his trackers. Well done by Washington, who not only didn't run, but showed enough presence of mind to get the rifle and take the shots (without hitting the PH). Best wishes fora full recovery to Mike, and a serious "atta...
  13. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    I've posted many replies on threads regarding things like the legality of camo clothing, and other rules and regulations which sound odd to Western ears. My perspective is the same as yours: When you're in a foreign country, particularly an African country where rules can be arbitrary and if...
  14. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    For those who have hunted (or travelled) in the various parts of Africa, one of the unique features of travelling in Ethiopia is the presence and proliferation of governmental and non-governmental agencies at levels I’ve never seen elsewhere. USAID, the EU, the UN, all have major presences in...
  15. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    I never felt actually unsafe, but I did wonder from time to time, especially when in the desert, what I was doing there. If you look at a map, Ethiopia is bordered by Eritrea in the north (with which it is intermittently at war and currently has an active conflict); Somalia to the north, east...
  16. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    They do have a rifle available for rent - I believe it’s a .300 Weatherby, but they may have others. i think the binocular thing is a result of the recent “unrest.” The government must be afraid that the other side may end up with binos - though why is a mystery. It’s not like they’re hard to...
  17. Haile Selassie's Throne Ethiopia

    Haile Selassie's Throne Ethiopia

  18. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    Your outfitter has to file a permit application with the authorities in Ethiopia, and apparently it just takes time and paperwork. Not sure what would happen in the binoculars didn’t have a serial number. My outfitter arrived in Addis with his binos and a copy of his permit, but they wouldn’t...
  19. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    Last instalment - no hunting, but for those who might be interested in the mechanics of travel with firearms. And some post hunt thoughts. March 16 and Departure The next morning we set off for Addis at 8 am, arriving after a long, hot drive at about 5.30 pm. We checked into our hotel and it...
  20. Abyssinian Bushbuck Hunt Ethiopia

    Abyssinian Bushbuck Hunt Ethiopia

  21. Gelada Monkeys Hunt Ethiopia

    Gelada Monkeys Hunt Ethiopia

  22. Mantled Guereza Monkey Hunt Ethiopia

    Mantled Guereza Monkey Hunt Ethiopia

  23. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    March 11 We got up early to start our drive to the desert. While the camp is only 260 kms from Addis as the crow flies, by road it’s at least 10 hours, including a brief stop for lunch. And while temperatures in Addis and the highlands tend to the temperate at this time of year, as soon as...
  24. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    Up till now, the shooting has been pretty good - everything down quickly with one shot (even if not necessarily the right animal). But now . . . Instalment 3 March 8 This was leaving day - we were going back to Addis, so I had one last chance to get the colobus before departure around 10 am...
  25. Giant Forest Hog Hunt Ethiopia

    Giant Forest Hog Hunt Ethiopia

  26. Menelik's Bushbuck Hunt Ethiopia

    Menelik's Bushbuck Hunt Ethiopia

  27. Menelik's Bushbuck Hunt Ethiopia

    Menelik's Bushbuck Hunt Ethiopia

  28. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    Thanks. This is interesting. I note that none of the 'glamor" game is available to residents, which isn't surprising. Most of these are relatively scarce (the mountain nyala is listed as 'threatened') and ar what attract western hunters to Ethiopia in the first place.
  29. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    Instalment 2. There was a thread recently where people were a little annoyed that someone showed a poor shot, and I admitted that I'd made some poor shots in my time. Mistakes happen, and this instalment is evidence of that. We learn, and we commit to do better, but I believe we need to be...
  30. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    Hunter-Habib, I actually have no idea if the locals can hunt. I assume they could hunt if they went about it the way we do, but the cost would exceed the ability or willingness to pay of most local people (although there are some very wealthy Ethiopians). Many countries have lower cost...
  31. Hank2211

    ETHIOPIA: Northern Operations / Collect Africa / Dean Stobbs Safaris 2024

    My trip to Ethiopia was planned more than two years ago. I had originally planned to go in 2023, but my outfitter couldn’t guarantee the availability of a Menelik’s bushbuck. He believed we’d be ok, but rather than risk going to Ethiopia and not getting one of the two endemic bushbuck, I chose...
  32. Hank2211

    What is the purpose of carrying a knife out in a safari..

    I haven’t measured it exactly but a bit over 4” I’d say. And I have had a duiker cut in two by a shot . . . !
  33. Hank2211

    African Huntin Boots

    Trail-type or hiking sneakers have come a long way in the last decade. I've noticed that many PH's have moved away from more traditional types of hunting boots and moved towards more comfortable-out-of-the-box types of footwear for hunting. As have I, for a few reasons. First, as I said...
  34. Hank2211

    What is the purpose of carrying a knife out in a safari..

    I should have added two things: 1. The watermelon cost about 25 cents and was bought off a farmer in Ethiopia; and 2. The knife was made by a former member of this community . . . and the handle is New Zealand swamp kauri (which unfortunately you can't see).
  35. Hank2211

    What is the purpose of carrying a knife out in a safari..

    Another reason to carry a knife on safari. And it's better if the blade is damascus.
  36. Hank2211

    HUNTING Giraffe

    I’ve used a .300 Win Mag on the high neck shot with quite satisfactory results (“timberrrr . . .”). If the shot hits the neck bones, it’s dead on the spot. If you were using the .375 as backup, so much the better. i wouldn’t worry too much about it. And I look forward to the report.
  37. Hank2211

    20,000 Elephants To Germany!

    I like the idea of ‘sanctuary countries” for elephants and other mega-fauna. My guess is that the welcome wouldn’t last even as long as the welcome lasted in US sanctuary cities.
  38. Hank2211

    Giraffe question from newbie

    I’ve probably taken at least six giraffe. I enjoy the hunt - it’s not easy to sneak up on them and if badly hit, they can cover some distance. My first was taken with the heart lung shot, but ever since then, I’ve gone for the high neck shot. It really produces a very satisfactory result...
  39. Hank2211

    Shot Placement.... a bit far back

    If I could perhaps be allowed to differ a bit . . . Anyone who hunts enough will make a bad shot from time to time . . . and frankly, I don't believe anyone who says they've never made a bad shot. We practice, we try our best, but sometimes we fail. When we do that, and the animal is wounded...
  40. Hank2211

    CAMEROON: Another Great Hunt With Alan Vincent - Lord Derby Eland This Time

    Congratulations. One of the great trophies of Africa and not one of the easiest to get. Your PH was smart to advise you as he did, and you were smarter to take his advice! No all we need is a picture!
  41. Hank2211

    Zimbabwe Big Game Safari Rates Question

    I fear we're hijaking this thread . . . but I agree with Lon. I would also add that while Lon infers it, any dangerous game baited hunt requires an enormous amount of work by the PH and his (or her!) team and resources, far more than does a plains game hunt. There is also the supply and demand...
  42. Hank2211

    Zimbabwe Big Game Safari Rates Question

    Has anyone tried to enter the US with a firearm, let alone one with the serial number wrong? In Calgary, we pre-clear US customs at the airport here, and even with the proper ATF forms pre-approved, it can take up to an hour (though usually half that long) for US CBP to let you go with the...
  43. Hank2211

    LIBERIA: Liberia 2022 Hunt Report

    Agree completely. Even in more “mainstream” African hunting destinations you can find yourself in trouble for unknowingly violating local rules and regulations, or even just a local interpretation of what you thought you understood. While in Mozambique recently we found that one police officer...
  44. Hank2211

    LIBERIA: Liberia 2022 Hunt Report

    While we were in Liberia my hunting partner was told that an outfitter was looking to set up an exploratory hunt in Gabon, but there were no real details. If anyone knows anything, I’d be glad to hear it. I have some interest in camping out in an ‘untamed’ jungle to see what can be found...
  45. Hank2211

    LIBERIA: Liberia 2022 Hunt Report

    You’re welcome. But I would love to hear about hunting in Gabon . . . Didn’t know it was open, but thought they were trying to open it. I wouldn’t mind going somewhere untested . . . Provided I knew that in advance!
  46. Hank2211

    Beginning of the end for Selous?

    Without trying to start something, I note that without the Chinese, we hunters would have a problem. We’d all still be using bows and arrows (which I’m no good at), since the Chinese invented gunpowder . . . and, of course, the paper most things, including money, are printed on. I have no...
  47. Hank2211

    Dande vs. Bubye vs. Save: Where would you hunt buffalo?

    I hunted buffalo in Bubye, but can’t comment on Save or Dande. We saw plenty of buffalo in Bubye and as has been mentioned, it’s almost 1,500 square miles, so it’s more than a bit disingenuous to call it a ‘fenced area’ although that’s technically true. There were lots of buffalo but i was...
  48. Hank2211

    CAMEROON: Has Anyone Hunted With Mayo Oldiri Safaris?

    I’ve hunted with Mayo Oldiri in both the forest (bongo, sitatunga) and the savannah (LDE, etc.). Hunts were both successful and reports are somewhere in here. Both hunts were with Guav Johnson, who, I hate to say it (in case he reads this), I believe is one of the best PHs in Africa. I don’t...
  49. Hank2211

    Safari Season 2024 Has Started - Where We Going?

    Ethiopia in March for the two bushbuck there, hopefully an gerenuk (some license issues) and a giant forest hog! And whatever else I can get that I don’t already have . . .
  50. Hank2211

    Importation or Transiting Procedures Through Countries with Weapons & Ammunition

    I’ve done it once before, but that was some years ago. No problems then. I’m flying Ethiopian again to Addis on March 3, taking a firearm. Like you I’ve been told fill in a form and no worries. I can let you know once I’ve done it (again)!